
Brief Summary

provided by Ecomare
What's unusual about winter purslane is that it has no problem surviving severe winters. It is a fleshy edible plant, containing lots of vitamin C and minerals. No wonder its nicknames are lettuce or spinach. Winter purslane is easy to recognize. Besides being one of the few herbal plants that is a bright healthy green in the winter, the rosettes of long stems end in a dish-like leaf. Actually, it is a pair of leaves which have united into one. The tiny flowers emerge from the middle of the dish.
Copyright Ecomare
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provided by eFloras
Plants annual, with minute, tuberous bodies; periderm absent. Stems 5-50 cm. Leaves: basal leaves in suberect to erect, seldom flattened rosettes, petiolate, 1-30 cm, blade often with weak red pigmentation, broadly rhombic to deltate or reniform, 1-7 × 0.5-5(-6) cm, apex obtuse to apiculate, mucro 1-3 mm; cauline leaves sessile, blade perfoliate or cleft or notched, 10 cm diam. or less. Inflorescences 1-bracteate; bract leaflike, 0.5-15 mm. Flowers 3-10 mm; sepals 1.5-4 mm; petals pink or white, 2-5 mm; ovules 3. Seeds 2-5 mm, shiny and smooth; elaiosome 1-3 mm. 2n = 12, 24, 36, 48, 60.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 4: 472 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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provided by eFloras
Montia perfoliata (Donn ex Willdenow) Howell
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 4: 472 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Comprehensive Description

provided by EOL authors

Claytonia perfoliata, or Miners lettuce, is an annual herb in the Montiaceae family that inhabits natural plant communities, agricultural land, and urban areas, and has a preference for cool, damp soil conditions, though can also grow in river silt, gravel, and even road tar (Matthews 2016).C. perfoliata typically grows in clearings, such as areas recovering from wildfire, meadows, and forest clearings.C. perfoliata which blooms annually in the spring, is native to North America, and is found in California (except for the lower desert areas), Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, and Washington, and in the southern region of British Columbia, and prefers the middle elevations of the mountains in these regions (Matthews 2016).C. perfoliata is abundant in these areas, and is not of any conservation concern.There are three subspecies of C. perfoliata: C. perfoliata ssp. perfoliata, the most prevalent subspecies which is mostly present in the Pacific Northwest, C. perfoliata ssp. mexicana, which is present mostly in Arizona and Southern California, and Claytonia perfoliata ssp. intermonata, which is prevalent across the Western US (Flora of North America 2017).

As a seedling, Miners lettuce forms a narrow stalk with bright green, blade-like leaves.As it grows, Miners lettuce forms a basal rosette of narrow green tubes of 20-50 cm with no layer of outer protective bark (Flora of North America 2016).These stems spread outwards and also grow erect.The basal leaves of this wildflower are green and cordate (heart-shaped), and grow from petioles on the plant’s stem.The subspecies C.perfoliata has leaves shaped like footballs (ovate), while subspecies C. perfoliata ssp. mexicana has more triangular, pointy leaves (cordate).A distinguishing feature of C. perfoliata is its circular cauline (leaf (leaves that grow on the top of the plant stem) perfoliate leaves, which seem to be pierced by the stem.These leaves can grow to be around 50 mm in diameter, forming a cuplike bract beneath the flower. The flowers of Miners Lettuce grow 1-8 cm above this circular cauline, and are typically white, though they are sometimes pink.These flowers have two sepals ranging from 1.5-4 mm and are typically around 3-10 mm across, sometimes growing as individual flowers, and sometimes as small clusters.Each plant can have anywhere from five to forty individual flowers (Flora of North America 2016).C. perfoliata reproduces by seed (UC IPM 2016).The tiny, black, three-valved fruit of this plant contains 1-3 seeds of approximately 2-3 mm in length.The basal and cauline leaves of this plant have been traditionally used as an herb and in salads by Native Americans and American pioneers, giving it its distinctive common name.Other common names for this herb are Indian-lettuce and Winter purslane (Matthews 2016).


