Description: Family : Meliaceae Basionym: Swetenia febrifuga. Large trees.Bark thick, brown fissured, bitter.Wood hard, reddish and strong.Leaves large, paripinnate, leaflets opposite, entire, thick.Flowers in panicles. 0.6-1cm across, pinkish white.Sepals 5, saucer shaped. Petals 5obovate, unguiculate.Stamens 10, staminal tube short, cup shaped,10 cleft,each lobe bifid,anthers short attached to the cleft by their back.Disk flat, pink colored, Ovary 5 celled, stigma flatthick, discoid, 5 angled, green. Somi(Telugu) Photographed at Easternghats of A.P India. The wood is valuable. The bark is used in the treatment of digestive disorders in Ayurveda. Date: 14 April 2012, 09:45. Source:
Soymida febrifuga (Roxb.) A.Juss.. Author:
Lalithamba from India.