Cucullanus is a genus of parasitic nematodes.[1][2] The genus includes more than 100 species.[1][3][4][5][6][7]
Among the species, Cucullanus cirratus is a parasite of cod.[8] Cucullanus genypteri is a parasite of the pink cusk-eel, Genypterus blacodes.[9]
Two species known as C. pybusae and C. stelmoides were discovered in 1978 inhabiting the liver and intestines of the American brook lamprey.[10]
Cucullanus is a genus of parasitic nematodes. The genus includes more than 100 species.
Among the species, Cucullanus cirratus is a parasite of cod. Cucullanus genypteri is a parasite of the pink cusk-eel, Genypterus blacodes.
Two species known as C. pybusae and C. stelmoides were discovered in 1978 inhabiting the liver and intestines of the American brook lamprey.