
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Placopsidella liparoides de Meijere

Placopsidella liparoides de Meijere, 1916:61.

Placopsidella cynocephala sensu Cresson [in part (misidentification)], 1925:230 [synonymy of P. liparoides]; 1945:55 [review, as a synonym of P. cynocephala].

DIAGNOSTIC DESCRIPTION.—Medium-sized shore flies, length 3.45–3.85 mm.

Head (Figures 23, 24): Facial carina vertical, about twice as high as wide, dorsal with transverse rugae, widely rounded ventrally; shiny area of medial carina extended obliquely ventrad from dorsum of facial carina becoming gradually attenuated, not continued much below ½ distance between carina and oral margin; microtomentum of face golden to brownish. Antenna almost entirely yellowish orange. Eye-to-cheek ratio 0.43.

Thorax (Figure 25): Apical scutellar bristles apparently not arising from tubercles, or these much reduced and not evident; scutellar bristles along posterolateral margin 5–6 in addition to apical pair. Scutellar ratio 0.78. Costal vein ratio 0.46; M vein ratio 0.78.

Abdomen: Velvety-appearing microtomentose area of fifth tergum as 2 reniform-shaped spots with entire median margins approximate, thus the 2 forming an oval spot. Male terminalia (Figures 26, 27) as follows: epandrium-surstylus juncture indicated by a distinct suture; epandrium, in lateral view, with dorsal portion gradually becoming wider to level of attachment with hypandrium, thereafter abruptly narrowed anteriorly to form a uniformly rounded ventral portion that is about as long as wide; surstylus with basal margins, in lateral view, parallel sided, apicoventral ½ narrowed gradually to a rounded apex and with a small, median ridge; surstylus, in posterior view, angulate, especially the subrectangular ventral ½; cerci slightly more than ½ combined length of epandrial-surstylar length; gonite very irregularly clavate, apical ½ angulate, apex with truncate, triangular gonal process longer than basal width; aedeagal apodeme more or less like a parallelogram; hypandrium with median process pointed apically, apicoventral surface irregularly dentate, rough; aedeagus, in lateral view.

TYPE MATERIAL.—The lectotype female, herein designated, is labeled “Edw. Jacobson [Indonesia. Simeulue:] Sinabang. Sima nr. Sum[atra]. II [Feb] 1913 [black submargin]/[a yellow rectangular label with “16 66” on the underside]/Placopsidella liparoides det. de Meijere. Type. [species epithet and “Type.” handwritten; black submargin]/Lectotype [red]/Lectotype Placopsidella liparoides de Mei det. B.H. Cogan 1971. [except for “det. B.H. Cogan 197” handwritten].” The lectotype is double mounted (minute nadel in polyporus block), is in good condition, and is in the Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Amsterdam. Two other syntype females, one with label data similar to those of the lectotype, the other from Pulu Babi, are here designated paralectotypes.

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—BELAU. Palau Islands: Ngaiang Atoll, 9 May 1957, C.W. Sabrosky (1; USNM); Ngurukdabel Island, Ngaremediu, 24 Apr 1957, C.W. Sabrosky (1; USNM).

DISTRIBUTION (Figure 28).—Indonesia (Simeulue) and Belau (Palau Islands).
bibliographic citation
Mathis, Wayne Neilsen. 1986. "Studies of Psilopinae (Diptera: Ephydridae), I: A Revision of the Shore Fly Genus Placopsidella Kertacsz." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-30. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.430