
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Isocanace albiceps (Malloch)

Canace albiceps Malloch, 1925:87.—Wirth, 1951:262 [review].

DIAGNOSIS.—Specimens of I. albiceps are similar to those of the briani group but are separable from them by the characters of the species group, with the addition of the following: branching rays of arista longer, some nearly double basal aristal width; mesopleural bristles pale, mostly yellowish; surstylus comparatively wide in lateral view, narrowing subapically, but apex widening again, slightly bulbous, with median projecting process, posterior margin curved, anterior margin more or less straight.

DESCRIPTION.—A small to moderately small beach fly species, length 1.57 to 2.27 mm.

Head (Figures 50–54): Two to 3 large setae along lateral margin of mesofrons, inclinate and slightly proclinate, inserted on anterior two-thirds of mesofrons (Figure 52); mesofrons tomentose, dull, quite distinct from parafrons, brown; midportion of mesofrons lacking setulae (Figure 52); postocellar setae small, length about one-half ocellar bristles, proclinate and slightly divergent (Figure 52); parafrons mostly grayish black, appearing dull and membranous; arista plumose, longer branching rays nearly twice basal aristal width (Figure 50); anaclinate genal bristles 2 (Figures 50, 51).

Thorax (Figures 55–57): Acrostichal setulae in 2 rows, sparse, approximately 5–6 per row, posterior pair distinctly larger; scutellum with 2 pairs of lateral scutellar bristles (Figure 56); anterior notopleural bristle present, subequal to posterior bristle (Figure 55); propleuron bare of setulae; mesopleural bristle present but pale; sternopleural bristle lacking; hind tibia lacking apical anteroventral bristle (Figure 57).

Abdomen (Figures 58, 59): Male terminalia as in Figures 58, 59 and as described in diagnosis.

PRIMARY TYPE MATERIAL.—Holotype female is from Sydney (Australia, New South Wales) and was collected 10 Sep 1921. The holotype is deposited in the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, University of Sydney. I have not examined the holotype, and the information cited is taken from the original description (Malloch, 1925) and Lee et al. (1956).

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—AUSTRALIA. New South Wales: Careel Bay, 28 Aug–23 Oct 1956, W. W. Wirth (30, 42; USNM). Queensland: Deception Bay, 23 May 1966, Z. Liepa (1 ANIC).

ZOOGEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION.—Eastern Australia (New South Wales and Queensland).

DISTRIBUTION.—Old World, Afrotropical (Madagascar), Australian (Australia), Oriental (China, Malaya, Philippines, Thailand).
bibliographic citation
Mathis, Wayne Neilsen. 1982. "Studies of Canacidae (Diptera), I: Suprageneric Revision of the Family, with Revisions of New tribe Dynomiellini and New Genus Isocanace." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-21. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.347