
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Chimarra (Curgia) purisca

ADULT.—Length of forewing, and 6–8 mm. Color dark brown, body and appendages paler; forewing dark brown, with many small, golden flecks. Claws of male foreleg apparently unmodified.

Male Genitalia: Eighth sternum widened dorsally; tergum produced into a conical mesal lobe from posterior margin; with a small posterolateral lobe borne from inner face of tergum, with apical brush of setae. Ninth sternum slightly produced anteroventrally; with large posteromesal keel; produced into thin, long, dorsal extension, articulating to inner surface of eighth tergum. Cercus elongate, slightly enlarged apicad. Tenth tergum short, tip entire; apex rounded and bowed dorsad, narrowed apically in dorsal aspect; with many sensillae. Clasper slightly elongate, semierect, mesal margin in posterior aspect with a small lobe at midlength, tip rounded. Phallus short, tubular, inflated basally; internally with a small rod-and-ring assembly and two (rarely three or four) small, dark spines.

MATERIAL.—Holotype, male: COSTA RICA, PCIA. SAN JOSÉ, P.N. Braulio Carillo, 6.2 km NE adm. Build., 10.09°N, 83.97°W, 1100 m, 6 Feb 1986, Holzenthal and Morse. NMNH Type.

Paratypes: Same data as holotype, 8, 7 (INBIO, NMNH, UMSP). Río Chirripó Pacifico, 9.5 km NE Rivas, 9.470°N, 83.591°W, 1370 m, 23 Feb 1986, Holzenthal et al., 1, 2 (UMSP). Santa Rosa de Puriscal, 500 m, 24 Dec 1983, Marvin Valverde D., 1, 2 (SDMNH). PCIA. ALAJUELA, Río La Paz Pequeño, 7.8 km N Vara Blanca, 10.211°N, 84.116°W, 1230 m, 13 Feb 1986, Holzenthal et al., 1, 1 (UMSP). Río San Lorencito and tribs, Reserva Forestal San Ramón, 10.216°N, 84.607°W, 960 m, 1–4 May 1990, Holzenthal et al., 1, 12 (UMSP); same, but 6–10 Mar 1991, 1 (INBIO). Río Toro, 3.0 km (road) SW Bajos del Toro, 10.204°N, 84.316°W, 1530 m, 3–4 Sep 1990, Holzenthal et al., 4, 1 (INBIO, NMNH, UMSP). PCIA. CARTAGO, Quebrada Segunda at admin building, Reserva Tapanti, 9.761°N, 83.787°W, 1250 m, 9–10 May 1990, Holzenthal and Blahnik, 5, 2 (NMNH, UMSP). Quebrada Palmitos and falls, Reserva Tapanti, 9.72°N, 83.78°W, 1400 m, 2–3 Jun 1990, Holzenthal et al., 2, 1 (NMNH); same, but 1–2 Aug 1990, 1, 2 (UMSP); same, but 24–25 Mar 1991, 1, 1 (INBIO). PCIA. GUANACASTE, Parque Nacional Guanacaste, Río San Josécito, Estación Mengo, 10.922°N, 85.470°W, 960 m, 3–4 Apr 1987, Holzenthal et al., 2 (INBIO, UMSP); same, but 28–29 Jul 1987, 2 (NMNH). PCIA. PUNTARENAS, Río Bellavista, ~1.5 km NW Las Alturas, 8.951°N, 82.846°W, 1400 m, 8–9 Apr 1987, Holzenthal et al., 2 (NMNH); same, but 2–3 Aug 1987, 2, 10 (UMSP); same, but 10–11 Aug 1990, 5, 3 (INBIO, NMNH, UMSP); same, but 16–17 Mar 1991, 1 (UMSP). Trib. to Río Bellavista in Las Alturas (road to quarry), 8.952°N, 82.848°W, 1480 m, 13–14 Aug 1990, Holzenthal et al., 5 2 (INBIO, NMNH, UMSP); same, but 19 Mar 1991, 2 (UMSP). Río Jaba at rock quarry, 1.4 km (air) W Las Cruces, 8.79°N, 82.97°W, 1150 m, 15 Mar 1991, Holzenthal et al., 3 (INBIO, NMNH); same, but 9 Aug 1990, 2 (UMSP).

ETYMOLOGY.—A name suggested by the locality Puriscal.
bibliographic citation
Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1998. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies, LIII: A Taxonomic Revision of the Subgenus Curgia of the Genus Chimarra (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-131. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.594