Fig 1: Leegaardiella ovalis Line drawings of protargol stained cells, showing kineties, oral structures and nucleus
Fig 2: Leegaardiella ovalis Lugol?s fixed cell, showing the clear area (corresponds to oral cavity), the somatic kinety, and the EPZ: Aboral view
Fig 3: Leegaardiella ovalis Lugol?s fixed cell, showing the clear area (corresponds to oral cavity), the somatic kinety, and the EPZ: Lateral view
Fig 4: Leegaardiella ovalis Lugol?s fixed cell, showing the clear area (corresponds to oral cavity), the somatic kinety, and the EPZ: Lateral view, cell slightly deformed
Fig 8: Leegaardiella ovalis Detail of the oral ciliature, showing the inner and outer segments of the EPks and their different ciliation