"The true Corallana agrees with Tachaea, Alcirona, and Lanocira, in not having the point of the mandible very strongly produced, in having the apex of the second maxillae simple, and in having the antepenultimate joint of the maxillipeds not longer than broad." (Stebbing, 1904)
"In 1895 Dr H. J. Hansen reduced these two families to the rank of subfamilies. Whatever the systematic dignity allowed them, they must, I think, be united. Were the Alcironidae independent that group would more properly take its name from Tachaea of Schiodte and Meinert, that genus being older than Alcirona and Lanocira, both instituted by Hansen in 1890 to be its companions. At the same date that author beautifully illustrated and described with his accustomed clearness seven species from western waters, which he assigned to Dana's genus Corallana. Miss Harriet Richardson in 1901 added to this set an eighth species from Florida. Hansen had further noted eleven species earlier than his own as with more or less probability belonging to the same genus or at least to the same family. One of them, however, is Corallana hirticauda, the single species on which Dana founded his genus. Although the description does not satisfy all modern requirements it enables the species when obtained to be recognized, and the conclusion cannot be escaped that its generic character is distinct from that of the species assigned to Corallana by Hansen and Richardson. These, accordingly, I have referred to a separate genus Excorallana, distinguished by the great length of the apical tooth of the mandibles, the bifid termination of the second maxillae, and the elongate antepenultimate joint of the maxillipeds. The true Corallana agrees with Tachaea, Alcirona, and Lanocira, in not having the point of the mandible very strongly produced, in having the apex of the second maxillae simple, and in having the antepenultimate joint of the maxillipeds not longer than broad. Hansen's definition of the Alcironidae appears very well to suit the Corallanidae, taken to include the above-named four genera, but excluding Excorallana, which will become the representative of a family Excorallanidae......Hansen's definition of the Alcironidae appears very well to suit the Corallanidae, taken to include the above-named four genera, but excluding Excorallana, which will become the representative of a family Excorallanidae." (Stebbing,1904)
Corallanidae is a family of crustaceans belonging to the order Isopoda.[1]
Corallanidae is a family of crustaceans belonging to the order Isopoda.
Alcirona Hansen, 1890 Argathona Stebbing, 1905 Corallana Dana, 1853 Corilana Kossman, 1880 Excorallana Stebbing, 1904 Lanocira Hansen, 1890 Tachaea Schioedte & Meinert, 1879