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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Unresolved name
Unresolved name:
unclassified viruses
unclassified bacterial viruses
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
unclassified bacterial viruses
Recognized by
Alternative Names
bacterial virus
In-part according to
bacterial viruses
In-part according to
prokaryotic virus
In-part according to
unclassified bacteriophages
Synonym according to
unclassified phage
Synonym according to
unclassified phages
Synonym according to
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for unclassified bacterial viruses
unclassified viruses
unclassified bacterial viruses
(this page)
Acinetobacter phage ABP-01
Acinetobacter phage ABP-04
Acinetobacter phage phiAB11
Acinetobacter phage phiAB2
Acinetobacter phage RL-2015
Acinetobacter phage vB_phiAcib_BQ1
Acinetobacter phage vB_phiAcib_BQ2
Acinetobacter phage vB_phiAcib_BQ3
Acinetobacter phage vB_phiAcib_BQ4
Acinetobacter phage ZaA-2018a
Acinetobacter phage ZaA-2018b
Acinetobacter phage ZZon-2017a
Acropora pruinosa phage
Aeromonas phage DH1
Aeromonas phage V46
Alkalimonas phage phiMOD2.32-OM
Alkalimonas phage phiMOD3.20-OM
Alkalimonas phage phiMOL1.4-NB
Alkalimonas phage phiMOL1.4-ST
Alkalimonas phage phiMOM3.2-OM
Alkalimonas phage phiMOM3.3-MOD2
Alphaproteobacteria phage MedPE-SWcel-C56
APSE phage Eptesicus fuscusP5ITUSA2009
Bacillus phage 12826
Bacillus phage apl1
Bacillus phage bg1
Bacillus phage bg2
Bacillus phage bg3
Bacillus phage BSNPO1
Bacillus phage BSP7
Bacillus phage CHC-2015a
Bacillus phage Frp2
Bacillus phage Htp1
Bacillus phage lambda Ba01
Bacillus phage lambda Ba02
Bacillus phage lambda Ba03
Bacillus phage lambda Ba04
Bacillus phage LH-2015
Bacillus phage LuB-2019a
Bacillus phage P1
Bacillus phage phiB83
Bacillus phage phiIzh57
Bacillus phage phiKir1
Bacillus phage PN1
Bacillus phage PN11
Bacillus phage PN19
Bacillus phage PN2
Bacillus phage PN5
Bacillus phage PY
Bacillus phage SNalpha300
Bacillus phage ST1
Bacillus phage ST5
Bacillus phage ST6
Bacillus phage ST7
Bacillus phage Tomato
Bacillus phage Wip2
Bacillus phage Wip4
Bacillus virus vB_BmeM-Goe8
Bacillus virus vB_BthP-Goe4
Bacillus virus vB_BveM-Goe7
Bacillus virus vB_BveP-Goe6
Bacteriophage APSE-3
Bacteriophage APSE-4
Bacteriophage APSE-5
Bacteriophage APSE-7
Bacteriophage KCCM11030P
Bacteriophage KNP2
Bacteriophage KNP4
Bacteriophage MR-5
Bacteriophage P1384
Bacteriophage P1777
Bacteriophage P1792
Bacteriophage P1797
Bacteriophage P1800
Bacteriophage P1902
Bacteriophage P1940
Bacteriophage phiEaP-8
Bacteriophage SPW
Bacteroides phage ATCC 700786-B1
Bacteroides phage phiBrb01
Bacteroides phage phiBrb02
Bacteroides phage PhiCrAss001
Bartonella henselae phage
Bartonella henselae phage 60457
Bartonella quintana phage
Brucella phage HarSa-2013
Brucella phage PSu-2010
Burkholderia phage 644-2
Burkholderia phage E12-2
Burkholderia phage E202
Burkholderia phage E255
Butyrivibrio virus Arawn
Butyrivibrio virus Arian
Butyrivibrio virus Bo-Finn
Butyrivibrio virus Idris
Butyrivibrio virus Ysbryn
Campylobacter phage A115a
Campylobacter phage A11a
Campylobacter phage A18a
Campylobacter phage C10
Campylobacter phage CGC-2007
Campylobacter phage PC17
Campylobacter phage PC35
Campylobacter phage PC48
Campylobacter phage PK80
Campylobacter phage PK83
Campylobacter phage PM1
Campylobacter phage PM5
Caulobacter phage BL10
Caulobacter phage BL9
Caulobacter phage Cr10
Caulobacter phage Cr2
Caulobacter phage Cr29
Caulobacter phage Cr32
Caulobacter phage Cr34
Caulobacter phage Cr5
Caulobacter phage PW
Caulobacter phage SC
Caulobacter virus Bpp1
Cellulophaga phage Mariner
Citrobacter phage EcpYZU01
Clavibacter phage CN77
Clostridium limosum phage
Clostridium phage CRS-2017a
Clostridium phage d-16 phi
Clostridium phage D-1873
Clostridium phage phiCDHM4
Colitis phage
Corynebacterium diphtheriae phage
Cronobacter phage Dev-CT57
Edwardsiella phage eiDWF
Edwardsiella phage eiMSLS
Eggerthella phage P1
Eggerthella phage P10
Eggerthella phage P11
Eggerthella phage P12
Eggerthella phage P13
Eggerthella phage P2
Eggerthella phage P3
Eggerthella phage P4
Eggerthella phage P5
Eggerthella phage P6
