
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Bullaria fuscella (Arth. & Johnston) Arthur & Mains
Puccinia fuscella Arth. & Johnston, Mem. Torrey Club 17: 157. 1918.
Pycnia unknown
Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered, roundish, punctiform, minute, 0.1-0.2 mm. across, early naked, pulverulent, light cinnamon-brown, ruptured epidermis noticeable; urediniospores broadly ellipsoid or obovoid, 23-29 by 26-32 fi; wall light cinnamon-brown, moderately thick, 2-3 m, echinulate, the pores indistinct, probably 4-6, scattered.
III. Telia hypophyllous, scattered or crowded in groups of two or three sori, irregularly roundish, small, 0.2-0.3 mm. across, rather early naked, dark chestnut-brown, ruptured epidermis inconspicuous; paraphyses peripheral, hyphoid, colorless, thinwalled, short and inconspicuous; teliospores oblong, 21-27 by 40-48 n, slightly constricted at septum, rounded or obtuse at both ends; wall cinnamon-brown, 1.5-2 /z, thicker above, 5-9 /x, including a semi-hyaline umbo, minutely verrucose above appearing smooth; pedicel colorless, fragile, two thirds length of spore or less.
On Carduaceae:
Vernonia menthaefolia (Poepp.) Less., Cuba. Type locality: Baracoa, Cuba, on Vernonia menthaefolia. Distribution: Known only from the type locality.
bibliographic citation
Joseph Charles Arthur, Edwin Butter worth Mains, Guy Richard Bisby, Herbert Spencer Jackson. 1922. (UREDINALES); AECIDIACEAE (continuatio); BULLARIA, TELEUTOSPORA, MICROPUCCINIA (pars). North American flora. vol 7(7). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora