Arrow-headed coral snake
Allen's coral snake
Coral Cabeza Flecha
M. alleni reaches a maximum size of 117 cm, averaging between 50 and 70 cm. The dorsal scales consist of black, red and yellow or white bands. The red dorsal scales have black tips that increase in intensity as the snake grows larger, reducing the red coloration. The black color on the snout extends back along the suture between the parietals. In some large individuals, the entire head is darkly colored, but the black snout pattern can still be discerned. The chin and neck are yellow or white, with the mental and first infralabials partly or entirely black (Roze, 1996).
There are 211 to 240 ventral scales and 32 to 60 subcaudal scales (Roze, 1996).
M. alleni feeds primarily on the swamp eel (Synbranchus marmoratus). They are also known to occasionally consume lizards. (Roze, 1996).
From Atlantic slopes of eastern Nicaragua, through Costa Rica to northwestern Panama; Pacific slopes of southeastern Costa Rica and southwestern Panama.
Tropical lowland rainforests and humid low montane forests from sea level to 1,400 m elevation (Roze, 1996).
Holotype: UMMZ 79794, according to Peters, 1952, Occas. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan (539:47. Given as UMMZ 307 in original description, this number probably refers to a field tag.
Type locality: Rio Mico, seven miles above Rama, Siquia district, Nicaragua.