It is used medicinally, for industrial oil material, and for timber.
This description covers characteristics that may be relevant to fire ecology and is not meant for identification. Keys for identification are available (e.g., [31,60,105,132,146]).
Aboveground: In North America, Chinaberrytree is a deciduous tree (reviews by [26,78]) that typically has a single trunk [124] and a rounded crown ([39,135], reviews by [33,78]). In Australia, Chinaberrytree is semi-evergreen [103]. In North America, Chinaberrytree typically grows from 32 feet (9.8 m) [60,104] to about 50 feet (15 m) tall [31,36,39,104,130,135], with about a 20-inch (60 cm) diameter (DBH) [36]. In Hawaii, it may grow to about 70 feet (20 m) tall [112]. In the United States, the largest recorded Chinaberrytree tree occurs in Hawaii and is 75 feet (23 m) in height, 18.6 feet (5.64 m) in circumference, and has a 96-foot (29 m) canopy spread [47]. Occasionally, Chinaberrytree is shrub-like ([47,79], review by [77]). On Chinaberrytree trees that have been cut, fasciation (change from relatively round stem to relatively flat stem) may occur on 4- to 5-foot (1-2 m) long, branched segments [136]. Chinaberrytree's dark green leaves [39] are 2 to 3 times compound, about 1 ([31], review by [78]) to 2 feet (0.3-0.6 m) long ([22,84,130], reviews by [33,77,78,89]), and about 9 to 16 inches (20-41 cm) wide (review by [89]).
Chinaberrytree's inflorescence is a loose, many-flowered [124], stalked panicle [13,28,105,132], sometimes cymose [124]. Chinaberrytree's fruit is a globose [105] to subglobose [130,132] drupe [22,28,105,137] about 0.4 to 0.8 inches (1-2 cm) in diameter [47,105,130,132], but may be as much as 2 inches (5 cm) wide (review by [33]). At maturity the Chinaberrytree fruit is various shades of yellow ([47], reviews by [33,77]). In Chinaberrytree's native Asian range, fruit grows in clusters of 2 to 15 or more and drupes are 0.3 to 0.59 inches (0.8-1.5 cm) in diameter [144]. Chinaberrytree seed is fleshy and is 7.6 mm long × 3.2 mm wide [82], but may be as small as 3.5 mm long × 1.6 mm wide in some cultivars [79].
Cultivars: Mabberley [79] indicated that Chinaberrytree cultivars throughout the world are variable in form and are morphologically different from wild types growing in Asia. It is likely that all Chinaberrytree trees introduced to this continent descended from some form of cultivar. In the United States, two cultivars occur that are morphologically distinct from the common type (see above description) in North America. 'Umbraculiformis' is distinguished from the common type by its multiple stems, umbrella-like canopy and shorter stature (20 to 25 feet (6-7.6 m) tall) (reviews by [33,55,78]). 'Jade Snowflake' is distinguished by its variegated leaves (review by [33]).
Belowground: Available literature as of this writing (2009) suggests that Chinaberrytree's root system may vary under different growing conditions. In India, 6-year-old Chinaberrytree trees growing in a nonirrigated plantation lacked tap roots. Lateral roots occurred at an average depth of 39.9 inches (76.0 cm) and weighed about 2.9 pounds (1.3 kilograms)/tree [123]. In Argentina, Chinaberrytree trees on wildlands had both lateral roots and a tap root. First order lateral roots grew horizontally, within 2 inches (4 cm) of the soil surface [124].
Stand structure: Chinaberrytree can occur as scattered trees (review by [77]) but can also form dense stands, as has been observed in Florida (review by [77]) and Texas [39,121]. Chinaberrytree density was 6 trees/acre (15 trees/ha) in a red maple (Acer rubrum) swamp forest in Florida [108]. On an island off the coast of Texas, dense stands of Chinaberrytree, in combination with pokeweed and boneset, were "impenetrable" [121]. Following physical damage (from fire, herbivory, etc.) Chinaberrytree may exhibit clonal growth [124], which may increase its potential to form dense stands.
