M. Guadalupe del Río, Analía A. Lanteri
Figures 1–7.Photographs of Stenocyphus spp. 1–3 habitus dorsal view 4–6 habitus lateral view 7 head and rostrum dorsal view. 1, 4, 7 Stenocyphus bituberosus 2, 5 Stenocyphus sextuberosus 3, 6 Stenocyphus tuberculatus. Scales: 5 mm; rostrum and head 1 mm.
M. Guadalupe del Río, Analía A. Lanteri
Figures 23–26.Male genitalia, aedeagi. 23, 25 lateral view 24, 26 apex in ventral view. 23–24 Stenocyphus bituberosus 25–26 Stenocyphus sextuberosus. Scales: 1 mm.
M. Guadalupe del Río, Analía A. Lanteri
Figures 8–13.Antennae and ventrites of Stenocyphus spp. 8–10 left antenna 11–13 ventrites. 8, 11 Stenocyphus bituberosus 9, 12 Stenocyphus sextuberosus 10, 13 Stenocyphus tuberculatus. Scales: 1 mm.
M. Guadalupe del Río, Analía A. Lanteri
Figures 14–22.Female terminalia of Stenocyphus spp. 14–16 sternites VIII 17–19 ovipositors, ventral view 20–22 spermatheca with spermathecal duct and gland. 14, 17, 20 Stenocyphus bituberosus 15, 18, 21 Stenocyphus sextuberosus 16, 19, 22 Stenocyphus tuberculatus. Scales: 1 mm.
M. Guadalupe del Río, Analía A. Lanteri
Figures 1–7.Photographs of Stenocyphus spp. 1–3 habitus dorsal view 4–6 habitus lateral view 7 head and rostrum dorsal view. 1, 4, 7 Stenocyphus bituberosus 2, 5 Stenocyphus sextuberosus 3, 6 Stenocyphus tuberculatus. Scales: 5 mm; rostrum and head 1 mm.
M. Guadalupe del Río, Analía A. Lanteri
Figures 8–13.Antennae and ventrites of Stenocyphus spp. 8–10 left antenna 11–13 ventrites. 8, 11 Stenocyphus bituberosus 9, 12 Stenocyphus sextuberosus 10, 13 Stenocyphus tuberculatus. Scales: 1 mm.
M. Guadalupe del Río, Analía A. Lanteri
Figures 14–22.Female terminalia of Stenocyphus spp. 14–16 sternites VIII 17–19 ovipositors, ventral view 20–22 spermatheca with spermathecal duct and gland. 14, 17, 20 Stenocyphus bituberosus 15, 18, 21 Stenocyphus sextuberosus 16, 19, 22 Stenocyphus tuberculatus. Scales: 1 mm.
M. Guadalupe del Río, Analía A. Lanteri
Figures 23–26.Male genitalia, aedeagi. 23, 25 lateral view 24, 26 apex in ventral view. 23–24 Stenocyphus bituberosus 25–26 Stenocyphus sextuberosus. Scales: 1 mm.
M. Guadalupe del Río, Analía A. Lanteri
Figures 1–7.Photographs of Stenocyphus spp. 1–3 habitus dorsal view 4–6 habitus lateral view 7 head and rostrum dorsal view. 1, 4, 7 Stenocyphus bituberosus 2, 5 Stenocyphus sextuberosus 3, 6 Stenocyphus tuberculatus. Scales: 5 mm; rostrum and head 1 mm.
M. Guadalupe del Río, Analía A. Lanteri
Figures 8–13.Antennae and ventrites of Stenocyphus spp. 8–10 left antenna 11–13 ventrites. 8, 11 Stenocyphus bituberosus 9, 12 Stenocyphus sextuberosus 10, 13 Stenocyphus tuberculatus. Scales: 1 mm.
M. Guadalupe del Río, Analía A. Lanteri
Figures 14–22.Female terminalia of Stenocyphus spp. 14–16 sternites VIII 17–19 ovipositors, ventral view 20–22 spermatheca with spermathecal duct and gland. 14, 17, 20 Stenocyphus bituberosus 15, 18, 21 Stenocyphus sextuberosus 16, 19, 22 Stenocyphus tuberculatus. Scales: 1 mm.
M. Guadalupe del Río, Analía A. Lanteri
Figures 23–26.Male genitalia, aedeagi. 23, 25 lateral view 24, 26 apex in ventral view. 23–24 Stenocyphus bituberosus 25–26 Stenocyphus sextuberosus. Scales: 1 mm.
M. Guadalupe del Río, Analía A. Lanteri
Figures 1–7.Photographs of Stenocyphus spp. 1–3 habitus dorsal view 4–6 habitus lateral view 7 head and rostrum dorsal view. 1, 4, 7 Stenocyphus bituberosus 2, 5 Stenocyphus sextuberosus 3, 6 Stenocyphus tuberculatus. Scales: 5 mm; rostrum and head 1 mm.
M. Guadalupe del Río, Analía A. Lanteri
Figures 8–13.Antennae and ventrites of Stenocyphus spp. 8–10 left antenna 11–13 ventrites. 8, 11 Stenocyphus bituberosus 9, 12 Stenocyphus sextuberosus 10, 13 Stenocyphus tuberculatus. Scales: 1 mm.
M. Guadalupe del Río, Analía A. Lanteri
Figures 14–22.Female terminalia of Stenocyphus spp. 14–16 sternites VIII 17–19 ovipositors, ventral view 20–22 spermatheca with spermathecal duct and gland. 14, 17, 20 Stenocyphus bituberosus 15, 18, 21 Stenocyphus sextuberosus 16, 19, 22 Stenocyphus tuberculatus. Scales: 1 mm.