All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
roadside swale with white limestone gravels at crest of low hillside slope above south edge of large arroyo in Heath Canyon. Area under invasion by (Pennisetum ciliare)
Beautiful flowering shrubs on an open, exposed, gravelly undulating plain. Volcanic substrate. Chihuahuan endemic, widespread landscape use in western states.
A scattered population of canescent shrubs with larger than normal flowers ranging from shades of white to pink and lavender on open rocky exposures of friable Cretaceous calcareous shale and sandy limestone. Photo accented by early morning light.
Beautiful flowering shrubs on an open, exposed, gravelly undulating plain. Volcanic substrate. Chihuahuan endemic, widespread landscape use in western states.
A scattered population of canescent shrubs with rather larger than normal flowers ranging from shades of white to pink and lavender on open rocky exposures of friable Cretaceous calcareous shale and sandy limestone. Photo accented by early morning light.
Beautiful flowering shrubs on an open, exposed, gravelly undulating plain. Volcanic substrate. Chihuahuan endemic, widespread landscape use in western states. Actual gray-green leaves obscured by dense ashy colored pubescence of short branching hairs, hence the Spanish name Ceniza (Cenizo).
A scattered population of canescent shrubs with rather larger than normal flowers ranging from shades of white to pink and lavender on open rocky exposures of friable Cretaceous calcareous shale and sandy limestone. Photo accented by early morning light.
Beautiful flowering shrubs on an open, exposed, gravelly undulating plain. Volcanic substrate. Chihuahuan endemic, widespread landscape use in western states. Dense, short ashy-white pubescence covers otherwise gray-green leaves
A scattered population of canescent shrubs with rather larger than normal flowers ranging from shades of white to pink and lavender on open rocky exposures of friable Cretaceous calcareous shale and sandy limestone. Photo accented by early morning light.
Beautiful flowering shrubs on an open, exposed, gravelly undulating plain. Volcanic substrate. Chihuahuan endemic, widespread landscape use in western states. Inviting bee pollinated plant.
A scattered population of canescent shrubs with rather larger than normal flowers ranging from shades of white to pink and lavender on open rocky exposures of friable Cretaceous calcareous shale and sandy limestone. Photo accented by early morning light.
Beautiful flowering shrubs on an open, exposed, gravelly undulating plain. Volcanic substrate. Chihuahuan endemic, widespread landscape use in western states.
A scattered population of canescent shrubs with rather larger than normal flowers ranging from shades of white to pink and lavender on open rocky exposures of friable Cretaceous calcareous shale and sandy limestone. Photo accented by early morning light.
Beautiful flowering shrubs on an open, exposed, gravelly undulating plain with ocotillo, creosote and mesquite. Volcanic substrate. Chihuahuan endemic, widespread landscape use in western states.
A scattered population of canescent shrubs with rather larger than normal flowers ranging from shades of white to pink and lavender on open rocky exposures of friable Cretaceous calcareous shale and sandy limestone. Photo accented by early morning light.
Beautiful flowering shrubs on an open, exposed, gravelly undulating plain. Volcanic substrate. Chihuahuan endemic, widespread landscape use in western states. View of branching habit.
Habitat view on coarse gravelly calcareous silts of alluvial bluff above Rio Grande River with Yucca constricta, Heliotropium confertifolium, Vachellia rigidula, Karwinskia humboldtiana, Aloysia macrostachya, Calliandra conferta, Forestieria angustifolia, Schaefferia cuneifolia, Ephedra antisyphilitica, Sida tragiaefolia, Lippia graveolens, Guaiacum angustifolium, Jatropha dioica, Krameria ramosissima.
scattered population of twiggy canescent shrubs displaying larger than normal flowers, pale to deeper blue-lavender in color as well as shades of white and pink, on open rocky exposures of platy, calcareous Cretaceous limestone.
in calcareous soil and gravel along edge of arroyo drainage at base of low limestone hillside, with Yucca filifera, Dasylirion cedrosanum
A scattered population of canescent shrubs with larger than normal flowers ranging from shades of white to pink and lavender on open rocky exposures of friable Cretaceous calcareous shale and sandy limestone. Photo accented by early morning light.
scattered population of twiggy canescent shrubs displaying larger than normal flowers, pale to deeper blue-lavender in color as well as shades of white and pink, on open rocky exposures of platy, calcareous Cretaceous limestone.
in calcareous soil and gravel along edge of arroyo drainage at base of low limestone hillside, with Yucca filifera, Dasylirion cedrosanum
scattered population of twiggy canescent shrubs displaying larger than normal flowers, pale to deeper blue-lavender in color as well as shades of white and pink, on open rocky exposures of platy, calcareous Cretaceous limestone.