Longevity: One review indicated that Chinaberrytree may be short-lived [78]. Chinaberrytree wood is weak (review by [33]) and susceptible to heartwood rot and rapid decay (review by [55]).
Other: In the laboratory, dried material from Chinaberrytree suppressed the germination and growth of radish, leading researchers to conclude that Chinaberrytree had allelopathic potential. Dried Chinaberrytree material only moderately reduced weed emergence in a rice paddy, leading researchers to speculate that allelopathic potential of Chinaberrytree could be influenced by soil chemistry and microorganisms [62]. Chinaberrytree's allelopathic potential has not been studied in wildlands.
Chinaberrytree is a nonnative tree in North America. It occurs throughout the southern United States north to Virginia and west to central California [20,128]. It also occurs in Utah, Oklahoma, Missouri and New York [28,135]. It has been recommended for highway planting in Nevada [115] and may occur there. It also occurs in Hawaii and Puerto Rico [128]. In southern forests, its estimated cover is greatest in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and eastern Texas [90]. Plants Database provides a map of Chinaberrytree's distribution within the United States.
Because Chinaberrytree has been extensively cultivated around the world, its native distribution is uncertain [144]. Chinaberrytree is considered native to southeastern Asia, specifically central and western China, northern India (review by [33]), the Himalayan region ([31], review by [78]), Burma, and Malaysia [79]. It is also native to tropical Australia [79]. In addition to North America, Chinaberrytree occurs as a nonnative in Mexico, Argentina (reviews by [10,94]), and other warm-temperature parts of the world [144].
Chinaberrytree has been cultivated and planted in many parts of the world since the 16th century. In North America, it was initially introduced in 1830 to South Carolina and Georgia as an ornamental (review by [61]). Chinaberrytree readily escapes cultivation [22,35,130,137,146] and spreads to disturbed sites and wildlands.
Fuels: A publication from Virginia on firewise landscaping techniques gave Chinaberrytree a low flammability rating [3]; however, no details were provided on how this determination was made.
FIRE REGIMES: Published information on FIRE REGIMES in Chinaberrytree's native habitats was not available as of this writing (2009). In its North American range, Chinaberrytree occurs in plant communities with historic FIRE REGIMES of varied frequency and severity, although Chinaberrytree was not widespread when these reference FIRE REGIMES were functioning. Based on its ability to persist following annual prescribed fires a in longleaf pine forest [74,129], Chinaberrytree may be adapted to high-frequency, low-severity FIRE REGIMES. In the southeastern United States, Chinaberrytree may invade wet grasslands historically associated with frequent fire, when fire is excluded (review by [118]). As of this writing (2009) information pertaining to Chinaberrytree's tolerance to low-frequency FIRE REGIMES is lacking. See the Fire Regime Table for further information on FIRE REGIMES of vegetation communities in which Chinaberrytree may occur. Find further fire regime information for the plant communities in which this species may occur by entering the species name in the FEIS home page under "Find FIRE REGIMES".
Fire regime change: As of this writing (2009) information pertaining to Chinaberrytree's ability to alter FIRE REGIMES is lacking.
Some Chinaberrytree seed may undergo a short period of dormancy prior to germination. A review indicated that in a nursery, Chinaberrytree seed may take 1 to 3 months to germinate [34]. A propagation manual indicated that when grown in a nursery, 65% of Chinaberrytree seed could be expected to germinate within 3 weeks after being sown [130] but no details were given on growing conditions or potting medium. In the laboratory, 50% of Chinaberrytree seed germinated in 4 weeks [63]. A review suggested that Chinaberrytree seed undergoes physiological dormancy for more than 4 weeks before germinating, but dormancy is broken by warm or cold stratification (Nikolaeva 1977 cited in [9]).
