Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Prunulus alcaliniformis Murrill, sp. nov
Pileus conic to broadly convex, the umbo becoming inconspicuous with age, gregarious, very abundant, 1-2 cm. broad; surface dry, glabrous, fumoso-avellaneous, the umbo slightly darker at times, radiatestriate over the lameUae, margin concolorous, appressed when yoting: context thin, white, with sweetish taste and pleasant odor; lamellae adnate, breaking away from the stipe with age, broad, slightly ventricose, distant, several times inserted, white, with an ashy tint: spores ellipsoid, pointed at one end, smooth, hj^aline, 8-9 X 5 fi: stipe long, slender, equal, dry, glabrous, avellaneous, whitish at the apex, mycelioid at the base, hollow, cartilaginous, 5-7 cm. long, about 2 mm. thick.
Type collected among twigs and needles under a Norway spruce in woods in the New York Botanical Garden, June 14, 1911, W. A. Murrill (herb. N. Y. Bot. Gard.). Habitat: On and about dead coniferous wood and needles. Distribution: Massachusetts, New York, and Alabama.
- bibliographic citation
- William Alphonso MurrilI, Gertrude Simmons BurIingham, Leigh H Pennington, John Hendly Barnhart. 1907-1916. (AGARICALES); POLYPORACEAE-AGARICACEAE. North American flora. vol 9. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY