Unresolved name

Lukeniana lenzi Lehmann, Zahiri & Husemann 2023


  • escarpment
    • URI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_00000280
    • Definition: A transition zone between different physiogeographic provinces that involves an elevation differential, often involving high cliffs. Most commonly a transition from one series of sedimentary rocks to another series of a different age and composition. In such cases, the escarpment usually represents the line of erosional loss of the newer rock over the older.
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  • graben
    • URI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_00000290
    • Definition: A depressed block of land bordered by parallel faults. A graben is the result of a block of land being downthrown producing a valley with a distinct scarp on each side. Grabens often occur side-by-side with horsts. Horst and graben structures are indicative of tensional forces and crustal stretching.
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  • mountain
    • URI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_00000081
    • Definition: A landform that extends above the surrounding terrain in a limited area. A mountain is generally steeper than a hill, but there is no universally accepted standard definition for the height of a mountain or a hill although a mountain usually has an identifiable summit and a local relief of more than 300m.
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