Unresolved name

Elysius sarcochroa Dognin

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Elysius sarcochroa Dognin

Elysius sarcochroa Dognin, 1912c, p. 4.

Forewing 27.0 mm. Front of head yellowish brown ventrally, light yellow dorsally; vertex light yellow. Tegulae yellowish brown, with light yellow anterior margin; patagia light yellow anterolaterally, otherwise yellowish brown. Forewing greyish orange, with orange-yellow costal and basal area and with suffusion of light brown in cell and at outer margin. Hindwing orange-white, with light brown outer marginal band. Dorsal surface of abdomen brownish orange anteriorly, greyish brown posteriorly; segments 5–8 yellow laterally. Ventral surface yellow except for greyish brown segment 8, and greyish brown patches on each side of segments 2–7.

Described from a single male from Monte Tolima, Colombia.

Holotype ♂ “Dognin Collection; Type No. 30481 U.S.N.M.; Monte Tolima, 3200 m., Colomb. Cent. Cord., Coll. Fassl; Elysius sarcochroa Dogn. type ♂, Hmpn. 10.12; Holotype ♂ Elysius sarcochroa Dognin A.W. 1967; Arctiidae genitalia slide No. AW567.”
bibliographic citation
Watson, Allan. 1973. "An illustrated catalog of the Neotropic Arctiinae types in the United States National Museum (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) Part 2." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.50.1