Chinaberrytree seed remaining encased within the stone may be capable of germinating. Under laboratory conditions, Chinaberrytree seed germinated from 80% of stones after 91 days at alternating temperatures from 68 to 86 °F (20-30 °C) [63].
Germination may occur across a range of pH; however, seedling establishment and vigor may be negatively impacted by highly acidic conditions. Reduced seedling emergence and "severe" leaf damage were observed in Chinaberrytree when exposed to acid rain (pH 2-6). In the laboratory, Chinaberrytree germinated in solutions of various pH ranging from 2 to 6. Continual exposure of germinated Chinaberrytree seed to pH 2 caused primary shoots and roots to rot, leading to "very low" seedling emergence [41].
In North America, Chinaberrytree occurs in many habitats (review by [33]) and variable environments.
Climate: Chinaberrytree's North American distribution is likely restricted by winter temperatures. Based on the United States Department of Agriculture's hardiness zone classification system, it has been suggested that in temperate climates, Chinaberrytree can withstand winter temperatures ranging from 5 to 30 °F (-15 °C to -1.1 °C) (reviews by [33,78]), or maybe as low as -10 °F (-23.3 °C) [130]. A review by Dirr [33], however, indicated that Chinaberrytree would be severely injured or killed at temperatures at or below -3 °F (20 °C). In North America, Chinaberrytree's most northern distribution at the time of this writing (2009) is New York state, where average January temperature can range from near 22 °F (-6 °C) along the coast to below -14 °F ( -10 °C) in the mountains [143], suggesting that Chinaberrytree may tolerate moderately cold winter temperatures even if it only occurs in the warmer portions of this state.
Available information indicates Chinaberrytree occurs in climates of variable humidity and precipitation. A study from India indicated that Chinaberrytree is suitable for arid regions (Randhawa 1965-1983 cited in [109]). In the northern Cape of Africa, where Chinaberrytree is nonnative, it was common along streambanks and roadsides in a semiarid savanna, but its abundance declined in arid regions [59]. In North America, Chinaberrytree has been observed in humid climates (Alabama [129] and Virginia [95]), subtropical humid, subtropical subhumid [99], and dry-subhumid to semiarid climates (Texas) (Larkin and Bomar 1983 cited in [141]). In North America, Chinaberrytree occurs in areas that receive average rainfalls of about 20 to 60 inches (600-1,500 mm)/year ([86,99,143], Larkin and Bomar 1983 cited in [141], National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1979 cited in [27]). Rainfall may be uniformly distributed throughout the year (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1979 cited in [27]) or may be seasonally distributed [99].
In parts of its native range, Chinaberrytree may occur in areas that receive seasonally restricted rainfall. In India, Chinaberrytree occurs in dry monsoon climates with average annual rainfall from 2 inches (50 mm) to 40 inches (1,000 mm) [13,123]. In Australia, Chinaberrytree is a rainforest canopy species [103,117] and occurs in areas that received average annual rainfall of 55 inches (1,401 mm) to 172 inches (4,383 mm), primarily during summer months (November to May) [65,103].
General Habitat and Moisture: Chinaberrytree occurs on sites altered by human activity such as fence rows [36,47], abandoned agricultural fields [58], pastures [132,138], highways (review by [33]), logging sites [53,117], and riparian areas that are heavily grazed [14]. It is frequently associated with disturbance [26,31,45,105,132], especially soil disturbance [92]. Chinaberrytree occurs on sites impacted by hurricanes [45,65,117] and flooding [17,64]. In wildlands it occurs in both disturbed [1,53] and undisturbed [12,124] plant communities.
Chinaberrytree occurs in wet and dry habitats and may occur in either extreme. In Texas, Chinaberrytree occurred in habitat that was inundated year-round [100]. It established in a Texas floodplain where deep, high velocity flooding occurred [17]. In the mediterranean region of California, Chinaberrytree withstood flooding for almost an entire growing season while continuing to develop new roots [133]. Four out of 6 Chinaberrytree trees that were partially submersed up to 1.5 feet (0.46 m) during the growing season were alive after 45 days and were classified as intermediately tolerant to flooding [85]. In Africa, Chinaberrytree occurred in a wet floodplain floor that experienced periodic flooding [64].
