This taxon can be very common some years. This year not so much. Found near an oncolite fossil site.Leaf: many, rosetted, 0.5--5 cm, linear, thick, entire, tapered at base, tip blunt. Inflorescence: stems several to many, 2--6 cm, each 1-flowered, disjointing near middle, leaving proximal ring of 4--7(8) scarious, awl-like bracts; flowers exserted from leaves; pedicel 1--15(30). Flower: sepals (4)6--9, +- 3/4 corolla, petal-like, scarious, widely obovate, entire to +- jagged; petals 10--19, 12--35 mm, obovate-oblong, white, pink, rose, lavender, base +- white, tip obtuse-notched; stamens 20--50; stigmas 4--9.
This taxon can be very common some years. This year not so much. Found near an oncolite fossil site.Leaf: many, rosetted, 0.5--5 cm, linear, thick, entire, tapered at base, tip blunt. Inflorescence: stems several to many, 2--6 cm, each 1-flowered, disjointing near middle, leaving proximal ring of 4--7(8) scarious, awl-like bracts; flowers exserted from leaves; pedicel 1--15(30). Flower: sepals (4)6--9, +- 3/4 corolla, petal-like, scarious, widely obovate, entire to +- jagged; petals 10--19, 12--35 mm, obovate-oblong, white, pink, rose, lavender, base +- white, tip obtuse-notched; stamens 20--50; stigmas 4--9.
This taxon can be very common some years. This year not so much. Found near an oncolite fossil site.Leaf: many, rosetted, 0.5--5 cm, linear, thick, entire, tapered at base, tip blunt. Inflorescence: stems several to many, 2--6 cm, each 1-flowered, disjointing near middle, leaving proximal ring of 4--7(8) scarious, awl-like bracts; flowers exserted from leaves; pedicel 1--15(30). Flower: sepals (4)6--9, +- 3/4 corolla, petal-like, scarious, widely obovate, entire to +- jagged; petals 10--19, 12--35 mm, obovate-oblong, white, pink, rose, lavender, base +- white, tip obtuse-notched; stamens 20--50; stigmas 4--9.
This taxon can be very common some years. This year not so much. Found near an oncolite fossil site.Leaf: many, rosetted, 0.5--5 cm, linear, thick, entire, tapered at base, tip blunt. Inflorescence: stems several to many, 2--6 cm, each 1-flowered, disjointing near middle, leaving proximal ring of 4--7(8) scarious, awl-like bracts; flowers exserted from leaves; pedicel 1--15(30). Flower: sepals (4)6--9, +- 3/4 corolla, petal-like, scarious, widely obovate, entire to +- jagged; petals 10--19, 12--35 mm, obovate-oblong, white, pink, rose, lavender, base +- white, tip obtuse-notched; stamens 20--50; stigmas 4--9.
This taxon can be very common some years. This year not so much. Found near an oncolite fossil site.Leaf: many, rosetted, 0.5--5 cm, linear, thick, entire, tapered at base, tip blunt. Inflorescence: stems several to many, 2--6 cm, each 1-flowered, disjointing near middle, leaving proximal ring of 4--7(8) scarious, awl-like bracts; flowers exserted from leaves; pedicel 1--15(30). Flower: sepals (4)6--9, +- 3/4 corolla, petal-like, scarious, widely obovate, entire to +- jagged; petals 10--19, 12--35 mm, obovate-oblong, white, pink, rose, lavender, base +- white, tip obtuse-notched; stamens 20--50; stigmas 4--9.
This taxon can be very common some years. This year not so much. Found near an oncolite fossil site.Leaf: many, rosetted, 0.5--5 cm, linear, thick, entire, tapered at base, tip blunt. Inflorescence: stems several to many, 2--6 cm, each 1-flowered, disjointing near middle, leaving proximal ring of 4--7(8) scarious, awl-like bracts; flowers exserted from leaves; pedicel 1--15(30). Flower: sepals (4)6--9, +- 3/4 corolla, petal-like, scarious, widely obovate, entire to +- jagged; petals 10--19, 12--35 mm, obovate-oblong, white, pink, rose, lavender, base +- white, tip obtuse-notched; stamens 20--50; stigmas 4--9.