Image of largefruit amaranth
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Largefruit Amaranth

Amaranthus deflexus L.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Amaranthus deflexus L. Mant. 2: 295. 1771
Glomeraria deflexa Cav. Descr. 319. 1803.
Amaranthus prostratus Balbis, Mem. Acad. Turin 7: 360. 1804.
Euxolus deflexus Raf. Fl. Tell. 3: 42. 1837.
Albersia proslrata Kunth, Fl. Berol. 2: 144. 1838.
Stems slender, much branched, ascending or decumbent, glabrous, or villous above, green or purplish, 1.5-6 dm. long; petioles slender or stout, 6-25 mm. long; leafblades broadly ovate to rhombic-ovate or lanceolate, narrowed toward the apex, the tip obtuse, sometimes shallowly emarginate, rounded to cuneate at the base, deep-green, often purplish, glabrous, or sparsely villous beneath, prominently veined; flowers monoecious, chiefly in stout, dense, leafy or naked, terminal spikes 2-8 cm. long and 5-10 mm. thick, usually also in dense manyflowered axillary clusters; bracts ovate, acute, cuspidate, 2 mm. long, 1-nerved, green along the nerves ; stamens 3 ; style-branches 3 ; utricle oblong in outline, indehiscent, the walls fleshy, 3-5-nerved, smooth ; seed oval, 1 mm. long, dark reddish-brown, shining.
Type locality: Not stated.
Distribution: Adventive along the eastern coast of the United States from Massachusetts to Alabama, and in southern California; southern Mexico; also in South America, Europe, and. Africa.
bibliographic citation
Paul Carpenter Standley. 1917. (CHENOPODIALES); AMARANTHACEAE. North American flora. vol 21(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora