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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Basidiomycete Fungi
Cellular Organisms
Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Basidiomycete Fungi
Rusts (Fungi)
Puccinia vagans (DC.) Arthur 1934
have host
show all
geographic distribution
have host
number of records in gbif
trophic guild
have host
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium rigidum Hausskn. (stiff willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium hirsutum L. (Great Willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum subsp. parviflorum Lewis & Szweykowski (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium minutum Lindl. (chaparral willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium rigidum Hausskn. (stiff willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium ciliatum subsp. ciliatum (fringed willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium rigidum Hausskn. (stiff willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum subsp. parviflorum Lewis & Szweykowski (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum racemosum Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray (Black-Foot Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium ciliatum subsp. ciliatum (fringed willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium minutum Lindl. (chaparral willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium coloratum Muhl. ex Wild. (purpleleaf willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium minutum Lindl. (chaparral willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium coloratum Muhl. ex Wild. (purpleleaf willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & Gray (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium ciliatum subsp. watsonii (Barbey) Hoch & Raven (fringed willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium ciliatum subsp. ciliatum (fringed willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & Gray (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & Gray (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum subsp. parviflorum Lewis & Szweykowski (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum subsp. parviflorum Lewis & Szweykowski (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium rigidum Hausskn. (stiff willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium ciliatum subsp. ciliatum (fringed willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum racemosum Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray (Black-Foot Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum subsp. parviflorum Lewis & Szweykowski (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & Gray (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum subsp. parviflorum Lewis & Szweykowski (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium minutum Lindl. (chaparral willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium minutum Lindl. (chaparral willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum subsp. parviflorum Lewis & Szweykowski (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium minutum Lindl. (chaparral willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum racemosum Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray (Black-Foot Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum subsp. parviflorum Lewis & Szweykowski (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum racemosum Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray (Black-Foot Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum heterozygum H. Lewis & Szweyk. (zigzag groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & Gray (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oenothera biennis L. (common evening primrose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & Gray (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oenothera laciniata Hill (Ragged evening primrose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Clarkia amoena (Lehm.) A. Nels. & J. F. Macbr. (farewell to spring)
Global Biotic Interactions
Clarkia epilobioides (Nutt.) A. Nels. & J. F. Macbr. (canyon clarkia)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium coloratum Muhl. ex Wild. (purpleleaf willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium ciliatum subsp. ciliatum (fringed willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum heterozygum H. Lewis & Szweyk. (zigzag groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium minutum Lindl. (chaparral willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum racemosum Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray (Black-Foot Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium ciliatum subsp. ciliatum (fringed willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oenothera biennis L. (common evening primrose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Clarkia epilobioides (Nutt.) A. Nels. & J. F. Macbr. (canyon clarkia)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Clarkia amoena (Lehm.) A. Nels. & J. F. Macbr. (farewell to spring)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oenothera biennis L. (common evening primrose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum racemosum Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray (Black-Foot Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium minutum Lindl. (chaparral willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum subsp. parviflorum Lewis & Szweykowski (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum subsp. parviflorum Lewis & Szweykowski (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oenothera biennis L. (common evening primrose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oenothera fruticosa L. (Shrubby sundrops)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & Gray (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oenothera biennis L. (common evening primrose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium minutum Lindl. (chaparral willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium minutum Lindl. (chaparral willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium hirsutum L. (Great Willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Clarkia rhomboidea Dougl. (diamond clarkia)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & Gray (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oenothera biennis L. (common evening primrose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Ludwigia anastomosans (DC.) Hara
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum racemosum Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray (Black-Foot Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium hirsutum L. (Great Willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oenothera biennis L. (common evening primrose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum racemosum Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray (Black-Foot Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum racemosum Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray (Black-Foot Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oenothera biennis L. (common evening primrose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum subsp. parviflorum Lewis & Szweykowski (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum racemosum Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray (Black-Foot Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & Gray (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium ciliatum subsp. ciliatum (fringed willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum racemosum Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray (Black-Foot Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & Gray (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium canum subsp. garrettii (A. Nels.) P. H. Raven (Garrett's firechalice)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium ciliatum subsp. ciliatum (fringed willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & Gray (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum subsp. parviflorum Lewis & Szweykowski (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium coloratum Muhl. ex Wild. (purpleleaf willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum racemosum Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray (Black-Foot Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Clarkia amoena (Lehm.) A. Nels. & J. F. Macbr. (farewell to spring)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium ciliatum subsp. glandulosum (Lehm.) P. C. Hoch & P. H. Raven (fringed willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium coloratum Muhl. ex Wild. (purpleleaf willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum racemosum Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray (Black-Foot Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & Gray (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Clarkia rhomboidea Dougl. (diamond clarkia)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & Gray (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & Gray (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium hornemannii Rchb. (Hornemann's Willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oenothera biennis L. (common evening primrose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium latifolium L. (dwarf fireweed)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium ciliatum subsp. ciliatum (fringed willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Clarkia epilobioides (Nutt.) A. Nels. & J. F. Macbr. (canyon clarkia)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum heterozygum H. Lewis & Szweyk. (zigzag groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & Gray (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & Gray (spreading groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray (pinyon groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium lamyi F. W. Schultz
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium densiflorum (Lindl.) P. C. Hoch & P. H. Raven (Dense-Flower Willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium brachycarpum Presl (tall annual willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum humile Juss. (Dwarf Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oenothera biennis L. (common evening primrose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Epilobium anagallidifolium Lam. (pimpernel willowherb)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum racemosum Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray (Black-Foot Groundsmoke)
Global Biotic Interactions
Gayophytum racemosum Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray (Black-Foot Groundsmoke)