Eggerthella phage P7
Eggerthella phage P8
Eggerthella phage P9
Enterobacteria phage 020324
Enterobacteria phage 6220
Enterobacteria phage 933J
Enterobacteria phage A312
Enterobacteria phage A315
Enterobacteria phage A397
Enterobacteria phage A534
Enterobacteria phage A549
Enterobacteria phage A557
Enterobacteria phage A580
Enterobacteria phage A75
Enterobacteria phage C-1
Enterobacteria phage C1.2
Enterobacteria phage C14
Enterobacteria phage CL707
Enterobacteria phage ECBP5
Enterobacteria phage F3
Enterobacteria phage F5
Enterobacteria phage F6
Enterobacteria phage FIZ15
Enterobacteria phage HK244
Enterobacteria phage IME568
Enterobacteria phage K1A
Enterobacteria phage L
Enterobacteria phage L1
Enterobacteria phage Lahn1
Enterobacteria phage Lahn3
Enterobacteria phage Ly1
Enterobacteria phage mEp234
Enterobacteria phage mEp332
Enterobacteria phage Nil3
Enterobacteria phage O157-292
Enterobacteria phage O157-310
Enterobacteria phage O157-330
Enterobacteria phage O157-379
Enterobacteria phage O157-469
Enterobacteria phage O157-572
Enterobacteria phage PR02
Enterobacteria phage RB4
Enterobacteria phage SC370
Enterobacteria phage T5-A1
Enterobacteria phage T5-D1
Enterobacteria phage V11
Enterobacteria phage vB_EcoM-VR20
Enterobacteria phage vB_EcoM-VR5
Enterobacteriaceae phage S-394
Enterococcus phage BE2ARG2005
Enterococcus phage MSF1
Enterococcus phage UC1ENC
Enterovibrio phage 1.052.A._10N.286.46.C3
Enterovibrio phage 1.055.O._10N.286.55.E9
Enterovibrio phage 1.070.O._10N.261.45.B2
Enterovibrio phage 1.077.O._10N.261.45.A10
Enterovibrio phage 1.084.O._10N.261.49.F5
Enterovibrio phage 1.101.O._10N.261.45.C6
Enterovibrio phage 1.121.O._10N.286.46.C4
Enterovibrio phage 1.123.O._10N.286.48.F3
Equine faecal phage
Erwinia phage Ea4
Erwinia phage Ea7
Erwinia phage GR-2012
Erwinia phage phiAT1
Erwinia phage QceA2
Erwinia phage QceB10
Escherichia coli phage 101962B_ec1
Escherichia coli phage 64795_ec1
Escherichia coli phage EH297
Escherichia phage 11B
Escherichia phage 30-SK
Escherichia phage 434
Escherichia phage 59-SK
Escherichia phage A3
Escherichia phage AU5
Escherichia phage AU6
Escherichia phage EEVP
Escherichia phage EGD-2014
Escherichia phage fi125
Escherichia phage Jp6
Escherichia phage L2
Escherichia phage L3
Escherichia phage LS-2018a
Escherichia phage LYY-2019a
Escherichia phage MoI-2019a
Escherichia phage PGN28
Escherichia phage PGP
Escherichia phage phi-8
Escherichia phage phi170
Escherichia phage phiEC14stx1
Escherichia phage phiEC3185stx1
Escherichia phage phiEC3206stx1
Escherichia phage phiEC571stx1
Escherichia phage PL-2017a
Escherichia phage PR01
Escherichia phage PR03
Escherichia phage RDN8.1
Escherichia phage SerU-LTIIb
Escherichia phage SP22
Escherichia phage vB_Eco_SLUR104
Escherichia phage vB_Eco_SLUR30
Escherichia phage vB_Eco_SLUR35
Escherichia phage vB_Eco_SLUR61
Escherichia phage vB_Eco_SLUR62
Escherichia phage vB_Eco_SLUR64
Escherichia phage vB_Eco_SLUR69
Escherichia phage vB_Eco_SLUR70
Escherichia phage vB_Eco_SLUR74
Escherichia phage vB_EcoM_11B
Escherichia phage vB_EcoM_ECP26
Escherichia phage vB_EcoS_WD3
Escherichia phage vB_EcoS_XY1
Escherichia phage vB_EcoS_XY2
Escherichia phage VNV
Escherichia phage XiW-2019a
Escherichia virus Lambda_2B8
Escherichia virus Lambda_2E9
Escherichia virus Lambda_2G7a
Escherichia virus Lambda_2G7b
Escherichia virus Lambda_2H10
Escherichia virus Lambda_4A7
Escherichia virus Lambda_4B5
Escherichia virus Lambda_4C10
Escherichia virus mEp460_4F5
Escherichia virus Mu_3F6
Escherichia virus P2_2H1
Escherichia virus P2_2H4
Escherichia virus P2_4A7b
Escherichia virus P2_4B2
Escherichia virus P2_4C9
Escherichia virus P2_4E6b
Escherichia virus P88_4B11
Eupelmus vesicularis secondary endosymbiont phage
Filamentous phage
Flavobacterium phage FKj-2
Flavobacterium phage FLiP
Flavobacterium phage vB_FspS_laban6-1
Gammaproteobacteria virus GOV_bin_2604
Gemmata phage BHS4
Halomonas phage phiNB2ah-NB
Halomonas phage phiNB5ah-OM
Halomonas phage phiNB5ah-ST
Helicobacter phage Is3180G
Helicobacter phage Pt259G
Helicobacter phage Pt5303G
Helicobacter phage SwC388G
Helicobacter phage SwC520G
Hot spring virus BHS1
Hot spring virus BHS2
Hybrid phage HybP-Knphi
Idiomarinaceae phage phiOM2-OM
