Jacques Fournier, Huzefa A. Raja, Carol A. Shearer
Figure 1.AâF Jahnula purpurea (from the HOLOTYPE; MJF 14016, ILLS 72402). AâC Ascomata on submerged wood. Note the purple stain. Arrowheads indicate the subtending superficial hyphae on wood, which connect multiple ascomata on wood D Ascoma in water showing broad hyphae emerging from the base of the fruiting body E, F Longitudinal section through ascoma. Note broad pseudoparenchymatic cells comprising the peridial wall. Scale bars: A, C = 500 µm; B = 1 mm; D = 100 µm; EâF = 20 µm;
Jacques Fournier, Huzefa A. Raja, Carol A. Shearer
Figure 2.GâI Clavate to obclavate asci. J, K Ascus apex showing faint truncate ocular chamber L Pseudoparaphyses MâN Multiguttulate brown ascospores. Note ascospores showing minutely verrucose warts forming a loose reticulate pattern O Immature ascospore in India ink. Scale bars: GâI, M = 20 µm; JâL = 5 µm; N, O = 10 µm.