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names in breadcrumbs
Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Basidiomycete Fungi
Cellular Organisms
Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Basidiomycete Fungi
Mushroom Forming Fungi
Gilled Fungi
Inocybe guttulifer Kühner 1988
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Inocybe guttulifer Kühner 1988
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Inocybe guttulifer
Species recognized by
France Species List
Inocybe guttulifer
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Inocybe guttulifer
Kühner 1988
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Inocybe guttulifer Kühner
Species recognized by
GBIF data coverage
Inocybe guttulifer Kühner 1988
Species recognized by
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Alternative Names
Inocybe guttulifer f. guttulifer Kühner 1988
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Inocybe guttulifer f. inamoena Kühner 1988
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
fm. guttulifer Kühner 1988
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Inocybe guttulifer
Kühner 1988
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Inocybe guttulifer f. guttulifer Kühner 1988
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Inocybe guttulifer f. inamoena Kühner 1988
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Inocybe guttulifer Kühner 1988
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Inocybe guttulifer Kühner 1988
(this page)
Inocybe abundans Murrill 1911
Inocybe acaciae Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe acutata Tak. Kobay. & Nagas. 1993
Inocybe acutoides Kokkonen & Vauras 2013
Inocybe agglutinata Peck 1888
Inocybe albopruinata Herp. 1912
Inocybe amoenolens Kühner 1988
Inocybe areolatodiffracta E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe atrorubripes Matheny, Bougher & Ryberg 2017
Inocybe aureocitrina Esteve-Rav. 2014
Inocybe aureoglabra E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe bakeri Peck 1909
Inocybe bufonia Kokkonen & Vauras 2013
Inocybe cacaocolor Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe caulis-aurorae E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe chondroderma Stuntz ex Matheny, Norvell & Giles 2013
Inocybe clavata Takah. Kobay. 2002
Inocybe coelestium Kuyper 1985
Inocybe confusa P. Karst. 1888
Inocybe corydalina Quél. 1875
Inocybe crassicystidiata Pegler 1983
Inocybe desquamans Peck 1906
Inocybe destruens E. Horak 1978
Inocybe dewrangia Grgur. 1997
Inocybe ellipsoidispora E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe elliptica Takah. Kobay. 2002
Inocybe erinaceomorpha Stangl & J. Veselský 1979
Inocybe fallax Peck 1904
Inocybe fissurata Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe gigantea Bon 1996
Inocybe gintliana Velen. 1920
Inocybe glabripes Ricken 1915
Inocybe gracilenta E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe griseolilacina J. E. Lange 1917
Inocybe hinnulea Kühner 1988
Inocybe involuta Kuyper 1989
Inocybe irregularinodulosa Takah. Kobay. 2002
Inocybe keralensis K. P. D. Latha & Manim. 2016
Inocybe lagenicystidiata E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe lateraria Rick 1920
Inocybe lutea Kobayasi & Hongo 1952
Inocybe macrosperma Hongo 1959
Inocybe margaritispora (Berk.) Sacc. 1887
Inocybe multifolia Braaten, M. G. Wood & Matheny 2013
Inocybe murrayana Cleland 1933
Inocybe mutata (Peck) Massee 1904
Inocybe mytiliodora Stangl & Vauras 1988
Inocybe nitidiuscula (Britzelm.) Lapl. 1894
Inocybe nobilissima Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe nodulosa Kauffman 1924
Inocybe obsoleta (Quadr. & Lunghini) Valade 2014