In Hawaii, Chinaberrytree prefers dry sites, especially in gulches and pastures [132]. Reviews indicate that Chinaberrytree is drought tolerant in Texas (reviews by [21,49]), although one flora indicated otherwise [130]. In southwestern Alabama, Chinaberrytree was an occasional species on well drained sites [44]. In the southeastern United States, Chinaberrytree occurs with longleaf pine [74,129], a species found on well-drained sites [40]. In Florida, Chinaberrytree was one of a number of species that established in a hammock after its hydrology had been changed from wet to mesic by draining [45]. A study from India indicated that Chinaberrytree is drought-resistant (Randhawa 1965-1983 cited in [109]).
Elevation: Information pertaining to Chinaberrytree's elevational range is sparse; however, available information indicates that Chinaberrytree occurs over a range of elevations in North American, from sea level on the coast, up to 3,000 feet (915 m) in one western state. Chinaberrytree may be uncommon at high elevations in the southeastern United States (review by [88]). One review indicated that where it is native, Chinaberrytree occurs in both lowland and highland rainforests [134].
Reported elevational ranges for Chinaberrytree North America Location Elevation Alabama 210 feet (63 m) [129] California 0 to 656 feet (0-200 m) [20] Hawaii 0 to 2,000 feet (0- 610 m) [132] Texas 381 to 430 feet (116-131 m) [140] Utah 2,800 to 3,000 feet (850- 900 m) [135] Other Countries Australia 300 feet (100 m) [65] Pakistan up to 5,600 feet (1,700 m) [2]Substrate: Chinaberrytree does not appear to be limited by soil texture. In Texas, Chinaberrytree occurred in a floodplain with deep, well-drained (Coffee and others 1980 cited in [99]) silty clays [100]; in a riparian area characterized by loams (Carter 1931 cited in [141]); and near a lake on sands and sandy loams [140]. In 24 sampled sites across the south-central United States, Chinaberrytree was most frequently associated with soils containing a high percent of clay [91]. In a Louisiana floodplain, Chinaberrytree occurred on a site with poorly drained silt loams and silty clay loams [86]. In South Carolina, Chinaberrytree occurred on abandoned agricultural lands in soils that were primarily loams [58].
Little information is available on other characteristics of Chinaberrytree substrates at the time of this writing (2009). One study reported Chinaberrytree in a Texas floodplain in which the entire study area was described as having calcareous, moderately alkaline soils with a pH ranging from 7.6 to 7.8 [99]. In Georgia, Chinaberrytree occurred in an area with pH ranging from 4.9 to 6.9 and an average pH of 5.6 [27]. In a tropical rainforest in Australia, Chinaberrytree occurred on a site where drainage was impeded, and soils derived from granite overlaid sandstone and schist bedrock [65].
Impacts: Reports on Chinaberrytree's impacts in the United States vary, and it is not considered invasive in all states where it occurs. A study investigating characteristics of invasive plants placed Chinaberrytree in a group of woody plants considered potentially invasive based on seed mass and other reproductive characteristics [107]. Dirr [33] described Chinaberrytree as a "genuine weed tree" and a "true biological vagrant", and one of the most prevalent nonnative trees in southern forests. Although it commonly invades wildlands, little has been documented on its ecology and associated ecological impacts ([51], review by [10]). Most available information on Chinaberrytree impacts in wildlands is anecdotal. A review by Woodcock [142] lists Chinaberrytree with several nonnative woody plants that are considered among the greatest threats to native Hawaiian biota. It is ranked as a "severe threat" in South Carolina [114]. In Georgia, Chinaberrytree is ranked as a Category 1 invasive species: nonnative plants that pose serious problems in Georgia natural areas by "extensively invading native plant communities and displacing native species" [46]. In Florida, it is ranked as a Category II nonnative invasive: species "that have increased in abundance or frequency but have not yet altered Florida plant communities to the extent shown by Category I species" [43]. It has been banned from sale in some Florida counties [68]. According to Everitt and others [39], Chinaberrytree is abundant in native riparian woodlands in parts of Texas, and "often forms dense stands that reduce light to other understory vegetation"; the source of this information was not given. Herbaria specimens from California indicate Chinaberrytree has begun to invade wildlands in that state [20].
