Description: Cowden Pools, Midlothian, Scotland. Fordel, Midlothian, Scotland. My first experience of Anasimyia hoverflies, a genus associated with bullrushes. Not an easy genus to sex as both sexes have separated eyes. Two species in Britain have neat little rounded, lobed comma-shaped markings on the tergites - contracta & transfuga. Only female contracta's abdomen has a distinct waist at tergite 2 bulging at tergites 3 & 4 as shown in the above photo. Vernacular names English: none yet Dansk: Talje-Damsvirreflue (Narrowed Pond-hoverfly)? Deutsch: Español: Français: Nederlands: ingesnoerde waterzweefvlieg (Narrowed Pond-hoverfly)? Norsk (bokmål): midjedamblomsterflue (Narrowed Pond-flowerfly)? Svenska: midjedammblomfluga (Narrowed Pond-flowerfly)?. Date: 18 June 2010, 13:18. Source:
Anasimyia contracta (female). Author:
S. Rae from Scotland, UK. Camera location
55° 53′ 42.86″ N, 3° 00′ 42.47″ W View all coordinates using:
OpenStreetMap 55.895240; -3.011798.