Inocybe olida Maire 1933
Inocybe olivaceohinnulea Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe ovoidea Takah. Kobay. 2003
Inocybe pallidotomentosa E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe papillata (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe pedunculata Velen. 1920
Inocybe pelargoniodora Kühner 1988
Inocybe persicinipes Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe polycystidiata Kobayasi 1952
Inocybe prominens Kauffman 1924
Inocybe proximella P. Karst. 1882
Inocybe pruinosa R. Heim 1931
Inocybe pseudodulcamara E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe pseudohiulca Kühner 1933
Inocybe pseudoreducta Stangl & Glowinski 1981
Inocybe pseudoumbrinella E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe rekhankitha K. P. D. Latha & Manim. 2017
Inocybe relicina (Fr.) Quél. 1888
Inocybe renispora E. Horak 1978
Inocybe rubroindica Banning & Peck 1891
Inocybe rufobrunnea J. Favre 1955
Inocybe saponacea Kuyper 1986
Inocybe serotina Peck 1904
Inocybe serratoides Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe sphaerospora Kobayasi 1952
Inocybe squamulosa Kobayasi 1952
Inocybe squarrosoamethystina Singer 1938
Inocybe striatula (Cleland) Grgur. 1997
Inocybe stuntzii Grund 1975
Inocybe subcarpta Kühner & Boursier 1932
Inocybe submuricellata G. F. Atk. 1918
Inocybe subprominens Murrill 1941
Inocybe subtrivialis Esteve-Rav., M. Villarreal & Heykoop 1997
Inocybe sulfovirescens Poirier 2002
Inocybe tiliae Franchi, M. Marchetti & Papetti 2016
Inocybe tomentipes Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe trachysperma Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe transiens Takah. Kobay. 2002
Inocybe tricolor Kühner 1955
Inocybe tropicalis Guzmán 1982
Inocybe turfosa Velen. 1939
Inocybe umbratica Quél. 1884
Inocybe umbrinodisca Kühner 1988
Inocybe velenovskyi Boursier & Kühner 1928
Inocybe velifera (Kühner) Bon 1997
Inocybe violaceifolia Peck 1888
Inocybe violeipes E. Horak 1979
Inocybe viridipes Matheny, Bougher & G. M. Gates 2017
Inocybe vulpinella Bruyl. 1970
950 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Inocybe guttulifer Kühner 1988
(this page)
Inocybe abundans Murrill 1911
Inocybe acaciae Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe acutata Tak. Kobay. & Nagas. 1993
Inocybe acutoides Kokkonen & Vauras 2013
Inocybe agglutinata Peck 1888
Inocybe albopruinata Herp. 1912
Inocybe amoenolens Kühner 1988
Inocybe areolatodiffracta E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe assimilata Britzelm. 1881
Inocybe atrorubripes Matheny, Bougher & Ryberg 2017
Inocybe aureoglabra E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe auritelloides Matheny, Bougher & G. M. Gates 2017
Inocybe bakeri Peck 1909
Inocybe bufonia Kokkonen & Vauras 2013
Inocybe cacaocolor Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe caulis-aurorae E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe chondroderma Stuntz ex Matheny, Norvell & Giles 2013
Inocybe cinnamomicolor Reumaux 2001
Inocybe clavata Takah. Kobay. 2002
Inocybe coelestium Kuyper 1985
Inocybe confusa P. Karst. 1888
Inocybe corydalina Quél. 1875
Inocybe crassicystidiata Pegler 1983
Inocybe desquamans Peck 1906
Inocybe destruens E. Horak 1978
Inocybe dewrangia Grgur. 1997
Inocybe ellipsoidispora E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe elliptica Takah. Kobay. 2002
Inocybe erinaceomorpha Stangl & J. Veselský 1979
Inocybe exigens Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe fallax Peck 1904
Inocybe felipponei (Speg.) Singer 1951
Inocybe gigantea Bon 1996
Inocybe gintliana Velen. 1920
Inocybe glabripes Ricken 1915
Inocybe gracilenta E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe griseolilacina J. E. Lange 1917