In one study, Chinaberrytree's leaf litter had an inhibitory affect on weeds in a cropland [62] and may have a similar impact on native plants in wildlands. Chinaberrytree leaf litter may increase nitrogen [111] and pH, and reduce aluminum levels in the soil [101].
In Mississippi and Alabama, Chinaberrytree saplings serve as a host for the ambrosia beetle, Xylosandrus mutilatus, an insect that may negatively impact forest ecosystems [119].
Control: This section is not intended to be comprehensive or prescriptive in nature but focuses on control methods for Chinaberrytree in wildlands, and their potential to influence wildfire and or the use of fire as a management tool.
Control of biotic invasions is most effective when it employs a long-term, ecosystem-wide strategy rather than a tactical approach focused on battling individual invaders [80]. Managing to maintain the integrity of the native plant community and mitigate the factors enhancing ecosystem invasibility is likely to be more effective than managing solely to control the invader [61]. Regardless what control methods are employed, the potential for other invasive species to replace Chinaberrytree once it is controlled must be considered [16].
Fire: Prescribed fire is not recommended for controlling this species (see Fire Management Considerations).
Prevention: It is commonly argued that the most cost-efficient and effective method of managing invasive species is to prevent their establishment and spread by maintaining "healthy" natural communities [80,110] (e.g., avoid road building in wildlands [126]) and by monitoring several times each year [66]. Researchers in Texas [39] have developed a color-infrared aerial photography technique that may help to monitor population trends of Chinaberrytree in wildlands. Weed prevention and control can be incorporated into many types of management plans, including those for logging and site preparation, grazing allotments, recreation management, research projects, road building and maintenance, and fire management [127]. See the Guide to noxious weed prevention practices [127] for specific guidelines in preventing the spread of weed seeds and propagules under different management conditions. For a widespread species like Chinaberrytree, however, prevention alone will not stop its spread.
Cultural control: No information is available on this topic at the time of this publication (2009).
Physical or mechanical control: Physical or mechanical control of Chinaberrytree is general only effective during the initial stages of invasion. Seedlings can be hand pulled ([68], review by [134]), but care must be taken to remove the entire root [49]. Physical controls that damage Chinaberrytree's stem or root system will likely encourage sprouting (see Vegetative regeneration).
Biological control: Preliminary surveys have been conducted for biological controls of Chinaberrytree (review by [29]), although at the time of this writing (2009), no biological control was available for Chinaberrytree. In 2001, Chinaberrytree was listed as 1 of the top 10 invasive plants from Asia that spread to North America, for which a biological control is needed. Chinaberrytree is considered a good candidate for biological control because it has no congeners in the United States [32].
Chemical control: According to reviews [21,49,68,134], triclopyr is the preferred method for chemical control of seed-producing Chinaberrytree trees, and it controls root- and stem-sprouting [125]. Triclopyr applied to the base or foliage of Chinaberrytree trees was recommended for Chinaberrytree control [72]. Direct foliar application of triclopyr or imazapyr has been recommended to kill Chinaberrytree sprouts and seedlings (review by [21]). Triclopyr and sodium chlorate produced partial or complete root mortality on containerized seedlings of Chinaberrytree, which resulted in foliage damage [54]. Injecting triclopyr into Chinaberrytree's stem [21,72] or applying triclopyr directly to its foliage or a freshly-cut stump in conjunction with a cut-surface treatment (e.g., girdle, cut-stump) kills Chinaberrytree ([72], reviews by [21,49]).
