“Genus Simrothiella Pilsbry, 1898
Simrothiella Pilsbry, 1898. Manual of Conchology, 17: 296.
Synonyms Solenopus Sars, 1869 (part).
TYPE SPECIES: Solenopus margaritaceus Koren and Danielssen, 1877.
Thick cuticle with epidermal papillae. With hollow acicular sclerites in various layers. Mouth within common atrio-buccal cavity. Radula plates with lateral reinforcement (buttress) and heterogeneous denticulation with elongate lateral denticle; with paired anterio-ventral radula sack. Lateroventral foregut glandular organs bulbous with elongate epithelial glands interspersed by low supporting cells (modified type C). Midgut with moderate constrictions. Secondary genital opening unpaired. With copulatory stylets. With dorsoterminal sense organ. With respiratory organs.”
(García-Álvarez & Salvini-Plawen, 2007: 124)
Simrothiella is a genus of solenogasters, shell-less, worm-like, marine mollusks.[1] [2]
Simrothiella is a genus of solenogasters, shell-less, worm-like, marine mollusks.