Image of Dryinus rasnitsyni Olmi & Guglielmino
Unresolved name

Dryinus rasnitsyni Olmi & Guglielmino


provided by Zookeys
Female: macropterous; length 7.4 mm. Colour not distinct, apparently brown, except head, palpi and chela partly testaceous. Antenna 10-segmented, long and very slender, weakly thickened distally, covered with dense and short hairs; antennal segments in following proportions: 20:8:28:27:35:39:28:19:15:13; antenna about five times as long as head (length of head dorsally measured from occipital carina behind ocelli to distal apex of mandible): 90:18. Head weakly convex, apparently dull, granulated; occipital carina and occiput not distinct; eye normally bulging; frontal line not evident. Palpal formula apparently 6/3. Pronotum apparently shorter than head (8:18), crossed by anterior strong transverse impression between anterior collar and disc; disc humped; sculpture, posterior collar and pronotal tubercle not distinct. Scutum apparently slightly longer than pronotum (9:8), with sculpture and notauli not distinct. Scutellum apparently shorter than scutum (4:9), with sculpture not distinct. Metanotum about as long as scutellum, with sculpture not distinct. Propodeum longer than scutum (15:9), with lateral regions reticulate rugose, with dorsal surface longer than posterior surface (10:5); sculpture of rest of propodeum and posterior surface not distinct. Shape of pronotum, scutum, scutellum, metanotum and propodeum apparently usual for Dryininae. Forewing (Figs 4, 5) completely weakly darkened, with usual venation of Dryininae; pterostigma narrow, much longer than broad (36:7); marginal cell open; distal part of stigmal vein longer than proximal part (34:18); stigmal vein very weakly S-shaped, forming angle between proximal and distal parts; forewing with usual three basal cells clearly enclosed by pigmented veins (costal, median and submedian cells). Hindwing completely weakly darkened. Foreleg segments in following proportions: 29 (coxa): trochanter not visible: 57 (femur): 46 (tibia): 27 (tarsal segment 1): 5 (tarsal segment 2): 8 (tarsal segment 3): 26 (tarsal segment 4): 46 (tarsal segment 5); foreleg chelate; enlarged claw slightly shorter than segment 5 of protarsus (42:46); protrochanter not distinct; segments 2 and 3 of protarsus produced into hooks; rudimentary claw present; arolium much shorter than enlarged claw (6:42). Enlarged claw (Fig. 6) spatulate, with large distal apex. Segment 5 of protarsus apparently with 1 or 2 rows of proximal and medial lamellae (number of lamellae not distinct); distal apex with a group of few lamellae (number of lamellae not distinct). Midleg segments in following proportions: 18 (coxa): 10 (trochanter): 62 (femur): 70 (tibia): 31 (tarsal segment 1): 13 (tarsal segment 2): 9 (tarsal segment 3): 4 (tarsal segment 4): 8 (tarsal segment 5). Hindleg segments in following proportions: 20 (coxa): 12 (trochanter): 87 (femur): 88 (tibia): 36 (tarsal segment 1): 16 (tarsal segment 2): 12 (tarsal segment 3): 7 (tarsal segment 4): 13 (tarsal segment 5). Metasoma with a short petiole. Shape and length of petiole usual for Dryininae. Shape, length and breadth of wings usual for Dryininae. Shape of body usual for Dryininae. Tibial spurs 1/1/2. Male: unknown.
Massimo Olmi, Adalgisa Guglielmino
bibliographic citation
Olmi M, Guglielmino A (2011) Revision of fossil species of Dryinus belonging to lamellatus group, with description of a new species (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae) ZooKeys 130: 505–514
Massimo Olmi
Adalgisa Guglielmino
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