  • Flora of North America, Vol. 4. 2016. Claytonia perfoliata (Miner’s Lettuce) www.eFloras.org. Accessed: May 05, 2017.
  • UC IPM. 2016. Miner’s lettuce (Claytonia perfoliata). University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/WEEDS/_lettuce.html. Accessed: May 15, 2017.
  • Matthews, Robert F. 2016. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/claper/all.html. Accessed: May 17, 2016.

Authors: Caylah Lunning and Luke Christensen; Editor: Dr. Gordon Miller; Seattle University EVST 2100 - Natural History: Theory and Practice. Spring 2017
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Broad-scale Impacts of Plant Response to Fire

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: prescribed fire, restoration

The Research Project Summary Vegetation response to restoration treatments
in ponderosa pine-Douglas-fir forests of western Montana
information on prescribed fire and postfire response of plant community
species including miner's-lettuce.
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Common Names

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
claspleaf miner's-lettuce
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Miner's-lettuce is a native winter or spring annual.  It is branched
from the base with stems growing up to 14 inches (35 cm) tall.  Leaves
are mostly basal, simple, and 2.4 to 8.0 inches (6-20 cm) long,
including the stalk.  Miner's-lettuce has two stem leaves that fuse to
form a disc just below the flower stalk.  The elongate stalk bears
numerous small flowers.  Fruits are tiny, three-valved capsules
containing one to three seeds.  Roots are fibrous [11,22,27,36].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Miner's-lettuce is distributed from British Columbia south to Guatemala
and east to North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, and Arizona
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Fire Ecology

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: cover, fire regime, seed

Miner's-lettuce has long-lived seeds that are stored in the soil [33]
and germinate following fire [34].  It is a prolific seeder [24]; mass
flowering in the years immediately following a fire recharges the
seed bank [33].  Miner's-lettuce can develop high cover on exposed soil
in full sun [31].

Find fire regime information for the plant communities in which this
species may occur by entering the species name in the FEIS home page under
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Fire Management Considerations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Rapid growth of miner's-lettuce after fire in chaparral in the Sierra
Nevada foothills contributes to an increased food supply for flocking
bird species such as mourning dove and western meadowlark [24].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Growth Form (according to Raunkiær Life-form classification)

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More info for the term: therophyte

bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat characteristics

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Miner's-lettuce usually occurs on moist or vernally moist sites
[10,14,18,19,22].  Miller [39] reported it from a variety of substrates
including river silt, sand, gravel, road tar, loam, rock crevices,
talus, and scree.  He also found it on burned sites.  Some polyploids
occur on specialized, distinctive sites.  The Columbia River Gorge
octoploid, for example, occurs only on north-facing basalt talus slopes
or cliff faces.  Other polyploids are more plastic in site requirements

In California, miner's-lettuce is most common below 6,500 feet (2,000 m)
[38]; in Arizona it grows at elevations of 2,500 to 7,500 feet
(750-2,270 m) [19]; in Utah it grows at elevations of 2,600 to 10,890
feet (800-3,300 m) [36].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Cover Types

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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This species is known to occur in association with the following cover types (as classified by the Society of American Foresters):

   206  Engelmann spruce - subalpine fir
   207  Red fir
   210  Interior Douglas-fir
   211  White fir
   213  Grand fir
   215  Western white pine
   217  Aspen
   221  Red alder
   222  Black cottonwood - willow
   224  Western hemlock
   229  Pacific Douglas-fir
   230  Douglas-fir - western hemlock
   232  Redwood
   233  Oregon white oak
   234  Douglas-fir - tanoak - Pacific madrone
   235  Cottonwood - willow
   237  Interior ponderosa pine
   238  Western juniper
   239  Pinyon - juniper
   243  Sierra Nevada mixed conifer
   244  Pacific ponderosa pine - Douglas-fir
   245  Pacific ponderosa pine
   246  California black oak
   247  Jeffrey pine
   248  Knobcone pine
   249  Canyon live oak
   250  Blue oak - Digger pine
   255  California coast live oak
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Ecosystem

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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This species is known to occur in the following ecosystem types (as named by the U.S. Forest Service in their Forest and Range Ecosystem [FRES] Type classification):

