
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Neoblattella panamae new species (Plate III, figure 12.)
The present species is distinctive in the speciaHzation of the male subgenital plate, which shows somewhat closer general similarity to that of N. acanthastylata, here described, than to any of the other known species of the Impar Group.
We would further note that the interocular space is very slightly but distinctly wider than in any other species of the Impar Group here considered, while the proportions of the maxillary palpi differ and the tegminal cross-veinlets are more conspicuous and numerous, these appearing as far proximad as the median portion of the anal field.
Type. — cf ; Rio Trinidad, Panama. March 19, 1912. (A. Busck.) [United States National Museum.]
Size and form as in acanthastylata. Interocular space extremely wide for the Group, very slightly narrower than that between the antennal sockets;'^ ocellar
"^This type of coloration is apparently developed in all the the species of the Impar Group, though individually varying from obsolete (maximum recessive) to strongly defined (intensive). Insufficient material is at hand to determine whether, in different species, different degrees of recession or intensification are normal.
'•^ This pattern is generally similar to that of Cariblatta fossicauda Hebard. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xlii, pi. xii, fig. 18, (1916).
" The recently emerged condition of the specimen is particularly evident in these organs. When fully hardened, the tegmina would doubtless be tinged with buckthorn brown, as in all the related forms.
''^ In one male paratype narrower, about fourfifths as wide as that between the antennal sockets. spots small. Inter-ocular-ocellar area dei^lanate, weakly defined. Maxillary palpi very elongate; fourth joint about four-fifths as long as third, fifth about two-thirds as long as fourth, shaped as in acanthastylata. Pronotuin as in acanthastylata. Tegmina delicate; with (eight .sinistral, eight dextral) longitudinal discoidal sectors; cross-veinlets distinct throughout tegmen, even appearing in distal portion of anal field. Wings delicate; proximal (seven) costal veins brief!}' but heavily clubbed distad; ulnar vein with (four"'') complete branches; intercalated triangle small.
bibliographic citation
Hebard, M. 1919. The Blattidae of Panama. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 4. Philadelphia, USA