Herbicides are typically effective in gaining initial control of a new invasion or a severe infestation, but they are rarely a complete or long-term solution to weed management [18]. See the Weed control methods handbook [125] for considerations on the use of herbicides in natural areas and detailed information on specific chemicals.
Integrated management: No information is available on this topic at the time of this publication (2009).White-tailed dear [57], feral pigs [130], plain chachalaca [81], American robins [11], gray catbirds, northern mocking birds [83], and songbirds in the southeastern United States [57] eat Chinaberrytree fruit to a limited extent. In Florida, songbirds sometimes gorge on Chinaberrytree fruit to a point of intoxication [96]. In Texas, researchers found Chinaberrytree plant material in the stomach of a ringtail [120].
Palatability and/or nutritional value: The fruit of Chinaberrytree is poisonous [47,60,104] to humans ([31], review by [77]) and some other mammals (review by [77]), including livestock [31]. Chinaberrytree causes gastrointestinal problems in livestock [6]. The toxic substance in Chinaberrytree may cause digestive, liver, and kidney problems in humans. Six to 8 Chinaberrytree fruits have been reported to cause death in young children [31]. The fruit contains a narcotic capable of causing paralysis (review by [83]).
Chinaberrytree leaf litter is high in calcium (40.8 mg/g dried leaf) [101].
Cover value: On islands off the coast of Texas, cattle egrets used Chinaberrytree trees for nesting sites in place of native vegetation that had been killed by guano deposited from breeding birds. Cattle egrets also used Chinaberrytree's fruit-bearing twigs for nesting material. The continued accumulation of bird guano eventually killed Chinaberrytree trees [121].
Chinaberrytree has many uses around the world. In the United States ([47,70,83], review by [78]) and in South America [4], Chinaberrytree was primarily planted as an ornamental tree and for shade (reviews by [78,138]). It is likely so abundant it is seldom planted anymore [47]. In other parts of the world its wood is used for cabinets [55] and furniture (Dalton and others 1991 cited in [4]) and its seed for rosary beads ([70], review by [55]). In India, Chinaberrytree is grown for fuel [97].
Chinaberrytree trees have been recommended for planting at landfills in developing countries to offset environmental problems caused by landfills [71]. In China, Chinaberrytree as been studied for its ability to uptake selenium—an element that causes health problems in humans and other animals—on croplands that have high concentrations of this element [30].
Extracts from Chinaberrytree have been studied for potential medicinal applications including antibacterial, antimalarial, antifertility, and antiviral properties [131]. Its antiviral properties have led researchers to evaluate Chinaberrytree as a potential treatment for the herpes simplex virus type 1 [8]. Extracts from Chinaberrytree have been used as pesticides ([88,130], review by [89]). One study found that dried Chinaberrytree leaves had limited inhibitory effects on weeds in croplands [62]. Dried Chinaberrytree leaves have also been studied for their potential to augment soil nitrogen [111].
Reproduction: In Florida ([26], reviews by [77,89]) and Texas [130], Chinaberrytree flowers from March through April or May. Fruits and seeds are produced by July (reviews by [77,89]) and ripen from September to October ([130], review by [33]). Fruit often remains on the tree until the leaves fall ([47,130], review by [77]) or longer; sometimes until winter (reviews by [33,89]), the next spring ([25], review by [33]), or the following summer (review by [55]). In Japan, Chinaberrytree fruits ripen autumn through winter [93].
Growth: In India, Chinaberrytree shoot growth was initiated by bud burst and new leaf development in late February. Most Chinaberrytree growth (69-80%) occurred during the next 4 months. Maximum shoot growth occurred during the dry months of the growing season from March to April. Increases in Chinaberrytree diameter occurred primarily from April through August [13].
Chinaberrytree typically reproduces from seed ([36,124], review by [88]) but also sprouts from root buds ([124], review by [77]) or stumps [7]. In wild populations, sexual reproduction may be more common in undisturbed conditions [87], while vegetative regeneration may be limited to Chinaberrytree trees that have been damaged [124].