More info for the term: shrub

   FRES20  Douglas-fir
   FRES21  Ponderosa pine
   FRES22  Western white pine
   FRES23  Fir - spruce
   FRES27  Redwood
   FRES28  Western hardwoods
   FRES29  Sagebrush
   FRES30  Desert shrub
   FRES34  Chaparral - mountain shrub
   FRES35  Pinyon - juniper
   FRES36  Mountain grasslands
   FRES37  Mountain meadows
   FRES42  Annual grasslands
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Plant Associations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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This species is known to occur in association with the following plant community types (as classified by Küchler 1964):

More info for the terms: forest, shrub, woodland

   K001  Spruce - cedar - hemlock forest
   K002  Cedar - hemlock - Douglas-fir forest
   K005  Mixed conifer forest
   K006  Redwood forest
   K007  Red fir forest
   K009  Pine - cypress forest
   K010  Ponderosa shrub forest
   K011  Western ponderosa forest
   K012  Douglas-fir forest
   K013  Cedar - hemlock - pine forest
   K015  Western spruce - fir forest
   K016  Eastern ponderosa forest
   K017  Black Hills pine forest
   K018  Pine - Douglas-fir forest
   K019  Arizona pine forest
   K020  Spruce - fir - Douglas-fir forest
   K023  Juniper - pinyon woodland
   K024  Juniper steppe woodland
   K025  Alder - ash forest
   K026  Oregon oakwoods
   K028  Mosaic of K002 and K026
   K029  California mixed evergreen forest
   K030  California oakwoods
   K033  Chaparral
   K034  Montane chaparral
   K035  Coastal sagebrush
   K037  Mountain-mahogany - oak scrub
   K038  Great Basin sagebrush
   K039  Blackbrush
   K041  Creosotebush
   K048  California steppe
   K051  Wheatgrass - bluegrass
   K055  Sagebrush steppe
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Immediate Effect of Fire

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Miner's-lettuce is probably killed by fire.
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Importance to Livestock and Wildlife

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Miner's-lettuce is preferred by cattle in blue oak (Quercus douglasii)
savannas in California [5].  It is also grazed by pocket gophers [6].
Mourning doves, California quail, and other seed-eating birds consume
the fruits [24,41].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Life Form

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: forb

bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Management considerations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: density, fern

In California, density and overall yield of miner's-lettuce is greater
in bracken fern communities than in surrounding grasslands [14,15].
This may be due to increased moisture availability in winter and early
spring, when bracken fern is dormant [14].

Miner's-lettuce is a host to the beet western yellows virus, which is
spread by aphids [43]. 

Purslane sawfly larvae, which consume the seeds, afford some biological
control over miner's lettuce [42,43].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Nutritional Value

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
The nutritional composition of miner's-lettuce has been determined to be
37.1 percent protein, 42.5 percent total carbohydrate, and 12.4 percent
crude fiber.  The calcium:phosphorus ratio is 0.66:1.0 [37].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Occurrence in North America

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
     AZ  CA  CO  ID  MT  NV  ND  OR  SD  UT
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Other uses and values

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
The blossoms, leaves, and stems of miner's-lettuce may be eaten by
humans at any time during the growing season.  They are eaten raw or
cooked, and are a good source of vitamin C [11,37].  Historically,
miner's-lettuce was used as a salad plant and potherb by white settlers
and Native Americans [19].  It was also used to avert or cure scurvy
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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Time from germination to flowering varied from 33 to 90 days in a
Columbia River Gorge population [39].  Miner's-lettuce flowers from
February to May in Arizona and California [19,27].  In Utah, it flowers
from June to July [1].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Plant Response to Fire

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: climax, cover, forbs, forest, frequency, habitat type, herbaceous, mesic, prescribed fire, seed, wildfire

Miner's-lettuce was present in the first growing season after the
stand-destroying Marble-Cone wildfire in the Santa Lucia Range of
California in August 1977.  Peak cover was reached in postfire year 2
and declined by postfire year 3.  Percent frequency of miner's-lettuce
on two study sites that had been dominated by Coulter pine follows [16]:
                   Site                  1978      1979      1980
                   Chews Ridge site 1       9        36         8
                   Chews Ridge site 2       7        48         2

Miner's-lettuce is common in recently burned chaparral [20].  A year
after a fire in chaparral in the Sierra Nevada foothills,
miner's-lettuce had high seed production on moist north-east slopes.
Postfire cover quickly exceeded prefire levels [24].  Miner's-lettuce
was also present the year following a severe fire in a chaparral
riparian zone in the Los Padres National Forest, California, but its
frequency was reduced by postfire year 2 [9].

