Asker, Akershus, Norge
Jadranka Rota, Scott E. Miller
Figures 1–4.Niveas kone: 1 Habitus 2 Head. Niveas agassizi: 3 Habitus 4 Head. (In Figs 1 and 3 arrows point at the terminal black band enclosing white spots.)
Figures 1–4.Adults in dorsal and lateral view. 1–2. Anthophila threnodes; 3–4. Anthophila fabriciana (scale bar = 2 mm).
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Jadranka Rota, Scott E. Miller
Figures 5–9.Niveas kone: 5 Wing venation 7 Male genitalia 8 Female genitalia. Niveas agassizi: 6 Wing venation 9 Female genitalia. (In Figs 8 and 9 arrows point at the A7 sternite sclerotizations, and triangles point at the lateral sclerotizations on the ductus bursae.)
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Jadranka Rota, Scott E. Miller
Figures 1–4.Niveas kone: 1 Habitus 2 Head. Niveas agassizi: 3 Habitus 4 Head. (In Figs 1 and 3 arrows point at the terminal black band enclosing white spots.)
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Jadranka Rota, Scott E. Miller
Figures 5–9.Niveas kone: 5 Wing venation 7 Male genitalia 8 Female genitalia. Niveas agassizi: 6 Wing venation 9 Female genitalia. (In Figs 8 and 9 arrows point at the A7 sternite sclerotizations, and triangles point at the lateral sclerotizations on the ductus bursae.)
Jadranka Rota, Scott E. Miller
Figures 1–4.Niveas kone: 1 Habitus 2 Head. Niveas agassizi: 3 Habitus 4 Head. (In Figs 1 and 3 arrows point at the terminal black band enclosing white spots.)
Jadranka Rota, Scott E. Miller
Figures 5–9.Niveas kone: 5 Wing venation 7 Male genitalia 8 Female genitalia. Niveas agassizi: 6 Wing venation 9 Female genitalia. (In Figs 8 and 9 arrows point at the A7 sternite sclerotizations, and triangles point at the lateral sclerotizations on the ductus bursae.)
Jadranka Rota, Scott E. Miller
Figure 12.A photograph of the Niveas kone larvae made in the field.
Figures 9–10.Anthophila threnodes: male genitalia (9a), phallus (9b, c) (9a and 9b from slide Karsholt 5236, ZMUC; 9c from slide JR2013-04, ZMUC), female genitalia (10a), inset showing magnified corpus bursae (10b) (scale bar = 0.2 mm).
Figures 11–16.Anthophila threnodes: 11. Adult on its host plant; 12–13. Larval webbing tying young leaves; 14–15. Larva; 16. Pupa and an empty pupal shell in the inset.
Figures 17–18.Anthophila threnodes pupa (17) with the close-up of dorsal spines and lacunae (18).
Figures 1–4.Adults in dorsal and lateral view. 1–2. Anthophila threnodes; 3–4. Anthophila fabriciana (scale bar = 2 mm).
Figures 5–8.Adults in dorsal and lateral view. 5–6. Choreutis nemorana; 7–8. Tebenna micalis (scale bar = 2 mm).
Figures 19–20.Choreutis nemorana: larva under its webbing on the host plant Ficus carica (19) and larva exiting its web-shelter after being disturbed (20).
Figures 5–8.Adults in dorsal and lateral view. 5–6. Choreutis nemorana; 7–8. Tebenna micalis (scale bar = 2 mm).