Inocybe halophila R. Heim 1931
Inocybe hypervelata Bizio & Cervini 2005
Inocybe involuta Kuyper 1989
Inocybe irregularinodulosa Takah. Kobay. 2002
Inocybe lasseri Dennis 1953
Inocybe lateraria Rick 1920
Inocybe lutea Kobayasi & Hongo 1952
Inocybe margaritispora (Berk.) Sacc. 1887
Inocybe melampyri Velen. 1947
Inocybe minuta P. Karst. 1906
Inocybe mixtilis (Britzelm.) Sacc. 1887
Inocybe multifolia Braaten, M. G. Wood & Matheny 2013
Inocybe murrayana Cleland 1933
Inocybe mytiliodora Stangl & Vauras 1988
Inocybe nitidiuscula (Britzelm.) Lapl. 1894
Inocybe nobilissima Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe nodulosa Kauffman 1924
Inocybe olida Maire 1933
Inocybe olivaceohinnulea Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe ovoidea Takah. Kobay. 2003
Inocybe papillata (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe pedemontana Alessio 1980
Inocybe pedunculata Velen. 1920
Inocybe persicinipes Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe polycystidiata Kobayasi 1952
Inocybe prominens Kauffman 1924
Inocybe proximella P. Karst. 1882
Inocybe pruinosa R. Heim 1931
Inocybe pseudohiulca Kühner 1933
Inocybe pseudoreducta Stangl & Glowinski 1981
Inocybe queletii Konrad 1929
Inocybe rekhankitha K. P. D. Latha & Manim. 2017
Inocybe relicina (Fr.) Quél. 1888
Inocybe romana Lonati 1985
Inocybe rubroindica Banning & Peck 1891
Inocybe rufobrunnea J. Favre 1955
Inocybe saponacea Kuyper 1986
Inocybe serotina Peck 1904
Inocybe serratoides Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe spadicea Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe sphaerospora Kobayasi 1952
Inocybe squamulosa Kobayasi 1952
Inocybe squarrosoamethystina Singer 1938
Inocybe striatula (Cleland) Grgur. 1997
Inocybe stuntzii Grund 1975
Inocybe subalbidodisca Stangl & J. Veselský 1975
Inocybe subcarpta Kühner & Boursier 1932
Inocybe submuricellata G. F. Atk. 1918
Inocybe subprominens Murrill 1941
Inocybe subtrivialis Esteve-Rav., M. Villarreal & Heykoop 1997
Inocybe sulfovirescens Poirier 2002
Inocybe tiliae Franchi, M. Marchetti & Papetti 2016
Inocybe tomentipes Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe trachysperma Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe tricolor Kühner 1955
Inocybe turfosa Velen. 1939
Inocybe umbratica Quél. 1884
Inocybe umbrinodisca Kühner 1988
Inocybe velenovskyi Boursier & Kühner 1928
Inocybe violaceifolia Peck 1888
Inocybe violeipes E. Horak 1979
Inocybe volvata D. E. Stuntz 1947
Inocybe vulpinella Bruyl. 1970
804 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Inocybe guttulifer Kühner 1988
(this page)
Inocybe abundans Murrill 1911
Inocybe acaciae Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe acutata Tak. Kobay. & Nagas. 1993
Inocybe acutoides Kokkonen & Vauras 2013
Inocybe agglutinata Peck 1888
Inocybe albopruinata Herp. 1912
Inocybe amoenolens Kühner 1988
Inocybe areolatodiffracta E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe atrorubripes Matheny, Bougher & Ryberg 2017
Inocybe aureocitrina Esteve-Rav. 2014
Inocybe aureoglabra E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe bakeri Peck 1909
Inocybe bufonia Kokkonen & Vauras 2013
Inocybe cacaocolor Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe caulis-aurorae E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe chondroderma Stuntz ex Matheny, Norvell & Giles 2013
Inocybe clavata Takah. Kobay. 2002
Inocybe coelestium Kuyper 1985
Inocybe confusa P. Karst. 1888
Inocybe corydalina Quél. 1875
Inocybe crassicystidiata Pegler 1983
Inocybe desquamans Peck 1906
Inocybe destruens E. Horak 1978
Inocybe dewrangia Grgur. 1997
Inocybe ellipsoidispora E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe elliptica Takah. Kobay. 2002
Inocybe erinaceomorpha Stangl & J. Veselský 1979
Inocybe fallax Peck 1904
Inocybe fissurata Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe gigantea Bon 1996
Inocybe gintliana Velen. 1920
Inocybe glabripes Ricken 1915
Inocybe gracilenta E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe griseolilacina J. E. Lange 1917
Inocybe hinnulea Kühner 1988
Inocybe involuta Kuyper 1989
Inocybe irregularinodulosa Takah. Kobay. 2002
Inocybe keralensis K. P. D. Latha & Manim. 2016
Inocybe lagenicystidiata E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe lateraria Rick 1920
Inocybe lutea Kobayasi & Hongo 1952
Inocybe macrosperma Hongo 1959
Inocybe margaritispora (Berk.) Sacc. 1887
Inocybe multifolia Braaten, M. G. Wood & Matheny 2013
Inocybe murrayana Cleland 1933
Inocybe mutata (Peck) Massee 1904
Inocybe mytiliodora Stangl & Vauras 1988
Inocybe nitidiuscula (Britzelm.) Lapl. 1894
Inocybe nobilissima Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe nodulosa Kauffman 1924
Inocybe obsoleta (Quadr. & Lunghini) Valade 2014
Inocybe olida Maire 1933
Inocybe olivaceohinnulea Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe ovoidea Takah. Kobay. 2003
Inocybe pallidotomentosa E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe papillata (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe pedunculata Velen. 1920
Inocybe pelargoniodora Kühner 1988
Inocybe persicinipes Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe polycystidiata Kobayasi 1952
Inocybe prominens Kauffman 1924
Inocybe proximella P. Karst. 1882
Inocybe pruinosa R. Heim 1931
Inocybe pseudodulcamara E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe pseudohiulca Kühner 1933
Inocybe pseudoreducta Stangl & Glowinski 1981
Inocybe pseudoumbrinella E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe rekhankitha K. P. D. Latha & Manim. 2017
Inocybe relicina (Fr.) Quél. 1888
Inocybe renispora E. Horak 1978
Inocybe rubroindica Banning & Peck 1891
Inocybe rufobrunnea J. Favre 1955
Inocybe saponacea Kuyper 1986
Inocybe serotina Peck 1904
Inocybe serratoides Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe sphaerospora Kobayasi 1952
Inocybe squamulosa Kobayasi 1952
Inocybe squarrosoamethystina Singer 1938
Inocybe striatula (Cleland) Grgur. 1997
Inocybe stuntzii Grund 1975
Inocybe subcarpta Kühner & Boursier 1932
Inocybe submuricellata G. F. Atk. 1918
Inocybe subprominens Murrill 1941
Inocybe subtrivialis Esteve-Rav., M. Villarreal & Heykoop 1997
Inocybe sulfovirescens Poirier 2002
Inocybe tiliae Franchi, M. Marchetti & Papetti 2016
Inocybe tomentipes Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe trachysperma Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe transiens Takah. Kobay. 2002
Inocybe tricolor Kühner 1955
Inocybe tropicalis Guzmán 1982
Inocybe turfosa Velen. 1939
Inocybe umbratica Quél. 1884
Inocybe umbrinodisca Kühner 1988
Inocybe velenovskyi Boursier & Kühner 1928
Inocybe velifera (Kühner) Bon 1997
Inocybe violaceifolia Peck 1888
Inocybe violeipes E. Horak 1979
Inocybe viridipes Matheny, Bougher & G. M. Gates 2017
Inocybe vulpinella Bruyl. 1970
950 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Inocybe guttulifer Kühner 1988
(this page)
Inocybe abundans Murrill 1911
Inocybe acaciae Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe acutata Tak. Kobay. & Nagas. 1993
Inocybe acutoides Kokkonen & Vauras 2013
Inocybe agglutinata Peck 1888
Inocybe albopruinata Herp. 1912
Inocybe amoenolens Kühner 1988
Inocybe areolatodiffracta E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe assimilata Britzelm. 1881
Inocybe atrorubripes Matheny, Bougher & Ryberg 2017