Miner's lettuce was common the 2nd postfire growing season after the
2013 Rim Wildfire on the Stanislaus National Forest, California. It formed
a lawn on the ground layer of some mesic to wet sites (Fryer 2015
personal observation).

Miner's lettuce ground layer on the Stanislaus National Forest, 15 months after the 2013 Rim Fire.

Miner's-lettuce is also common after fire in more northern portions of
its range.  It was present in the first growing season after a fall
wildfire in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) stands in the
Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness, Idaho, and had increased in frequency by
postfire year 3 [25].  In burned ponderosa pine shelterwood cut units in Idaho,
miner's-lettuce was present in postfire year 1 on sites burned with dry fuels,
but was not present on sites burned with moist fuels.  It also was
not present in the prefire vegetation or in unburned control plots [30].
Miner's-lettuce was present in the first growing season following the
stand-destroying Pattee Canyon wildfire in a Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga
menziesii)/ninebark (Physocarpus malvaceus) habitat type in west-central
Montana [7].  It was still present in the herbaceous layer 10 years
later [34].

On ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir communities in the Blue Mountains
of northeastern Oregon, miner's-lettuce cover and frequency were higher
on sites that had been burned 4 years previously than on thinned,
thinned and burned, or unburned control sites.  Miner's-lettuce was
determined to be an indicator species for thinned sites (P≤0.05).
For further information on the effects of thinning and burning treatments
on miner's-lettuce and 48 other species, see the Research Project Summary
of Youngblood and others' [45] study.

A basin big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata spp. tridentata)-Idaho fescue
(Festuca idahoensis)-bluebunch wheatgrass community at the John Day
Fossil Beds National Monument in east-central Oregon was burned in the
spring and fall.  Although not in the prefire vegetation, miner's-lettuce
was present in trace amounts (less than 2% frequency) the summer after
the fall prescribed fire.  It was not present after the spring fire or
in control plots [29].  See the Research Project Summary of this study
for more information on fire effects on miner's-lettuce and 60 additional
forbs, grasses, and woody plant species.

Miner's-lettuce establishes after fire in disturbed and climax
grasslands in southeastern Washington [8].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Post-fire Regeneration

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: ground residual colonizer, secondary colonizer

   Ground residual colonizer (on-site, initial community)
   Secondary colonizer - on-site seed
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Regeneration Processes

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: seed

Miner's-lettuce reproduces by seed [24,33,34].  Selfing is the most
common method of pollination, but insect pollination also occurs.  Seeds
are dispersed by explosive dehiscence.  They are capable of immediate
germination [39].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Regional Distribution in the Western United States

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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This species can be found in the following regions of the western United States (according to the Bureau of Land Management classification of Physiographic Regions of the western United States):

    1  Northern Pacific Border
    2  Cascade Mountains
    3  Southern Pacific Border
    4  Sierra Mountains
    5  Columbia Plateau
    6  Upper Basin and Range
    7  Lower Basin and Range
    8  Northern Rocky Mountains
    9  Middle Rocky Mountains
   10  Wyoming Basin
   11  Southern Rocky Mountains
   12  Colorado Plateau
   15  Black Hills Uplift
   16  Upper Missouri Basin and Broken Lands
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Successional Status

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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Miner's-lettuce occurs in all seral stages.  It often colonizes
disturbed sites, particularly following fire [22,24].  Miner's lettuce
is also found on virgin fields dominated by bluebunch wheatgrass
(Pseudoroegneria spicata) and Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda) in
southeastern Washington [8].  However, miner's-lettuce is shade tolerant
[22,26,27] and is more prominent under a canopy than in openings in oak
savanna, western white pine (Pinus monticola), and antelope bitterbrush
(Purshia tridentata) communities [3,23,26].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Montia perfoliata (Donn.) Howell [18,22,27,36]
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: polyploid