Chinaberrytree likely forms a short-term seed bank, and its longevity may be extended under certain conditions. A review [9] classified Chinaberrytree with a group of other rainforest species that may undergo at least a short period of physiological dormancy (see Germination and seedling establishment). In Australia, Chinaberrytree occurred occasionally in a tropical rainforest where viable Chinaberrytree seeds were collected from soil samples at depths up to 2 inches (5 cm). A total of 13 Chinaberrytree seeds germinated from 2 of the 12 samples [65]. In a forested sand dune in Virginia, Chinaberrytree failed to germinate from 3-inch-deep (8 cm) soil samples although it occurred as a minor component in the overstory [95]. Menvielle and Scopel [87] indicated that under nondisturbed conditions, an annual supply of fresh Chinaberrytree fruit may be necessary to maintain a continually viable Chinaberrytree seed bank.
Chinaberrytree seed may retain viability for at least 1 year if kept in dry storage ([130], review by [34]). In a laboratory, seed in Chinaberrytree stones stored at temperatures from -4 to 50 °F (-20 to 10 °C), and in variable moisture conditions, remained viable for 26 months. Seed viability declined with increased temperature and moisture, and lowest viability occurred in stones stored at 50 °F (10 °C) and 11.7% moisture. Researchers concluded that Chinaberrytree seed may remain viable when stored over a wide range of air and moisture conditions, but longevity is typically increased with decreases in temperature and moisture [63].
When damaged, Chinaberrytree sprouts from roots ([124], review by [77]) or from stumps [7,124]. Root sprouts grow from root buds on lateral roots as a response to physical damage (e.g., fire, animal injury, tree felling) [124]. Chinaberrytree has been propagated from cuttings, root suckers [130], and adventitious buds that develop on the callus tissue of root segments. The larger the diameter of root segment, the more sprouts it will produce [124].
Chinaberrytree trees produced from sprouts may grow faster and reproduce earlier than trees produced from seed. Following disturbance, survivorship of Chinaberrytree root sprouts (ca. 40%) was higher than for seedlings (0.5-3%). Within 2 years, trees produced from root sprouts accumulated more than 200 times the biomass of trees produced from seed, and some trees had reached reproductive stage [124].
Melia azedarach, commonly known as the chinaberry tree,[3] pride of India,[4] bead-tree, Cape lilac,[3] syringa berrytree,[3] Persian lilac,[3] Indian lilac, or white cedar,[5] is a species of deciduous tree in the mahogany family, Meliaceae, that is native to Indomalaya and Australasia.[6]
The fully grown tree has a rounded crown, and commonly measures 7–12 metres (20–40 feet) tall, exceptionally 45 m (150 ft).[7]
The leaves are up to 50 centimetres (20 inches) long, alternate, long-petioled, two or three times compound (odd-pinnate); the leaflets are dark green above and lighter green below, with serrate margins.
The flowers are small and fragrant, with five pale purple or lilac petals, growing in clusters.
The fruit is a drupe, marble-sized, light yellow at maturity, hanging on the tree all winter, and gradually becoming wrinkled and almost white.
Italo et al 2009 and Safithri and Sari 2016 report flavonoids and phenols found in M. azedarach.[8]: 490
The genus name Melia is derived from μελία (melía), the Greek word used by Theophrastus (c. 371 – c. 287 BC) for Fraxinus ornus,[9][10] which has similar leaves.[11] The species azedarach is from the French 'azédarac' which in turn is from the Persian 'āzād dirakht' (ازادرخت ) meaning 'free- or noble tree'.[12]
Melia azedarach should not be confused with the Azadirachta trees, which are in the same family, but a different genus.
