
Melphina unistriga

Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Melphina unistriga (Holland) (Fig. 116, $ genitalia)
Parnara unistriga Holland, 1894a: 30; pi. 1, figs. 13, 14 (Ogove).
The male genitalia are separable from those of tarace and statirides in that the proximal part of the valva is about twice as broad as is the distal lobe. In the other two species the proximal part is less than twice as broad as the distal lobe.
Evans (1937: 163) gives the range as Sierra Leone to Cameroon and east through the Congo to Uganda. There are specimens from Cameroon, Rio Muni and Gabon in Carnegie Museum, in addition to the Liberian records that follow. This species is evidently the commonest of the tarace group.
Apparently the first Liberian records are: Liberia, 2 $ , 1 2 (A. C. Good) ; Harbel, 1 3,1 9 , V, 1 $ , XI; Ganta, 1 8 , IX; Yendamalahoun, 1 $ , IV (all Fox).
bibliographic citation
Fox, R.M., Lindsey, A.W., Clench, H.K., Miller, L.D. 1965. The Butterflies of Liberia. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 19. Philadelphia, USA