The currently accepted scientific name of miner's-lettuce is Claytonia
perfoliata Donn. (Portulacaceae) [35,38,44]. The Claytonia perfoliata
complex is a polyploid group of considerable complexity, with several
subspecies and many ecotypes [39,40]. The following subspecies are

Claytonia perfoliata subsp. perfoliata [35,39]
Claytonia perfoliata subsp. mexicana (Rydb.) John M. Miller & Chambers [35,38]
Claytonia perfoliata subsp. intermontana John M. Mill. & K.L. Chambers [35]

Varieties under the synonym Montia perfoliata are listed in several
floras [19,27,35,36,38].

Miner's-lettuce hybridizes with C. parviflora, C. sibirica, and C. rubra
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Claytonia perfoliata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Claytonia perfoliata

provided by wikipedia EN

Claytonia perfoliata, commonly known as miner's lettuce, Indian lettuce, or winter purslane, is a flowering plant in the family Montiaceae. It is an edible, fleshy, herbaceous, annual plant native to the western mountain and coastal regions of North America.


Claytonia perfoliata is a tender rosette-forming plant that grows to some 30 centimetres (12 inches) in height,[2] but mature plants can be as short as 1 cm (38 in). The cotyledons are usually bright green (rarely purplish- or brownish-green), succulent, long and narrow. The first true leaves form a rosette at the base of the plant, and are 0.5 to 4 cm (14 to 1+58 in) long, with a typically long petiole (exceptionally up to 20 cm or 8 in long).

The small pink or white flowers have five petals 2 to 6 millimetres (116 to 14 in) long. The flowers appear from February to May or June and are grouped 5–40 together. The flowers grow above a pair of leaves that are connected together around the stem so as to appear as a single circular leaf. Mature plants form a rosette; they have numerous erect to spreading stems that branch from the base.

C. perfoliata is common in the springtime, and prefers a cool, damp environment. The plant first appears in sunlit areas after the first heavy rains of the year, though the best stands are found in shaded areas, especially in the uplands, into early summer. As the days get hotter and drier, the leaves turn a deep red color as they dry out.


Together with two other Claytonia species, Claytonia parviflora and C. rubra, C. perfoliata comprises what is almost certainly a polyploid pillar complex,[3] which is based on three diploid species.[4] Two key studies on the population ecology and genetics of the C. perfoliata complex were published in 2012.[3][5]


There are three well-studied geographical subspecies of C. perfoliata:[4]

Other names

C. perfoliata is called 'piyada̠' in the Western Mono language and 'palsingat' in Ivilyuat — two Native American languages of California[6] or 'rooreh' in (Ohlone language)[7]

Distribution and habitat

The species is native to Mexico and western north America as far north as British Columbia.[8]

It has been introduced into and is widely naturalized in western Europe, Argentina and New Zealand[8] It was introduced to Europe in the 18th century, possibly by the naturalist Archibald Menzies, who brought it to Kew Gardens in London in 1794.[9][10] It was first recorded in the wild in Britain in South Hampshire in 1849 and is still spreading.[11] As of 2019 sightings of this plant have been found as far inland as Arkansas.[12]


Miner's lettuce served as a salad

The common name of miner's lettuce refers to how the plant was used by miners during the California Gold Rush, who ate it to prevent scurvy.[13][14][15] It is in season in April and May, and can be eaten as a leaf vegetable.[16] The entire plant is edible, except the roots, and it provides vitamin C.[17] Most commonly, it is eaten raw in salads, but it is not quite as delicate as cultivated lettuce. Sometimes, it is boiled like spinach, which it resembles in taste and chemical composition. Caution should be used because wild C. perfoliata can sometimes accumulate toxic amounts of soluble oxalates (also present in spinach).[18]

The plant is known as palsingat or, possibly, lahchumeek in Ivilyuat and it was eaten fresh or boiled as a green by the Ivilyuqaletem (Cahuilla) of Southern California. It, along with Claytonia exigua, is available for gathering in the early spring.[19]


