
Melanospora poae

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Melanospora poae D. GrifF. Bull. Torrey Club 26: 433. 1899
Perithecia scattered or gregarious, superficial, thin, membranaceous, white, turning black to opaque, prolonged above into a curved or twisted beak once to twice the length of the perithecium, covered with long, delicate, flexuous, sparingly septate hairs, 140180 X 500-600 ^ ; asci broadly clavate, short-stipitate, evanescent, without paraphyses, 1013 X 26-30 (J; spores very variable, oblong or cuboid with an apical groove and often flattened parallel to it.
On dead leaves and culms of Poa nev'adensis Vasey. Type locality : Buffalo, Wyoming.
Distribution : Known only from the type locality.
bibliographic citation
Fred Jay Seaver, Helen Letitia Palliser, David Griffiths. 1910. HYPOCREALES, FIMETARIALES. North American flora. vol 3(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora