
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Chaetocanace brincki Delfinado

Chaetocanace brincki Delfinado, 1975:221.—Delfinado and Wirth, 1977:391 [Oriental catalog].

PRIMARY TYPE MATERIAL.—Holotype male. SRI LANKA. Northern Province: Mannar (16 km E), Nay Aru at Pallamadu [ZIL].

ZOOGEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION.—Australia (Queensland), Sri Lanka (Northern Province).

Dynomiella Soika, 1956:130 [type-species: Dynomiella arenicola Soika = Canace stuckenbergi Wirth, 1956, by original designation of monotypy].

Canace [in part].—Wirth, 1956b:48–51 [revision, key]; 1960:390 [synonymy of Dynomiella with Canace].—Cogan, 1980:694 [Afrotropical catalog].

DESCRIPTIVE DIAGNOSIS.—Resembling Canacea Cresson but differing from it and other genera by the following combination of characters.

Head (Figures 23–27): Mesofrons similar to parafrons in vestiture, but densely tomentose, appearing dull, frequently with coloration difference, usually mesofrons darker, brown, with 3–5 large, proclinate setae along lateral margins, midportion bare of setae (Figure 25); postocellar bristles subequal to ocellar bristles and with similar orientation (Figure 25); 4 large, lateroclinate, fronto-orbital bristles; arista short, generally lacking setulae, apical one-third to one-half bare, stylelike (Figure 26); anaclinate genal bristles 2 (Figures 23, 24); anteroclinate genal bristles 1 (Figures 23, 24).

Thorax (Figures 28–31): Dorsocentral bristles 4 (1+3), all subequal in size; acrostichal setae conspicuous, arranged in 4 irregular rows anteriorly, becoming more regular posteriorly, midrows with setulae slightly larger and with large pair of prescutellar setae; lateral scutellar bristles 2 pairs and with several setae dorsally (Figure 29); supra-alar bristle 1, anterior bristle usually lacking; 2 notopleural bristles (Figure 28); color of pleural setulae variable but usually pale, bristles black; propleuron bare of setulae; 1–2 large, mesopleural bristles; sternopleural bristle lacking (Figure 30); forefemur armature variable, some species with row of stout, spinelike setae anteroventrally; hind tibia lacking apical seta anteroventrally (Figure 31); apical section of vein M straight.

Abdomen: Female genital lamellae variable, either only moderately broad basally, short, and with lamellar processes over three-fourths total length, each process gradually tapered to apex; or lamellae very broad basally, subtriangular, long, over one-third total length, with each lamellar process narrow, parallel sided; in both cases apex of each lamellar process bearing 1 large, stout, moderately acutely to acutely pointed bristle; surstylus with slight, anteriorly curved process, slightly hooklike.

ZOOGEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION.—Old World. Afrotropical (Namibia, South Africa).
bibliographic citation
Mathis, Wayne Neilsen. 1982. "Studies of Canacidae (Diptera), I: Suprageneric Revision of the Family, with Revisions of New tribe Dynomiellini and New Genus Isocanace." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-21. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.347