
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Enlinia tibialis

MALE.—Length 1.0 mm; wing 1.0 mm by 0.4 mm. Front slightly over twice as wide as high, dulled with brown pollen; face narrowed below, eyes essentially contiguous in lower half, anterior facets enlarged. Palpus and proboscis dark. Antenna black, segment 3 blunt, arista half again as long as face.

Mesoscutum metallic dark green with slight pollen, pleura more brown; setae dark with pale reflections; 6 pairs of small acrostichals; 6 or 7 pairs of dorsocentrals, hind pair rather long; scutellum hind margin broadly and evenly rounded, bristles as near sides as middle.

Legs brown with trochanters and basal 2 segments of foretarsus rather pale; setae mostly dark. Forecoxa with numerous dark hairs anteriorly; forefemur (Figure 93) with a long erect slender seta ventrally at base, 7 or 8 rather erect setae as long as width of tibia along ventral surface; middle femur (Figure 94) with a very slender rather erect seta anteroventrally near base; hind femur (Figure 92) with about 8 stiff erect setae along posteroventral surface; foretibia (Figure 93) apparently without any long ventral seta at tip; middle tibia (Figure 94) with a small but rather distinct posterodorsal near basal third, a number of stiff short erect setae ventrally at tip; hind tibia (Figure 91) with a series of usually 5 strong anterodorsals, 2 or 3 somewhat smaller posterodorsals. Foretarsus (Figure 93) with segments 1 and 2 rather compressed, 3rd flattened and ending in sharp point anteriorly, with distinct black seta posteriorly, segment 4 and especially 5 slightly flattened, lengths of segments from base as 10-4-5-7-8; middle tarsus as 12-7-5-4-6; hind tarsus as 11-12-8-6-7.

Wing (Figure 96) rather broadly elliptical with prominently rounded anal margin, clear to brownish tinged; vein 2 evenly arched, curved slightly forward at tip; vein 3 ending slightly before wing tip; crossvein two-thirds to three-fourths as long as last of vein 5. Knob of halter black.

Abdomen (Figure 95) about as long as thorax, cylindrical, brownish with black pollen above; sternites without auxiliary genitalia. Hypopygium small, capping tip of preabdomen, brown; lamellae grayish brown, very narrowly long-triangular, ending in 2 or 3 long black setae nearly as long as the lamellae, slender setae of decreasing length born toward base along outer margin, erect pale hairs along inner margin; inner appendages pale brown, curved with blunt tips.

FEMALE.—Not seen.

TYPE-DATA.—Holotype ♂ from Mexico: Chiapas, about 10 km south of Pichucalco, on wet ledges by road, 24 May 1963, H. Robinson (USNM 70301). Paratypes: same data as holotype, 3 ♂.
bibliographic citation
Robinson, Harold E. 1969. "A monographic study of the Mexican species of Enlinia (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-62. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.25