Collected by Chas. H. Quibell # 6250
Collected by Chas. H. Quibell # 6250
Collected by Chas. H. Quibell # 6250
Collected by Chas. H. Quibell # 6250
Collected by Chas. H. Quibell # 6250
Collected by Chas. H. Quibell # 6250
Collected by Chas. H. Quibell # 6250
Collected by Chas. H. Quibell # 6250; detail showing cauline leaves
Collected by Chas. H. Quibell # 6250
Apologies for the lousy image. D. breweri is barely distinguishable in lower center of image. Included here to add location context. Background includes view SSE toward west ride of Mt. Tyndall