Most members of the family Boidae possess infrared sensitive receptors in labial pit organs. Amazon tree boas have particularly large infrared pits, which allow them to sense heat well. An extensive study by Ebert et. al. (2006) examined the structure of these IR pits. They also have good eyesight that they use to hunt during the day. As are most snakes, Amazon tree boas are sensitive to vibrations and have good chemoreception, which is often used in communicating reproductive information.
Communication Channels: chemical
Perception Channels: visual ; infrared/heat ; acoustic ; vibrations ; chemical
Amazon tree boa populations are not considered to be at risk.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
Amazon tree boas are aggressive and will attack humans without warning, though only adults pose any serious danger to humans as this species is non-venomous.
Negative Impacts: injures humans (bites or stings)
Amazon tree boas are popular pets for snake hobbyists and are a fairly common export in the pet trade. About 3,000 of these snakes were exported live from Guiana in 2002, and 1,902 were exported from Suriname in the same year (CITES 2002).
Corallus cookii (also sometimes known as Corallus cookii) was once commonly traded. However, this type of tree boa is native to only one island (St. Vincent), which has stopped exporting herpetofauna for commercial purposes (Mendez 2001)
Positive Impacts: pet trade
Corallus cookii are important predators of vertebrates in their native ecosystems.
Amazon tree boas have been reported to eat: birds (including Chloroceryle inda, Coereba, Elaenia), bats (probably Phyllostomus bicolor, Myotis), frogs (Elachistocleis), rodents (Akodon, Mus, Rattus), lizards (Anolis, Basiliscus, Iguana), and marsupials (Marmosa). These observations suggest that Corallus cookii has a broad diet of mainly vertebrate prey.
Amazon tree boas hunt at night using their infrared sensitivity or during the day using vision. They are typically ambush hunters, sitting on a branch with the front part of their body hanging in an S-shaped curve from the branch. They can strike at prey that are a surprising distance from themselves. Prey are often pushed off the tree branch as they are struck, in which cases the snake will gather the body in several of its coils.
Animal Foods: birds; mammals; amphibians; reptiles
Primary Diet: carnivore (Eats terrestrial vertebrates)
There are two subspecies of Amazon tree boa. Corallus hortulanus hortulanus occurs in the Guianas, Amazonia, and south-eastern Brazil (to the Tropic of Capricorn). Corallus hortulanus cooki is found in southern Central America, northern Columbia, northern Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, and the southern Windward Islands (St. Vincent and the Grenada Bank).
Biogeographic Regions: neotropical (Native )
Amazon tree boas are found in a wide variety of habitats. They are common in arboreal regions with high humidity, especially Amazon rainforest. They can also be found in dry areas such as savannas or dry forests (Huang 2006).
Most Corallus cookii specimens studied are found 1 to 2 m or more above the ground in trees or other vegetation. They have also been observed active on the ground. Amazon tree boas are also relatively common along rivers (Martins & Oliveira 1999).
Range elevation: 0 to 900 m.
Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: forest ; rainforest ; scrub forest
Other Habitat Features: riparian
Wild records of longevity are not available in the literature. Average lifespans for Amazon tree boas in captivity are approximately 20 years.
Typical lifespan
Status: captivity: 20 (high) years.
Corallus cookii is well known for its highly variable color and patterns. They have small, claw-like remnants of vestigial hindlimbs in the cloacal region. Their base color varies from pale tan to black, with yellowish and reddish tinges. They are marked by a series of blotches or bands that are often broader in the middorsal area. The head has five dark stripes that extend from the eyes. The venter color is also variable, from cream to reddish brown, and either with or without darker markings. The eyes can be yellowish, grayish, or reddish, and they have a reflective membrane that results in eyeshine at night. The tongue is black. Males and females are similar in size and markings. They range from 525 to 1880 mm in length, usually from 1200 to 1500 mm (Martins & Oliveira 1999).
Range length: 525 to 1880 mm.
Average length: 1200-1500 mm.
Other Physical Features: heterothermic
Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike
It has been proposed that the color patterns of Amazon tree boas helps to camouflage them from predators during the day (Martins & Oliveira 1999).
Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic
There is little information on wild mating. In an attempt to at least provide some relevant information, captive breeding techniques from one thorough description are summarized below:
Beginning in early November, evening temperatures drop from the stable summer temperatures of 77 to 78 degrees F to a nightly low of about 70 to 72 degrees F by the first week of December. This change is as gradual as possible in captivity. At the same time, a daytime high of 83 to 85 degrees F is introduced. These temperature gradients are important in triggering mating behaviors. After approximately 2 months of exposure to these new temperatures, most males will begin to display courtship behavior. Frequently males will shed shortly before beginning courtship. The courtship behavior consists of "tail-writhing" around the enclosure. After this has begun, the male and female are introduced and the male's courtship behavior will induce ovulation in the female. Females are also more receptive to mates if they are introduced shortly after a shed. Around March to April, the pair will have begun actively copulating. The snakes will copulate multiple times during this period. In captivity it is possible to have one female mate with multiple males, though this is not recommended as the males will often become highly aggressive and fight each other. In some cases, high levels of male aggression have been noted resulting in a dangerous situation for the female.
In Amazon tree boas, ovulation occurs in the female several weeks after copulation. During gestation period, females seek areas in direct sunlight or other warm areas to bask. Amazon tree boas give birth to live young. The gestation period is 6 to 8 months. Newborns will shed their skin 8 to 14 days after birth. After about 3 years, Amazon tree boas will reach sexual maturity.
Breeding interval: Amazon Tree Boas breed once yearly.
Breeding season: Copulation occurs between March and May.
Range gestation period: 175 to 200 days.
Average gestation period: 225 days.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 3 years.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 3 years.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; sexual ; induced ovulation ; ovoviviparous
After the young are born they are immediately independent of their mother. Male Amazon tree boas do not contribute to the care of their young.
Parental Investment: no parental involvement; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female)
Corallus hortulana, commonly known as the Amazon tree boa, common tree boa,[3] garden tree boa,[4] and macabrel, is a boa species found in South America. No subspecies are currently recognized.[3] Like all boas, it is non-venomous.
Adults grow to an average of 5 and 6.5 feet (1.5–2 m) in length.[5] This species exhibits an immense variety of colors and patterns. The basic color can be anywhere from black, brown, or gray, to any shade of red, orange, yellow, or many colors in between. Some are totally patternless, while others may be speckled, banded, or saddled with rhomboid or chevron shapes. Some reds will have yellow patterns, some yellows red or orange patterns. Generally, there are two color 'phases' that are genetically inherited, but are not ontogenic as with the emerald tree boa (C. caninus) and the southern green tree python (Morelia viridis). The 'garden phase' refers to boas with drab coloration, mostly brown or olive, with varied patterning, while the 'colored phase' refers to animals with combinations of red, orange, and yellow coloring.
adult in Peru
The range of Corallus hortulana extends through the Amazon rainforest of South America, including Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana. [1]
Typically found below 300 m elevation. They can be found in a variety of habitats, but are strictly an arboreal species.[6]
While Amazon tree boas are encountered relatively frequently in the pet industry, they have a notoriously irritable temperament, do not hesitate to bite, and have very specific care requirements. As such, they are not recommended for inexperienced keepers.
Corallus hortulana, commonly known as the Amazon tree boa, common tree boa, garden tree boa, and macabrel, is a boa species found in South America. No subspecies are currently recognized. Like all boas, it is non-venomous.