Brevoortia tyrannus. Adult, 12 Inches Long
Skipjack (Pomolobus chrysachloris).
Alausa platycephalus.
Brevoortia aurcus (Agassiz).
Herring and other fish at Killisnoo Reduction Works.
Common Shad. Alosa sapidissima (Wilson); male
Brevoortia tyrannus. Young, 8 inches Long
Skipjack (Pomolobus chrysochloris Rafinesque).
Brevoortia dorsalis.
Common Shad. Alosa sapidissima (Wilson); Female
Brevoortia tyrannus. subsp. aurea
Alabama Shad. Alosa alabamae Jordan; Evermann; female
Brevoortia Tyrannus Patronus (Goode). Gulf Menhaden
Herring : Clupea harengus.
Shad (Alosa sapidissima).
Brevoortia Tyrannus (Latrobe). Menhaden
Alabama Shad. Alosa alabamae Jordan; Evermann; male
Herring. Harongus; Clupea Harengus
Shad (Alosa sapidissima Wilson).
Brevoortia tyrannus (Latrobe).
Ohio Shad. Alosa ohiensis Evermann. Female
Herring and their spawn. Note that the eggs were deposited on branches that had fallen into the water.
Shad (Male). Clupea sapidissima, Wilson