(from Oudemans, 1885)
Body usually slender, often thickened and rounded anteriorly, flattened in intestinal region; head usually wider than parts immediately following; mouth situated immediately behind the brain; proboscis pore subterminal. Lateral slits, cephalic grooves, and cerebral sensory organs lacking. Intestine with paired, lateral diverticula.
Body musculature composed of two muscular layers throughout length of body, and of localized supplementary layers. These consist of a thick internal longitudinal layer and a thin external circular layer, but in the esophageal region a second circular layer lies internal to the longitudinal muscles, and just in front of the nephridial region becomes enormously thickened. In the anterior portions of the esophageal region a double set of distinct diagonal muscles lies just internal to the outer circular muscular layer.
The lateral nerves are situated within the longitudinal muscular layer.
In the anterior portion of the esophageal region are three pairs of longitudinal blood vessels, of which one pair represents the main lateral vessels and lies beside the esophagus, a second pair lies beside the proboscis sheath, and the third pair is situated internal to the ventral wall of the proboscis sheath and projects freely into the rhynchocoel.
(from Coe, W. R. (1901). Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expedition. XX. The nemerteans.. Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci.. 1-110.)
Body musculature consists of a thin outer circular layer, a diagonal layer, a longitudinal layer, and, in the esophageal region, an additional, enormously developed inner circular layer. Head broader than neck. Nephridia well developed.
Carinoma is a genus of worms belonging to the family Carinomidae.[1]
The genus has almost cosmopolitan distribution.[1]
Carinoma is a genus of worms belonging to the family Carinomidae.
The genus has almost cosmopolitan distribution.
Carinoma armandi (McIntosh, 1875) Carinoma caraibica Stiasny-Wijnhoff, 1925 Carinoma coei Carinoma hamanako Kajihara, Yamasaki & Andrade, 2011 Carinoma mutabilis Griffin, 1898 Carinoma patagonica Bürger, 1895 Carinoma patriciae Gibson, 1979 Carinoma renieri Senz, 2000 Carinoma sachalinica (Korotkevich, 1982) Carinoma tremaphoros Thompson, 1900 Carinoma uschakovi Chernyshev, 1999