Klebsiella phage cmc_Kp20192
Klebsiella phage JD902
Klebsiella phage JD905
Klebsiella phage JD907
Klebsiella phage JD908
Klebsiella phage JD910
Klebsiella phage KPP95
Klebsiella phage N1M2
Klebsiella phage phiK02
Klebsiella phage PhiKPN
Klebsiella phage phiKpp-1
Klebsiella pneumoniae phage
Lactobacillus casei phage Lca1
Lactobacillus phage AI15
Lactobacillus phage f-0303
Lactobacillus phage f-AQ113
Lactobacillus phage mv1
Lactobacillus phage mv4
Lactobacillus phage phiEF-1.1
Lactobacillus phage phigaY
Lactobacillus phage Sal1
Lactobacillus phage Sal2
Lactobacillus phage Sal3
Lactobacillus phage Sal4
Lactococcus lactis phage phi 197
Lactococcus phage
Lactococcus phage (ISOLATE 7-9)
Lactococcus phage 409
Lactococcus phage eb1
Lactococcus phage F72
Lactococcus phage ITLPh335
Lactococcus phage mi7-9
Lactococcus phage Q42
Lactococcus phage Q44
Lactococcus phage Q7
Lambdoid phage HB-4
Leuconostoc phage 1 HN-2013
Leuconostoc phage 10MC
Leuconostoc phage 2 HN-2013
Leuconostoc phage 965
Leuconostoc phage 974
Leuconostoc phage L10
Leuconostoc phage L5
Leuconostoc phage P32
Leuconostoc phage P37
Leuconostoc phage P54
Leuconostoc phage PZt11-15
Liberibacter phage P-A4-2
Liberibacter phage P-AHCA1-1
Liberibacter phage P-AHCA2-1
Liberibacter phage P-CTCA1-1
Liberibacter phage P-CTCA1-3
Liberibacter phage P-FL17-1
Liberibacter phage P-HHCA1-2
Liberibacter phage P-HHCA2-2
Liberibacter phage P-LHCA-1
Liberibacter phage P-LHCA-2
Liberibacter phage P-RSCA1-1
Liberibacter phage P-SGCA1-1
Liberibacter phage P-SGCA5-1
Liberibacter phage P-SGpsy-1
Liberibacter phage P-YCpsy-1
Liberibacter phage P-YCpsy-3
Listeria phage 20422-1
Listeria phage 805405-1
Listeria phage SH3-3
Listeria phage U153
Marine RNA phage MB
Marinitoga virus
Methanobacterium virus PhiF1
Methanosarcina virus MetMV
Micromonospora phage pMLP1
Morganella phage IME1369_03
Mycobacterium phage FRAT1
Mycobacterium phage Guwapp
Mycobacterium phage Henu1
Mycobacterium phage Jiminy
Mycobacterium phage L1
Mycobacterium phage Ms6
Mycobacterium phage Y20
Mycoplasma phage phiMFV1
Nasonia vitripennis secondary endosymbiont phage
Neisseria meningitidis phage 2120
Nitrososphaera phage Pro-Nvie1
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0615-4
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0615-5
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0615-6
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0628-10
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0628-12
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0707-17
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0707-18
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0707-83
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0714-84
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0802-23
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0802-24
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0802-56
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0802-57
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0802-85
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0810-29
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0810-30
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0824-34
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0824-35
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0824-36
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0901-41
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0901-42
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCa0901-90
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCF0628-8
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCF0628-9
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCF0707-14
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCF0707-15
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCF0707-16
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCF0714-51
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCF0802-21
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCF0802-22
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCF0810-26
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCF0824-32
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCF0901-37
