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Lepidaploa complicata (Wright ex Griseb.) H. Rob.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Vernonia complicata Griseb. Cat. PI. Cub. 143. 1866
Stems shrubby, densely branched, 5-10 dm. high, closely and softly tomentose; leaves numerous, crowded toward the end of the branches, the blades thick, rotund or broadly obovate, 5-15 mm. long and wide, entire, densely and finely tomentose on both sides, graygreen beneath, undulate, or flat on the young shoots, abruptly contracted into margined petioles 3-4 mm. long; heads 8-flowered, solitary, terminating the branches, partially concealed among the bracteal leaves, which resemble the cauline in size and shape; involucre campanulate, 5 mm. high; scales loosely and irregularly imbricate, the outer ovate-lanceolate, the inner oblong-lanceolate, sharply acute, white-pubescent, especially at the base and apex, or somewhat tomentose; achenes densely hirsute, 2 mm. long; pappus pale-tawny, the bristles 4 mm.. the scales 0.7 mm. long.
Type locality: Cuba.
Distribution: Cuba.
bibliographic citation
Per Axel, Rydberg. 1922. CARDUALES; AMBROSIACEAE, CARDUACEAE. North American flora. vol 33(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora