Taxonomic history
Forel, 1910e PDF: 5 (m.).Combination in Sima (Tetraponera): Arnold, 1916 PDF: 185.Combination in Tetraponera: Wheeler, 1922: 796.[Sima ambigua Forel, 1894b PDF: 89. Nomen nudum, attributed to Emery.].Senior synonym of Tetraponera ophthalmica angolensis: Ward, 2006 PDF: 123.Senior synonym of Tetraponera bifoveolata: Ward, 2006 PDF: 123.Senior synonym of Tetraponera encephala: Ward, 2006 PDF: 123.Senior synonym of Tetraponera erythraea: Ward, 2006 PDF: 123.Senior synonym of Tetraponera bifoveolata maculifrons: Ward, 2006 PDF: 123.Senior synonym of Tetraponera ambigua occidentalis: Ward, 2006 PDF: 123.Senior synonym of Tetraponera ambigua rhodesiana: Ward, 2006 PDF: 123.Senior synonym of Tetraponera bifoveolata syriaca: Ward, 2006 PDF: 123.