Inocybe aureoglabra E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe auritelloides Matheny, Bougher & G. M. Gates 2017
Inocybe bakeri Peck 1909
Inocybe bufonia Kokkonen & Vauras 2013
Inocybe cacaocolor Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe caulis-aurorae E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe chondroderma Stuntz ex Matheny, Norvell & Giles 2013
Inocybe cinnamomicolor Reumaux 2001
Inocybe clavata Takah. Kobay. 2002
Inocybe coelestium Kuyper 1985
Inocybe confusa P. Karst. 1888
Inocybe corydalina Quél. 1875
Inocybe crassicystidiata Pegler 1983
Inocybe desquamans Peck 1906
Inocybe destruens E. Horak 1978
Inocybe dewrangia Grgur. 1997
Inocybe ellipsoidispora E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe elliptica Takah. Kobay. 2002
Inocybe erinaceomorpha Stangl & J. Veselský 1979
Inocybe exigens Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe fallax Peck 1904
Inocybe felipponei (Speg.) Singer 1951
Inocybe gigantea Bon 1996
Inocybe gintliana Velen. 1920
Inocybe glabripes Ricken 1915
Inocybe gracilenta E. Ludw. 2017
Inocybe griseolilacina J. E. Lange 1917
Inocybe halophila R. Heim 1931
Inocybe hypervelata Bizio & Cervini 2005
Inocybe involuta Kuyper 1989
Inocybe irregularinodulosa Takah. Kobay. 2002
Inocybe lasseri Dennis 1953
Inocybe lateraria Rick 1920
Inocybe lutea Kobayasi & Hongo 1952
Inocybe margaritispora (Berk.) Sacc. 1887
Inocybe melampyri Velen. 1947
Inocybe minuta P. Karst. 1906
Inocybe mixtilis (Britzelm.) Sacc. 1887
Inocybe multifolia Braaten, M. G. Wood & Matheny 2013
Inocybe murrayana Cleland 1933
Inocybe mytiliodora Stangl & Vauras 1988
Inocybe nitidiuscula (Britzelm.) Lapl. 1894
Inocybe nobilissima Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe nodulosa Kauffman 1924
Inocybe olida Maire 1933
Inocybe olivaceohinnulea Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe ovoidea Takah. Kobay. 2003
Inocybe papillata (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe pedemontana Alessio 1980
Inocybe pedunculata Velen. 1920
Inocybe persicinipes Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe polycystidiata Kobayasi 1952
Inocybe prominens Kauffman 1924
Inocybe proximella P. Karst. 1882
Inocybe pruinosa R. Heim 1931
Inocybe pseudohiulca Kühner 1933
Inocybe pseudoreducta Stangl & Glowinski 1981
Inocybe queletii Konrad 1929
Inocybe rekhankitha K. P. D. Latha & Manim. 2017
Inocybe relicina (Fr.) Quél. 1888
Inocybe romana Lonati 1985
Inocybe rubroindica Banning & Peck 1891
Inocybe rufobrunnea J. Favre 1955
Inocybe saponacea Kuyper 1986
Inocybe serotina Peck 1904
Inocybe serratoides Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe spadicea Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe sphaerospora Kobayasi 1952
Inocybe squamulosa Kobayasi 1952
Inocybe squarrosoamethystina Singer 1938
Inocybe striatula (Cleland) Grgur. 1997
Inocybe stuntzii Grund 1975
Inocybe subalbidodisca Stangl & J. Veselský 1975
Inocybe subcarpta Kühner & Boursier 1932
Inocybe submuricellata G. F. Atk. 1918
Inocybe subprominens Murrill 1941
Inocybe subtrivialis Esteve-Rav., M. Villarreal & Heykoop 1997
Inocybe sulfovirescens Poirier 2002
Inocybe tiliae Franchi, M. Marchetti & Papetti 2016
Inocybe tomentipes Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe trachysperma Matheny & Bougher 2017
Inocybe tricolor Kühner 1955
Inocybe turfosa Velen. 1939
Inocybe umbratica Quél. 1884
Inocybe umbrinodisca Kühner 1988
Inocybe velenovskyi Boursier & Kühner 1928
Inocybe violaceifolia Peck 1888
Inocybe violeipes E. Horak 1979
Inocybe volvata D. E. Stuntz 1947
Inocybe vulpinella Bruyl. 1970
804 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Inocybe (Fr.) Fr.
