Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Muhlenbergia distichophylla (Presl) Kunth, Rev. Gram. Suppl xvi. 1830.
Podosaemtim dislichophyllum Presl, Rel. Haenk. 1: 231. 1830.
Epicampes distichophylla Vasey. Cat. Grasses U. S. 45. 1885. (Based on "Muhlenbergia Munro"; also Ind. Kew. 3: 269. 1894, as synonym of Epicampes distichophylla Vasey. Name not effectively published. The species referred to is Muhlenbergia Emersleyi Vasey.) Epicampes slricla var. distichophylla Jones, Contr. West. Bot, 14: 6. 1912. (Based on Podosaemum distichophyllum Presl.)
Perennial; culms rather slender, glabrous, about 1 m. tall, the basal tuft of sheaths compressed-keeled; sheaths keeled, slightly scaberulous; ligule delicate, between firm slender auricles on either side, 1.5-2 cm. long; blades elongate, flat or folded, very scabrous, especially on the margins, 2-5 mm. wide, the apex long-attenuate; panicle narrow, soft and feathery, 30-40 cm. long, the axis angled, scabrous, the branches slender, ascending, approximate, naked below, many-flowered, 3-5 cm. long, or the lower as much as 10 cm. long; glumes scabrous, about 1 mm. long; lemma sparsely pilose and scaberulous, about 1.5 mm. long, the awn delicate, flexuous, scabrous, 1-1.5 cm. long.
Type locality: Mexico.
DisTRmuTiON: Rocky soil, Guerrero, Mexico (Langlassi607. 674).
- bibliographic citation
- Albert Spear Hitchcock. 1935. (POALES); POACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 17(6). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Muhlenbergia angustifolia vSwallen, sp. nov
Perennial, rather slender; culms erect, glabrous or slightly scabrous, about one m. tall; sheaths compressed-keeled, scaberulous; ligule delicate, elongate; blades elongate, conduplicate below, about 1 mm. wide as folded (2 mm. when flattened), very scabrous on the margins, becoming revolute above, tapering into a long fine flexuous scabrous point; panicle erect, narrow, pale, 20-30 cm. long, the axis scabrous, the branches appressed or somewhat ascending, rather loosely imbricate, 1-3 cm. long, the lower sometimes longer ; .spikelets about 2.5 mm. long ; glumes equal, faintly scaberulous, rather obtuse; lemma about as long as or slightly longer than the glumes, acute, slightly scaberulous but not pubescent except slightly on the inner side at base; awn from just below the bifid apex, slender, flexuous, mostly 5-15 mm. long, sometimes shorter; palea nearly as long as the lemma. Perennis ; culmi erecti glabri vel scaberuli 1 m. alti ; vaginae compressae carinatae scaberulae; ligula hyalina elongata; laminae angustae elongatae, in parte inferiore conduplicatae, 1 mm. latae, marginibus scaberrimis, in parte superiore revolutae, apice sensim angustatae flexuosae scaberrimae; panicula angusta erecta pallida 20-30 cm. longa, ramis appressis 1-3 cm. longis; spiculae circa 2.5 mm. longae; glumae obtusiusculae; lemma glumas aequans acutura glabrum aristatum, arista flexuosa 5-15 mm. longa.
Type collected on rocky hills near Guadalajara. Mexico, November 11. 1889, Pringle 2346 (U. S.'Nat. Herb. no. 822882).
- bibliographic citation
- Albert Spear Hitchcock. 1935. (POALES); POACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 17(6). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY