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Heteroconchia J. E. Gray 1854


provided by World Register of Marine Species
Because of current database limitations that restrict the number of possible ranks between class and order levels, the parent-child relationships are displaying incorrectly in this entry. Heteroconchia consists of two subclades (Palaeoheterodonta and Heterodonta). Heterodonta is comprised of Archiheterodonta and Euheterodonta. The latter two should be at a rank lower than Heterodonta (e.g., “Parvclass”).


Bieler, R.; Mikkelsen, P. M.; Collins, T. M.; Glover, E. A.; González, V. L.; Graf, D. L.; Harper, E. M.; Healy, J.; Kawauchi, G. Y.; Sharma, P. P.; Staubach, S.; Strong, E. E.; Taylor, J. D.; Tëmkin, I.; Zardus, J. D.; Clark, S.; Guzmán, A.; McIntyre, E.; Sharp, P.; Giribet, G. (2014). Investigating the Bivalve Tree of Life – an exemplar-based approach combining molecular and novel morphological characters. Invertebrate Systematics. 28(1): 32-115.

WoRMS Editorial Board
Bieler, Rüdiger [email]