Inocybe guttulifer Kühner
(this page)
Inocybe albomarginata Velen.
Inocybe albovelutipes Stangl
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak
Inocybe appendiculata Kühner
Inocybe arctica E. Larss., Vauras & C. L. Cripps
Inocybe arenicola (R. Heim) Bon
Inocybe asterospora Quél.
Inocybe bongardii (Weinm.) Quél.
Inocybe brunnea Quél.
Inocybe brunneoflavescens Carteret 2015
Inocybe calamistratoides E. Horak
Inocybe calida Velen.
Inocybe calocystis Carteret & Reumaux 2015
Inocybe calospora Quél.
Inocybe catalaunica Singer
Inocybe cerea E. Horak
Inocybe cervicolor (Pers.) Quél.
Inocybe concinnula J. Favre
Inocybe cookei Bres.
Inocybe cryptocystis D. E. Stuntz
Inocybe curreyi (Berk.) Sacc.
Inocybe curvipes P. Karst.
Inocybe decemgibbosa (Kühner) Vauras 1997
Inocybe decipiens Bres.
Inocybe decipientoides Peck
Inocybe deglubens (Fr.) Gillet
Inocybe destruens E. Horak
Inocybe dunensis P. D. Orton
Inocybe elegantissima Carteret & Reumaux 2015
Inocybe erubescens A. Blytt
Inocybe fastigiella G. F. Atk.
Inocybe fibrosa (Sowerby) Gillet
Inocybe flavella P. Karst.
Inocybe flocculosa (Berk.) Sacc.
Inocybe fuligineoatra Huijsman
Inocybe fulvella Bres.
Inocybe glabrodisca P. D. Orton
Inocybe haemacta (Berk. & Cooke) Sacc.
Inocybe halophila R. Heim
Inocybe hirtella Bres. 1884
Inocybe hirtellarum Carteret & Reumaux 2015
Inocybe huijsmanii Kuyper
Inocybe hystrix (Fr.) P. Karst.
Inocybe impexa (Lasch) Kuyper
Inocybe infida (Peck) Massee
Inocybe inodora Velen.
Inocybe langei R. Heim
Inocybe lemmi E. Larss., Vauras & C. Cripps
Inocybe leptocystis G. F. Atk.
Inocybe maculata Boud.
Inocybe malenconii R. Heim
Inocybe maleolens Carteret & Reumaux 2015
Inocybe margaritispora (Berk.) Sacc.
Inocybe mariluanensis (Speg.) Singer
Inocybe mixtilis (Britzelm.) Sacc.
Inocybe muricellata Bres.
Inocybe napipes J. E. Lange
Inocybe oblectabilis (Britzelm.) Sacc.
Inocybe obscurobadia (J. Favre) Grund & D. E. Stuntz
Inocybe ochraceolutea Carteret & Reumaux 2015
Inocybe ochroalba Bruyl.
Inocybe pallida Velen.
Inocybe pallidipes Ellis & Everh.
Inocybe paludinella (Peck) Sacc.
Inocybe permelliolens Carteret & Reumaux 2015
Inocybe petiginosa (Fr.) Gillet
Inocybe phaeosquarrosa E. Horak
Inocybe praetervisa Quél.
Inocybe proximella P. Karst.
Inocybe pruinosa R. Heim
Inocybe pseudoasterospora Kühner & Boursier
Inocybe pseudodestricta Stangl & J. Veselský
Inocybe pseudoreducta Stangl & Glowinski
Inocybe pseudoscabelliformis Carteret & Reumaux 2015
Inocybe pusillula Carteret & Reumaux 2015
Inocybe pusio P. Karst.
