Unresolved name

Elysius arpi Dognin

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Elysius arpi Dognin

Elysius arpi Dognin, 1923, p. 5.

Forewing 30 mm. Front of head yellowish white dorsally, black ventrally. Vertex black between antennal bases, white posteriorly except for black medial line. Scape of antenna orange-yellow. Tegulae yellowish white, with central yellow-speckled dash. Patagia black anteriorly, with small white spot and slightly larger, less well-defined white spot posterior to latter; rest of patagium white, with greyish brown dorsolateral fringe and with black spot toward distal end. Forewing yellowish white, suffused with greyish brown apically and between elements of medial fasciae; fascia markings white, edged with greyish brown; a single orange-yellow spot present at base of wing. Hindwing white, with pale yellow anal suffusion; markings light yellowish grey. Abdomen orange-yellow dorsally, with row of black-margined medial and lateral spots; ventral surface white, with medial row of large greyish brown markings and two rows of lateral markings on each side.

Described from a single male from Joinville, Brazil.

Holotype ♂: “Dognin Collection; Type No. 30386 U.S.N.M.; J.ville Coll. J. Arp; Elysius arpi Dgn. Type ♂ Holotype ♂ Elysius arpi Dognin A.W. 1967; Arctiidae genitalia slide No. AW566.”
bibliographic citation
Watson, Allan. 1973. "An illustrated catalog of the Neotropic Arctiinae types in the United States National Museum (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) Part 2." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.50.1