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCF0901-89
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCM0615-3
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCM0628-11
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCM0714-52
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCM0802-86
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCM0810-27
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCM0810-28
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCM0824-33
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCM0901-40
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCM0901-91
Novosphingobium phage N-AFCM0913-47
Novosphingobium phage N-AFNF0628-7
Novosphingobium phage N-AFNF0707-13
Novosphingobium phage N-AFNF0802-19
Novosphingobium phage N-AFNF0802-20
Novosphingobium phage N-AFNF0810-25
Novosphingobium phage N-AFNF0824-31
Novosphingobium phage N-AFNF0913-43
Novosphingobium phage N-AFNF0922-55
Novosphingobium phage N-An-FWCa0913-92
Oenococcus phage EGM-2013
Oenococcus phage fOg44
Paenibacillus phage phiBP
Pasteurella phage pHB201
Pectobacterium phage A38
Pectobacterium phage MA14
Pelagibacter phage HTVC023P
Pelagibacter phage HTVC026P
Pelagibacter phage HTVC027P
Pelagibacter phage HTVC106P
Pelagibacter phage HTVC111P
Pelagibacter phage HTVC112P
Pelagibacter phage HTVC202P
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-1
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-10
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-11
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-12
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-13
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-14
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-15
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-16
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-17
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-18
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-19
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-2
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-20
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-21
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-22
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-23
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-24
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-25
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-26
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-3
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-4
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-5
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-6
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-7
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-8
Pelagibacter phage PMP-MAVG-9
Peptoclostridium phage p630P1
Peptoclostridium phage p630P2
Phage #D
Phage 13
Phage 16
Phage 258-320
Phage 314
Phage apr34_1784
Phage apr34_1789
Phage apr34_1792
Phage CD630P1
Phage CD630P1L
Phage CD630P2
Phage CD630P2L
Phage Cz
Phage D6E
Phage DP-2017a
Phage E
Phage FAKO05_000032F
Phage FAKO27_000238F
Phage FAKO27_000271F
Phage fuse 5
Phage Gifsy-1
Phage Gifsy-2
Phage Gifsy-3
Phage GMSE-1
Phage h30
Phage LM4
Phage N 209
Phage NGI136
Phage NST1
Phage phiC2
Phage phiC2L
Phage phiCD119
Phage phiCD119L
Phage phiCD27
Phage phiCD27L
Phage SK137
Phage Swp3
Phage TB004
Phage TP-84
Phage TS2126
Phage YaS-2018a
Phage YS1-2_2434
Plesiomonas phage P4-7
Prevotella phage phi AR29
Prochlorococcus cyanophage
Prochlorococcus cyanophage
Prochlorococcus cyanophage
Prochlorococcus cyanophage
Prochlorococcus cyanophage
Prochlorococcus cyanophage
Prochlorococcus cyanophage
Prochlorococcus cyanophage
Prochlorococcus cyanophage
Prochlorococcus cyanophage
Propionibacterium phage PAS7
Propionibacterium phage PAS8
Propionibacterium phage PAS9
Proteobacteria phage MWH-Nonnen-W8red 1
Proteobacteria phage P14
Proteus phage ColProt1
Proteus phage ColProt222
Proteus phage PmP SHa-2019
Proteus virus 18 BL-2018
Proteus virus Sexta
Pseudarthrobacter phage 1 LuB-2019
Pseudarthrobacter phage 2 LuB-2019
Pseudoalteromonas phage KB12-38
Pseudoalteromonas phage PSA-HM1
