Gloxinia is a genus containing three species of tropical rhizomatous herbs in the flowering plant family Gesneriaceae.[1] The species are primarily found in the Andes of South America, but Gloxinia perennis is also found in Central America and the West Indies, where it has probably escaped from cultivation.
Gloxinia perennis is the original (type) species of the genus, and for much of its history the genus consisted of only G. perennis and a very small number of other species. The classification of Gloxinia later changed reflect the 1976 classification of Hans Wiehler, who took a broader view of the genus.[2] A recent analysis of Gloxinia and related genera based on molecular and morphological work has determined that Wiehler's circumscription of the genus was unnatural, both phylogenetically and morphologically.[3] The analyses demonstrated that the genera Anodiscus and Koellikeria, each with a single species, were more closely related to Gloxinia perennis than were any of the other species included in Gloxinia by Wiehler, several of which proved to be more closely related to other genera (particularly Diastema, Monopyle, and Phinaea). As a result of this work, most former Gloxinia species have been transferred to other genera while Koellikeria erinoides and Anodiscus xanthophyllus have been transferred into a much more narrowly defined Gloxinia consisting of only three species, all of them characterized by having a raceme-like flowering stem.
Former Gloxinia species have been transferred to a large number of other genera, including the existing genera Monopyle and Sinningia, the resurrected genera Mandirola and Seemannia, and the new genera Gloxinella, Gloxiniopsis, Nomopyle, and Sphaerorrhiza.
Gloxinia perennis forms fertile hybrids with species of Seemannia, which was the primary reason for uniting the two genera in the past.
Sinningia speciosa, a popular houseplant, was originally described and introduced into cultivation as Gloxinia speciosa and is still sometimes referred to as "gloxinia" or "florist's gloxinia", although this name is now inaccurate and technically incorrect.[4] Similarly, "hardy gloxinia" is Incarvillea delavayi, a member of the Bignoniaceae.[5]
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: CS1 maint: url-status (link) Gloxinia is a genus containing three species of tropical rhizomatous herbs in the flowering plant family Gesneriaceae. The species are primarily found in the Andes of South America, but Gloxinia perennis is also found in Central America and the West Indies, where it has probably escaped from cultivation.
Gloxinia perennis is the original (type) species of the genus, and for much of its history the genus consisted of only G. perennis and a very small number of other species. The classification of Gloxinia later changed reflect the 1976 classification of Hans Wiehler, who took a broader view of the genus. A recent analysis of Gloxinia and related genera based on molecular and morphological work has determined that Wiehler's circumscription of the genus was unnatural, both phylogenetically and morphologically. The analyses demonstrated that the genera Anodiscus and Koellikeria, each with a single species, were more closely related to Gloxinia perennis than were any of the other species included in Gloxinia by Wiehler, several of which proved to be more closely related to other genera (particularly Diastema, Monopyle, and Phinaea). As a result of this work, most former Gloxinia species have been transferred to other genera while Koellikeria erinoides and Anodiscus xanthophyllus have been transferred into a much more narrowly defined Gloxinia consisting of only three species, all of them characterized by having a raceme-like flowering stem.
Former Gloxinia species have been transferred to a large number of other genera, including the existing genera Monopyle and Sinningia, the resurrected genera Mandirola and Seemannia, and the new genera Gloxinella, Gloxiniopsis, Nomopyle, and Sphaerorrhiza.
Gloxinia perennis forms fertile hybrids with species of Seemannia, which was the primary reason for uniting the two genera in the past.
Sinningia speciosa, a popular houseplant, was originally described and introduced into cultivation as Gloxinia speciosa and is still sometimes referred to as "gloxinia" or "florist's gloxinia", although this name is now inaccurate and technically incorrect. Similarly, "hardy gloxinia" is Incarvillea delavayi, a member of the Bignoniaceae.
Gloxinia es un género con tres especies de plantas herbáceas perteneciente a la familia Gesneriaceae.[1] Es originario de América.
Son pequeñas plantas herbáceas, perennes, con rizomas escamosos (ausente en G. xanthophylla) . Tallo erecto. Las hojas son opuestas , rara vez ternadas , con 5-9 (-12 ) pares de venas. Tallo y hojas pubecentes. Tienen flores solitarias , que salen de las axilas de las brácteas opuestas o alternas , formando conjuntamente una inflorescencia terminal en forma de racimo. Sépalos libres. Corola tubular a campanulada en términos generales , de color blanco , rosa , púrpura o café. El fruto es una cápsula ovoide a elíptica seca, dehiscente con numerosas semillas.
