All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
base of roadcut, steeply terraced middle-canyon walls of volcanic rhyolitic tuff
on grassy, occasionally mowed, highway right of way in calcareous gravelly silts. Plants apparently rhizomatous. Sepals SYN: Telosiphonia m., Macrosiphonia m.
Juan Francisco Morales.
Rama y flores de Mandevilla hirsuta.Fotografía: Francisco Morales .
Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad - INBio, Costa Rica.
Corola de Mandevilla hirsuta, mostrando el interior del tubo y las anteras aglutinadas.Fotografía: Francisco Morales.
base of roadcut, steeply terraced middle-canyon walls of volcanic rhyolitic tuff
on grassy, occasionally mowed, highway right of way in calcareous gravelly silts. Plants apparently rhizomatus. SYN: Telosiphonia m., Macrosiphonia m.
base of roadcut, steeply terraced middle-canyon walls of volcanic rhyolitic tuff
on grassy, occasionally mowed, highway right of way in calcareous gravelly silts. Plants apparently rhizomatus. SYN: Telosiphonia m., Macrosiphonia m.
on grassy, occasionally mowed, highway right of way in calcareous gravelly silts. Plants apparently rhizomatus. SYN: Telosiphonia m., Macrosiphonia m.
on grassy, occasionally mowed, highway right of way in calcareous gravelly silts. Plants apparently rhizomatus. Note revolute leaf margins. SYN: Telosiphonia m., Macrosiphonia m.
on grassy, occasionally mowed, highway right of way in calcareous gravelly silts. Plants apparently rhizomatus. Note revolute leaf margins. SYN: Telosiphonia m., Macrosiphonia m.
on grassy, occasionally mowed, highway right of way in calcareous gravelly silts. Plants apparently rhizomatus. SYN: Telosiphonia m., Macrosiphonia m.
on grassy, occasionally mowed, highway right of way in calcareous gravelly silts. Plants apparently rhizomatus. SYN: Telosiphonia m., Macrosiphonia m.