Pseudoalteromonas phage PSA-HP1
Pseudoalteromonas phage PSA-HS1
Pseudoalteromonas phage PSA-HS2
Pseudoalteromonas phage PSA-HS4
Pseudoalteromonas phage PSA-HS5
Pseudoalteromonas phage PSA-HS6
Pseudoalteromonas phage PSA-HS9
Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage DMS3mVir
Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage DMS3mVirAcrF1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage DMS3mVirAcrF4
Pseudomonas phage 4phiC20
Pseudomonas phage Ea1
Pseudomonas phage LAS-2018a
Pseudomonas phage NBRC 20024
Pseudomonas phage Ni1
Pseudomonas phage P134
Pseudomonas phage PA16
Pseudomonas phage PBSPCA1
Pseudomonas phage phiAH14b
Pseudomonas phage phiKMVC5-111
Pseudomonas phage phiKMVC5-121
Pseudomonas phage phiPsa21
Pseudomonas phage PPA5
Pseudomonas phage PspYZU5415
Pseudomonas phage Ra1
Pseudomonas phage S
Pseudomonas phage So1
Pseudomonas phage vB_Pae_BR177b
Pseudomonas phage vB_Pae_BR58c
Pseudomonas phage vB_Pae_CF16a
Pseudomonas phage vB_Pae_CF52a
Pseudomonas phage vB_Pae_CF55a
Pseudomonas phage vB_Pae_CF6a
Pseudomonas phage vB_Pae_CF77a
Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeM_PcyII-10_PII10A
Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeP_PcyII-10_P3P1
Pseudomonas phage Wi1
Pseudomonas virus BR123
Pseudomonas virus BR133
Pseudomonas virus BR141
Pseudomonas virus BR143
Pseudomonas virus BR144
Pseudomonas virus BR150
Pseudomonas virus BR153
Pseudomonas virus BR161
Pseudomonas virus BR177
Pseudomonas virus BR178
Pseudomonas virus BR181
Pseudomonas virus BR197
Pseudomonas virus BR200
Pseudomonas virus BR201
Pseudomonas virus BR204
Pseudomonas virus BR205
Pseudomonas virus BR208
Pseudomonas virus BR213
Pseudomonas virus BR228
Pseudomonas virus BR233
Pseudomonas virus BR243
Pseudomonas virus BR293
Pseudomonas virus BR299
Pseudomonas virus BR313
Pseudomonas virus BR319
Pseudomonas virus BR320
Pseudomonas virus BR322
Pseudomonas virus BR326
Pseudomonas virus BR327
Pseudomonas virus BR52
Pseudomonas virus BR58
Pseudomonas virus CF118
Pseudomonas virus CF121
Pseudomonas virus CF124
Pseudomonas virus CF125
Pseudomonas virus CF126
Pseudomonas virus CF127
Pseudomonas virus CF136
Pseudomonas virus CF140
Pseudomonas virus CF145
Pseudomonas virus CF16
Pseudomonas virus CF165
Pseudomonas virus CF177
Pseudomonas virus CF183
Pseudomonas virus CF208
Pseudomonas virus CF213
Pseudomonas virus CF23
Pseudomonas virus CF24
Pseudomonas virus CF28
Pseudomonas virus CF3
Pseudomonas virus CF34
Pseudomonas virus CF52
Pseudomonas virus CF53
Pseudomonas virus CF54
Pseudomonas virus CF55
Pseudomonas virus CF57
Pseudomonas virus CF6
Pseudomonas virus CF60
Pseudomonas virus CF63
Pseudomonas virus CF65
Pseudomonas virus CF67
Pseudomonas virus CF69
Pseudomonas virus CF74
Pseudomonas virus CF77
Pseudomonas virus CF78
Pseudomonas virus CF79
Pseudomonas virus CF81
Ralstonia phage P4282
Ralstonia phage phi-RSP
Ralstonia phage THP-2017a
Ralstonia virus RS-IDN-P1
Retronphage phi
Rhizobium phage phiU
Rhizobium phage RHph_I1_18
Rhizobium phage RHph_I1_23
Rhizobium phage RHph_I1_6
Rhizobium phage RHph_I1_9
Rhizobium phage RHph_I20
Rhizobium phage RHph_I34
Rhizobium phage RHph_I36
Rhizobium phage RHph_I38
Rhizobium phage RHph_I3_11
Rhizobium phage RHph_I3_18
Rhizobium phage RHph_I4
Rhizobium phage RHph_I42
Rhizobium phage RHph_I46
Rhizobium phage RHph_I65
Rhizobium phage RHph_I72
Rhizobium phage RHph_I9
Rhizobium phage RHph_N17
Rhizobium phage RHph_N1_10
Rhizobium phage RHph_N1_15
Rhizobium phage RHph_N2
Rhizobium phage RHph_N25
Rhizobium phage RHph_N28_1
Rhizobium phage RHph_N28_2
Rhizobium phage RHph_N2_10
Rhizobium phage RHph_N2_6
Rhizobium phage RHph_N34
Rhizobium phage RHph_N37
Rhizobium phage RHph_N38
Rhizobium phage RHph_N39
Rhizobium phage RHph_N3_13
Rhizobium phage RHph_N3_19
Rhizobium phage RHph_N3_2
Rhizobium phage RHph_N3_8
Rhizobium phage RHph_N42
Rhizobium phage RHph_N65
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM15
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM16
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM1_10A
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM1_10B
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM1_20A
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM1_7A