Se distribuyen por América del Sur, principalmente en los Andes (pero G. perennis es ampliamente cultivada y se ha naturalizado fuera de ellos), G. erinoides se extiende a Centroamérica (Costa Rica). Crecen en pequeñas o grandes colonias en las rocas , a orillas de ríos o en lugares húmedos sombreados en el bosque; las plantas están en reposo durante el invierno, cuando quedan reducidas a los rizomas subterráneos.
El género fue nombrado en honor de Benjamin Peter Gloxin (1765-1795) , médico y botánico de Alsacia.
La clasificación de Wiehler (1976) (basada principalmente en el número de cromosomas y los experimentos de hibridación) resultó poco natural. La evidencia molecular que ha sido presentada, indica que Gloxinia debe limitarse a tres especies: G. perennis, G. erinoides (anteriormente ubicado en el género monotípico Koellikeria), Y G. xanthophylla (anteriormente ubicado en el género monotípico Anodiscus) (Roalson et al. 2005a , b, Boggan 2006). Un rasgo característico de las tres especies es la inflorescencia, que es terminal, abierta en racimo, otra cosa rara (Smithiantha). G. perennis y G. erinoides tienen flores fragantes. La G. perennis atrae a las abejas macho euglossinas al ser productoras de perfumes (segregados por osmoforos) en lugar de néctar. Fue una de las primeras plantas (y el primer miembro de Gesneriaceae ) en la que se observó que la polinización era efectuada por las abejas machos euglossinas en la recogida del perfume. (Vogel 1966).
Gloxinia es un género con tres especies de plantas herbáceas perteneciente a la familia Gesneriaceae. Es originario de América.
Tulikit (Gloxinia) on kasvisuku, joka kuuluu gesneriakasvien (Gesneriaceae) heimoon. Siihen sisältyy muun muassa huonekasvina kasvatettu tulikki (Gloxinia sylvatica tai Seemannia sylvatica).[1] Sukua ei pidä nimensä perusteella sekoittaa lähisukuisiin gloksinioihin (Sinningia).
Tulikit (Gloxinia) on kasvisuku, joka kuuluu gesneriakasvien (Gesneriaceae) heimoon. Siihen sisältyy muun muassa huonekasvina kasvatettu tulikki (Gloxinia sylvatica tai Seemannia sylvatica). Sukua ei pidä nimensä perusteella sekoittaa lähisukuisiin gloksinioihin (Sinningia).
Gloxinia est un genre de la famille des Gesneriaceae.
Aon bhall de ghné Bhrasaíleach plandaí le bláthanna móra feiceálacha tonnadóirchruthacha a mbíonn raon dathanna orthu. Gaolmhar leis an tsailchuach Afracach, agus an-choitianta mar phlanda tí.
Gloxínia é um género botânico pertencente à família Gesneriaceae. Primeiro foi encontrado nos Andes da América do Sul. Também é encontrado na America Central e parte da Ásia.[1] Entre as cores de seus variados tipos encontramos tons laranjas, rosas, vermelhos, roxos e algumas compostas, como púrpura ou vinho com branco nas bordas das pétalas. Devido sua beleza extremamente marcante, as Gloxínias tem como significado o amor à primeira vista, e, quando utilizada como presente, pode expressar a intenção de namoro ou casamento.
Eucolum, Fiebrigia, Fritschiantha, Mandirola, Salisia, Seemannia.
Composto por 75 espécies :
Gloxinia antirrhina Gloxinia arborea Gloxinia attenuata Gloxinia bicolor Gloxinia burchellii Gloxinia calycina Gloxinia caulescens Gloxinia digitaliflora Gloxinia discolor Gloxinia dodsonii Gloxinia dubia Gloxinia fimbriata Gloxinia floribunda Gloxinia formosa Gloxinia fruticosa Gloxinia glabrata Gloxinia gloxiniflora Gloxinia gracilis Gloxinia guttata Gloxinia gymnostoma Gloxinia helleri Gloxinia heterophylla Gloxinia hirsuta Gloxinia hypocyrtiflora Gloxinia ichthyostoma Gloxinia immaculata Gloxinia lindeniana Gloxinia lindleyi Gloxinia macrophylla Gloxinia maculata Gloxinia menxiesiana Gloxinia merkii Gloxinia micrantha Gloxinia mielliezii Gloxinia multiflora Gloxinia nematanthodes Gloxinia nematanthoides Gloxinia pallidiflora Gloxinia passinghamii Gloxinia perennis Gloxinia picta Gloxinia planalta Gloxinia punctata Gloxinia purpurascens Gloxinia racemosa Gloxinia reflexa Gloxinia rubra Gloxinia rupestris Gloxinia sarmentiana Gloxinia schottii Gloxinia sinningiaeflora Gloxinia speciosa Gloxinia stolonifera Gloxinia suaveolens Gloxinia superba Gloxinia sylvatica Gloxinia tigridia Gloxinia trichantha Gloxinia trichotoma Gloxinia tubiflora Gloxinia tydaeoides Gloxinia variabilis Gloxinia velutina Gloxinia verticillata Gloxinia villosa Gloxinia youngeana Gloxinia Hybriden
Gloxinia L'Hér.