  1. ^ "The Plant List: A working list of all plant species". Royal Botanic Gardens Kew and Missouri Botanic Garden. Retrieved 8 May 2016.
  2. ^ Elias, Thomas S.; Dykeman, Peter A. (2009) [1982]. Edible Wild Plants: A North American Field Guide to Over 200 Natural Foods. New York: Sterling. p. 95. ISBN 978-1-4027-6715-9. OCLC 244766414.
  3. ^ a b McIntyre, P. J. 2012. Cytogeography and genome size variation in the Claytonia perfoliata (Portulacaceae) polyploid complex. Annals of Botany (Oxford) 110(6): 1195-203
  4. ^ a b Miller, J. M. and K. L. Chambers. 2006. Systematics of Claytonia (Portulacaceae). Systematic Botany Monographs 78: 1-236 ISBN 0-912861-78-9
  5. ^ McIntyre, P. J. 2012. Polyploidy associated with altered and broader ecological niches in the Claytonia perfoliata (Portulacaceae) species complex. American Journal of Botany 99(4): 655-62.
  6. ^ "A Dictionary of Western Mono: Second Edition"
  7. ^ "rooreh", Wiktionary, 2020-09-06, retrieved 2023-04-28
  8. ^ a b "Claytonia perfoliata Donn. ex Willd". Plants of the World Online. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved 28 April 2023.
  9. ^ Hank Shaw (March 7, 2011). "Foraging for Miner's Lettuce, America's Gift to Salad". The Atlantic. Retrieved 2013-04-06.
  10. ^ Archibald Menzies (1923). Menzies' Journal of Vancouver's Voyage, April to October, 1792 [extract]. W. H. Cullin Printers. Retrieved 2013-04-07.
  11. ^ P.A. Stroh, T. A. Humphrey, R.J. Burkmar, O.L. Pescott, D.B. Roy, & K.J. Walker (ed.). "Claytonia perfoliata Donn ex Willd". BSBI Online Plant Atlas 2020. Retrieved 28 April 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: editors list (link)
  12. ^ Schneider, Adam C. (October 2019). "Claytonia Perfoliata (Montiaceae) Newly Reported In Arkansas, U.S.A." Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas. 13 (2): 495–497. doi:10.17348/jbrit.v13.i2.806. ISSN 1934-5259. JSTOR 26844050. S2CID 244520656.
  13. ^ Small, Ernest (2014). North American Cornucopia: Top 100 Indigenous Food Plants. Boca Raton, Florida, USA: CRC Press. p. 697. ISBN 9781466585942.
  14. ^ Miner's lettuce was prescribed by Rev. William Taylor in 1849 during the California gold rush: Purdy, Helen Throop (1912). San Francisco: As It Was, As It Is, And How To See It. San Francisco, California, USA: Paul Elder and Co. p. 178. ISBN 9780598280268.
  15. ^ Rev. William Taylor's account of using miner's lettuce to treat scurvy: Taylor, William (1860). California Life Illustrated. New York, New York, USA: Carlton & Porter. pp. 230–231.
  16. ^ Lyons, C. P. (1956). Trees, Shrubs and Flowers to Know in Washington (1st ed.). Canada: J. M. Dent & Sons. p. 106.
  17. ^ Nyerges, Christopher (2016). Foraging Wild Edible Plants of North America: More than 150 Delicious Recipes Using Nature's Edibles. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 115. ISBN 978-1-4930-1499-6.
  18. ^ "Miner's Lettuce". UC IPM Online. UC Davis.
  19. ^ Bean, John Bean; Saubel, Katherine Siva (1969). Temalpakh (from the Earth): Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage of Plants. Malki Museum Press. ISBN 978-0939046249.

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Claytonia perfoliata: Brief Summary

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Claytonia perfoliata, commonly known as miner's lettuce, Indian lettuce, or winter purslane, is a flowering plant in the family Montiaceae. It is an edible, fleshy, herbaceous, annual plant native to the western mountain and coastal regions of North America.

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