Some hummingbirds like the sapphire-spangled emerald (Amazilia lactea), glittering-bellied emerald (Chlorostilbon lucidus) and planalto hermit (Phaethornis pretrei) have been recorded as feeding on and pollinating the flowers; these only take it opportunistically.[13]
The plant was introduced around 1830 as an ornamental in the United States (South Carolina and Georgia) and widely planted in southern states. Today it is considered an invasive species by some groups as far north as Virginia and Oklahoma.[14] But nurseries continue to sell the trees, and seeds are also widely available. It has become naturalized to tropical and warm temperate regions of the Americas and is planted in similar climates around the world. Besides the problem of toxicity, its usefulness as a shade tree in the United States is diminished by its tendency to sprout where unwanted and to turn sidewalks into dangerously slippery surfaces when the fruits fall, though this is not a problem where songbird populations are robust. As noted above, the possibility of commercially profitable harvesting of feral stands remains largely unexplored.
The fruits have evolved to be eaten by animals, which eat the flesh surrounding the hard endocarp or ingest the entire fruit and later vent the endocarp. If the endocarp is crushed or damaged during ingestion or digestion, the animal will be exposed to the toxins within the seed. The processes of mastication and digestion, and the degree of immunity to the particular toxins, vary widely between species, and there will accordingly be great variation in the clinical symptoms following ingestion.[15]
Fruits are poisonous or narcotic to humans[16] if eaten in quantity.[17] However. these toxins are not harmful to birds, who gorge themselves on the fruit, eventually reaching a "drunken" state. The birds that are able to eat the fruit spread the seeds in their droppings. The toxins are neurotoxins and unidentified resins, found mainly in the fruits. The first symptoms of poisoning appear a few hours after ingestion. They may include loss of appetite, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, bloody faeces, stomach pain, pulmonary congestion, cardiac arrest, rigidity, lack of coordination and general weakness. Death may take place after about 24 hours. As in relatives, tetranortriterpenoids constitute an important toxic principle. These are chemically related to azadirachtin, the primary insecticidal compound in the commercially important neem oil. These compounds are probably related to the wood and seed's resistance to pest infestation, and maybe to the unattractiveness of the flowers to animals.
The plant is toxic to cats.[18]
The main utility of chinaberry is its timber. This is of medium density, and ranges in colour from light brown to dark red. In appearance it is readily confused with the unrelated Burmese teak (Tectona grandis). Melia azedarach, in keeping with other members of the family Meliaceae, has a timber of high quality, but in comparison to many almost-extinct species of mahogany, it is under-utilised. Seasoning is relatively simple — planks dry without cracking or warping and are resistant to fungal infection.
The tough five-grooved seeds were widely used for making rosaries and other products requiring beads; however, the seeds were later replaced by plastics. The cut branches with mature fruit are sold commercially to the florist and landscaping trade particularly as a component for outdoor holiday décor. The fruits may persist for some time prior to shattering off the stem or discoloring, which occurs rapidly after a relatively short time in subfreezing weather.
In Kenya the trees have been grown by farmers and used as fodder trees. The leaves can be fed to cattle to improve milk yields and improve farm incomes.[19] The taste of the leaves is not as bitter as that of the leaves of neem (Azadirachta indica).
In Australia, particularly the suburbs of Melbourne, the tree is often used in nature strip plantings by local councils. The councils plant such trees for amenity reasons as well as environmental, social and economic benefits.[20]
Leaves have been used as a natural insecticide to keep with stored food, but must not be eaten as they are highly poisonous.[21] Chinaberry fruit was used to prevent insect larvae from growing in the fruit. By placing the berries in, for example, drying apples and keeping the fruit turned in the sun without damaging any of the chinaberry skin, the fruit will dry and will prevent insect larvae in the dried apples.
A diluted infusion of leaves and trees has been used in the past to induce uterine relaxation.
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: CS1 maint: others (link) Melia azedarach, commonly known as the chinaberry tree, pride of India, bead-tree, Cape lilac, syringa berrytree, Persian lilac, Indian lilac, or white cedar, is a species of deciduous tree in the mahogany family, Meliaceae, that is native to Indomalaya and Australasia.