Unresolved name

Cotopaxicoris Heiss 2013


provided by Zookeys
Micropterous; body subrectangular strongly attenuated anteriorly; surface of head and body with deep punctures, the elevated structures and lateral margins of head and body as well as of legs and antennae beset with fringe-like yellowish setae; colouration light brown, head darker, tibiae lighter. Head. Distinctly wider than long, clypeus short, genae adherent shorter than clypeus; antenniferous lobes short diverging anteriorly; antennae about 2.5× as long as width of head; segment I longest, those following shorter and thinner; eyes stalked; postocular lobes converging posteriorly; rostrum arising from an open atrium as long as head. Pronotum. Subrectangular about 3× as wide as long; lateral margins with rounded reflexed carinate paranota, posteriorly delimited by a notch followed by a laterally produced knob-like process; surface of disk with a median carina and rugose lateral sclerites; posterior margin carinate and convex, separated by a distinct suture from mesonotum. Mesonotum. Strongly transverse, about 4x as wide as long; surface with a median ridge which continues throughout thorax and abdomen, laterally flanked by oval smooth depressions followed by rugose sclerites, these delimited laterally by basally elevated flap-like structures representing reduced wingpads; suture separating meso- and metanotum recognizeable lateral of median ridge, where it is marked only by a thin indistinct suture. Metanotum. Fused to mtg I+II and tergal plate; continuous median ridge widened posteriorly then forming a cross-like ridge on mtg I+II; lateral sclerites with rugose callosities, depressed anteriorly; surface of mtg I+II deeply punctured. Abdomen. Tergal plate fused to mtg I+II, median ridge narrower on mtg III continuing and raised posteriorly, highest on mtg IV-V; surface laterally with oval punctured depressions; deltg II+III fused, laterally expanded, an inclined carina marking posteror margin of deltg II; pe-angles of deltg V and VII roundly expanded. Venter. Spiracles I-IV ventral remote from lateral margin, V and VI sublateral but visible from above, VII-VIII lateral and visible. Legs. Long and slender, tarsi with long thin pulvilli.
Ernst Heiss
bibliographic citation
Heiss E (2013) New Aradidae from Ecuador (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Aradidae) ZooKeys 319: 137–151
Ernst Heiss
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