


provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

“Genus Myrioglobula, new genus

Type Myrioglobula antarctica, new species

The body is short, linear, tumid, truncate at either end; it consists of a short, globular prostomium without appendages; one anterior setig­erous segment has only notopodia; all other segments have biramous parapodia. The body terminates in a pair of broad, short flaps which may be turned forward. Neurosetae are long shafted, distally bifid, with the two teeth at right angles to the shaft. Notosetae are of two kinds, smooth, slender, capillary and spinous, slender, capillary.

Myrioglobula differs from Myriochele Malmgren in having one an­terior segment with pointed setae only; the body is thick instead of slender; the posterior end terminates in a pair of flanges.”

(Hartman, 1967)