
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Chimarra (Curgia) scopuloides Flint

Chimarra (Curgia) scopuloides Flint, 1974:19.

Chimarra (Curgia) catarinensis Flint, 1983:19 [new synonymy].

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—ARGENTINA, PCIA. MISIONES, lguazú, 30 Jan–13 Mar 1945, Hayward, Willink, and Golbach, 5.

BRAZIL, EDO. PARÁ, Rio Xingu, camp ~60 km S Altamira (52°22′W, 3°39′S), 6–21 Oct 1986, P. Spangler and O. Flint, 1, 2. EDO. GOIAS, Chapada dos Veadeiros, 18–24 km N Alto Paraiso, 1400–1500 m, 2–5 Oct 1985, S.E. Miller, 1. EDO. RONDÔNIA, 8 km S Caucalandia, creek, 21 Nov 1991, D. Petr, 1, 1. EDO. SANTA CATARINA, Nova Teutonia, 52°23′W, 27° 11′S, 300–500 m, Jan 1963, F. Plaumann, holotype; same, but Feb 1964, 2 paratypes of catarinensis. TERR. RORAIMA, Rio Uraricoera, Ilha de Maraca, 2–13 May 1987, Rafael et al., 2 (INPA, NMNH).

Also recorded from Suriname (Flint 1974:19).

ETYMOLOGY.—From the Latin suffix -oides (“like”), in allusion to similarity to the preceding species.
bibliographic citation
Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1998. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies, LIII: A Taxonomic Revision of the Subgenus Curgia of the Genus Chimarra (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-131. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.594