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM21B
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM23
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM24
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM26
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM27A
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM27B
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM29
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM2_3B
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM30
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM32
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM33
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM34
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM36
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM38
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM39
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM3_14A
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM3_3_10
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM3_3_12
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM3_3_13
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM3_3_14A
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM3_3_14B
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM3_3_3
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM3_3_4B
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM3_3_5A
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM3_3_5B
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM3_3_6
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM3_3_7A
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM3_3_9
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM3_4A
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM40
Rhizobium phage RHph_TM61
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y17
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y1_1
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y1_10
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y1_11
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y1_20
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y2
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y21
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y25
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y2_11
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y2_17_1
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y2_17_2
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y2_19
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y2_4
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y2_6
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y2_7
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y38
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y3_1
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y3_19
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y3_36
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y3_38
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y3_43
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y3_56_1
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y3_56_2
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y48
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y52
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y55
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y5A
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y60
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y65
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y67
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y68
Rhizobium phage RHph_Y86
Rhodobacter phage sz
Rhodococcus phage WC1
Roseburia phage Jekyll
Roseobacter phage 1 XA-2017
Ruegeria phage 67 MN-2018
Ruegeria phage CV-2015
Ruminococcus phage phiRa02
Ruminococcus phage phiRa04
Ruminococcus phage phiRa05
Saccharopolyspora erythraea prophage
Saccharopolyspora erythraea prophage
Salmonella phage 10
Salmonella phage 146851_sal2
Salmonella phage 64795_sal2
Salmonella phage 7c
Salmonella phage BPS34L2
Salmonella phage BRM 13312
Salmonella phage BRM 13313
Salmonella phage BRM 13314
Salmonella phage DaiSi