Inocybe putilla Bres.
Inocybe pyriodora (Pers.) P. Kumm.
Inocybe renispora E. Horak
Inocybe rennyi (Berk. & Broome) Sacc.
Inocybe salicis Kühner
Inocybe scabella
Inocybe scabriuscula E. Horak
Inocybe serotina Peck
Inocybe sindonia (Fr.) P. Karst.
Inocybe soluta Velen.
Inocybe sphagnophila Bandini & B. Oertel
Inocybe squarrosa Rea
Inocybe striatorimosa P. D. Orton
Inocybe strobilomyces E. Horak
Inocybe subnudipes Kühner
Inocybe subpraetervisa Carteret 2015
Inocybe subscabella Carteret & Reumaux 2015
Inocybe tabacina Furrer-Ziogas
Inocybe taxocystis (J. Favre & E. Horak) Senn-Irlet
Inocybe tenebrosa Quél.
Inocybe tigrina R. Heim
Inocybe vaccina Kühner
Inocybe vulpinella Bruyl.
Inocybe xanthomelas Boursier & Kühner
1042 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
cellular organisms
Inocybe guttulifer
(this page)
Inocybe acaciae
Inocybe acutoides
Inocybe agordina
Inocybe albovelutipes
Inocybe alpigenes
Inocybe amazoniensis
Inocybe amicta
Inocybe apiosmota
Inocybe aurora
Inocybe borealis
Inocybe boreocarelica
Inocybe bresadolae
Inocybe brevicula
Inocybe brunneotomentosa
Inocybe bufonia
Inocybe caerulata
Inocybe calopedes
Inocybe canescens
Inocybe capucina
Inocybe caroticolor
Inocybe chalcodoxantha
Inocybe concinnula
Inocybe curreyi
Inocybe decemgibbosa
Inocybe dewrangia
Inocybe ericetorum
Inocybe fallax
Inocybe farinosipes
Inocybe floccosibrunnea
Inocybe fulvida
Inocybe fulvilubrica
Inocybe fuscescentipes
Inocybe gausapata
Inocybe godfrinioides
Inocybe gracilissima
Inocybe grammopodia
Inocybe granulosipes
Inocybe graveolens
Inocybe griseotarda
Inocybe heterochrominea
Inocybe hinnulea
Inocybe ionocephala
Inocybe juniperina
Inocybe kittilensis
Inocybe laeta
Inocybe laetior
Inocybe languinosa
Inocybe lapponica
Inocybe lepidotella
Inocybe leptospermi
Inocybe luteipes
Inocybe luteo-olivacea
Inocybe maculipes
Inocybe magnifolia
Inocybe margaritispora
Inocybe marginata
Inocybe miyiensis
Inocybe myriadophylla
Inocybe mytiliodora
Inocybe neobrunnescens
Inocybe nudiuscula
Inocybe olivaceonigra
Inocybe pallida
Inocybe paludicola
Inocybe patouillardii
Inocybe personata
Inocybe phaeosticta
Inocybe pholiotinoides
Inocybe piceae
Inocybe picrosma
Inocybe polytrichi-norvegici
Inocybe porcorum
Inocybe proximella
Inocybe psammophila
Inocybe pseudohiulca
Inocybe pseudoteraturgus
Inocybe purpureobadia
Inocybe redolens
Inocybe rhodella
Inocybe rimosoides
Inocybe rivularis
Inocybe roseipes
Inocybe rufoalba
Inocybe rufula
Inocybe silvae-herbaceae
Inocybe sinuospora
Inocybe splendentoides
Inocybe straminipes
Inocybe striaepes
Inocybe subfulva
Inocybe subpaleacea
Inocybe substraminea
Inocybe tabacina
Inocybe taxocystis
Inocybe tenerella
Inocybe tigrina
Inocybe torresiae
Inocybe transitoria
Inocybe umbrinodisca
Inocybe urbana
521 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.