Gloxínia é um género botânico pertencente à família Gesneriaceae. Primeiro foi encontrado nos Andes da América do Sul. Também é encontrado na America Central e parte da Ásia. Entre as cores de seus variados tipos encontramos tons laranjas, rosas, vermelhos, roxos e algumas compostas, como púrpura ou vinho com branco nas bordas das pétalas. Devido sua beleza extremamente marcante, as Gloxínias tem como significado o amor à primeira vista, e, quando utilizada como presente, pode expressar a intenção de namoro ou casamento.
Gloxinia L'Hér., 1785
Типовой видГлоксиния (лат. Gloxinia) — род растений семейства Геснериевые (Gesneriaceae)[4]. Назван в честь немецкого[5] или эльзасского[6] ботаника и врача Беньямина Петера Глоксина (1765—1794)[5][6].
Виды рода Глоксиния — это тропические[5] многолетние травы и полукустарники[7][8].
Как правило, растения клубневые[8]. Корневища чешуйчатые[6].
Стебель прямостоячий[6]. Листья у растений супротивные, редко тройчатые[6]. Стебель и листья почти голые или волосистые[6].
Цветки у растений одиночные, выходящие из пазух[6], яркие[8], крупные, бархатистые, колоколообразные[5]. Венчик трубчатый, бывает белого, розового, фиолетового или коричневатого цвета[6]. Тычинок 4, нектарник кольцевой или отсутствует[6]. Семена многочисленные, мелкие[6].
Представители рода Глоксиния распространены в Америке (от Мексики до Бразилии)[7][8].
В Южной Америке встречаются в первую очередь в Андах[6].
Виды рода Глоксиния — это наземные растения, произрастающие в малых или больших колониях на скалах, на берегах рек, или в тенистых сырых местах в лесу[6]. В зимний период растения находятся в состоянии покоя[6].
По информации базы данных The Plant List (2013), род включает 4 вида [9]:
Растения рода Глоксиния выращиваются как комнатные. Иногда они выращиваются в оранжереях[7][8]. Вид Gloxinia perennis широко культивируется и натурализован за пределами Анд[6].
Глоксиния (лат. Gloxinia) — род растений семейства Геснериевые (Gesneriaceae). Назван в честь немецкого или эльзасского ботаника и врача Беньямина Петера Глоксина (1765—1794).
大岩桐属(学名:Gloxinia),又名红鸟苣苔属[1],是苦苣苔科下的一个属,只有三個品種,均為開花植物。三個品種有兩個生長於南美洲安第斯山脈,但Gloxinia perennis亦有在中美洲及加勒比地区發現。
Gloxinia perennis是本屬的模式種,亦是本屬最原始的品種。本屬原來有約20個品種,這是基於Hans Wiehler在1976年的分類而劃分[2]。不過,近年對分子生物學及相關領域對本屬及其相關屬的分析,發現Wiehler當年的分類太廣泛,把很多不相關的品種亦包括進來,因而把這些品種重新分類。
大岩桐属(学名:Gloxinia),又名红鸟苣苔属,是苦苣苔科下的一个属,只有三個品種,均為開花植物。三個品種有兩個生長於南美洲安第斯山脈,但Gloxinia perennis亦有在中美洲及加勒比地区發現。
Gloxinia perennis是本屬的模式種,亦是本屬最原始的品種。本屬原來有約20個品種,這是基於Hans Wiehler在1976年的分類而劃分。不過,近年對分子生物學及相關領域對本屬及其相關屬的分析,發現Wiehler當年的分類太廣泛,把很多不相關的品種亦包括進來,因而把這些品種重新分類。