Plants on reddish volcanic rhyolite of grassy mid-slope hillside with Bouteloua hirsuta, Dahilia scherffii, Salvia emaciata, Milla biflora
Plants on reddish volcanic rhyolite of grassy mid-slope hillside with Bouteloua hirsuta, Dahilia scherffii, Salvia emaciata, Milla biflora
Plants on reddish volcanic rhyolite of grassy mid-slope hillside with Bouteloua hirsuta, Dahilia scherffii, Salvia emaciata, Milla biflora
in shady pine understory on low ridge of volcanic rhyolitic tuff gravels and coarse sands
on coarse volcanic gravels and alluvial sands below rhyolitic tuff cliffs forming narrow canyon bottom drained by small perennial creek.
roadside in grassy, open clearing above arroyo on volcanic tuff substrate.
mesic bottom of Canon Tararecua on volcanic tuff rubble on moist soils near extensive thermal springs flowing into Rio San Ignacio,
mesic bottom of Canon Tararecua on volcanic tuff rubble on moist soils near extensive thermal springs flowing into Rio San Ignacio,
mesic bottom of Canon Tararecua on volcanic tuff rubble on moist soils near extensive thermal springs flowing into Rio San Ignacio,
mesic bottom of Canon Tararecua on volcanic tuff rubble on moist soils near extensive thermal springs flowing into Rio San Ignacio,