[syn. Chamaesyce multiformis var. multiformis]Akoko, ekoko, koko or kkmlei EuphorbiaceaeEndemic to the Hawaiian IslandsWaianae-Kai Trail (Mkaha), OahuThe name akoko comes from the Hawaiian word koko for blood. They get their name from the red, or blood-colored, seed capsules appearing as drops of blood on the plant on some varieties and species. www.flickr.com/photos/dweickhoff/4839128621/nativeplants.hawaii.edu
[syn. Chamaesyce multiformis var. multiformis]Akoko, ekoko, koko or kkmlei EuphorbiaceaeEndemic to the Hawaiian IslandsWaianae-Kai Trail (Mkaha), OahuThe name akoko comes from the Hawaiian word koko for blood. They get their name from the red, or blood-colored, seed capsules appearing as drops of blood on the plant on some varieties and species. www.flickr.com/photos/dweickhoff/4839128621/nativeplants.hawaii.edu
A South African member of the Crassulaceae Family, known as Pig's Ears or as Cub's Paws. Some feel that it is just a subspecies of C. tomentosa. KEW Gardens, London.