Salmonella phage Fels-1
Salmonella phage MOE1
Salmonella phage MOE2
Salmonella phage Sasha
Salmonella phage SEN16
Salmonella phage SEN2
Salmonella phage SEN23
Salmonella phage SEN24
Salmonella phage SEN30
Salmonella phage SEN31
Salmonella phage SEN35
Salmonella phage SEN6
Salmonella phage Sergei
Salmonella phage SP1 SHa-2019
Salmonella phage SP2 SHa-2019
Salmonella phage SP3 SHa-2019
Salmonella phage SP4 SHa-2019
Salmonella phage vB_SenM_Melville
Salmonella phage vB_SenS-JE1
Salmonella phage WOLAM
Serratia phage 162-15204L5_S5
Serratia phage 169-15204L7_S7
Serratia phage 214_S16
Serratia phage AndrewSwain_S20
Serratia phage BigDog_S98
Serratia phage GingerNinja_S34
Serratia phage Jello_S10
Serratia phage McSteamy_S57
Serratia phage Moroni-Ayala_S23
Serratia phage PhooPhighters_S19
Serratia phage Rovert_S28
Shewanella phage 1.049.O._10N.286.54.B5
Shewanella phage 1.050.O._10N.286.48.A6
Shewanella phage 1.076.O._10N.286.51.B7
Shewanella phage 1.081.O._10N.286.52.C2
Shewanella phage 1.083.O._10N.286.52.B9
Shewanella phage 2.096.O._10N.286.48.B5
Spalangia cameroni secondary endosymbiont phage
Sphingomonas phage S-AFCa0824-71
Sphingomonas phage S-AFCa0901-72
Sphingomonas phage S-AFCF0802-69
Sphingomonas phage S-AFNF0615-61
Sphingomonas phage S-AFNF0810-70
ssRNA phage DC
Staphylococcus phage 001
Staphylococcus phage 002
Staphylococcus phage 003
Staphylococcus phage 004
Staphylococcus phage 005
Staphylococcus phage 006
Staphylococcus phage IME1364_01
Staphylococcus phage IME1367_02
Staphylococcus phage JS-2016a
Staphylococcus phage phi-42
Staphylococcus phage phi11
Staphylococcus phage phi6390
Staphylococcus phage phiB122
Staphylococcus phage phiB557
Staphylococcus phage phiSa2usa
Staphylococcus phage phiSaST5K
Staphylococcus phage phiWMY
Staphylococcus phage PVL-Sa2GN1
Staphylococcus phage PVL-Sa2GN3
Staphylococcus phage PYO1
Staphylococcus phage SAP090D
Stenotrophomonas phage phiSMP-1
Stenotrophomonas phage vB_SmaS-DLP_4
Streptococcus phage 1027 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 1032 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 1033 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 1034 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 1036 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 1040 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 1041 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 1042 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 2096.1
Streptococcus phage 2096.2
Streptococcus phage 370.1
Streptococcus phage 370.2
Streptococcus phage 370.3
Streptococcus phage 370.4
Streptococcus phage 574 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 575 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 576 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 591 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 596 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 603 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 604 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 605 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 611 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 616 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 620 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 641 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 654 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 671 PZ-2009
Streptococcus phage 700P1
Streptococcus phage D1126
Streptococcus phage Javan1
Streptococcus phage Javan326
Streptococcus phage Javan351
Streptococcus phage Javan436
Streptococcus phage Javan579
Streptococcus phage NZ131.1
Streptococcus phage NZ131.2
Streptococcus phage NZ131.3
Streptococcus phage phi-m46.2
Streptococcus phage phiARI0274
Streptococcus phage phiARI0455
Streptococcus phage phiARI0468-3
Streptococcus phage phiARI0598
Streptococcus phage phiARI0639
Streptococcus phage phiARI0826
Streptococcus phage phiARI0831
Streptococcus phage phiARI0995
Streptococcus phage phiH24
Streptococcus phage phiJH1301-3
Streptococcus phage phiSb01
Streptococcus phage phisc1
Streptococcus phage PhiSpn_200
Streptococcus phage phiZJ20091101-2
Streptococcus phage T270
Streptococcus phage vB_SthS-VA214
Streptococcus phage VD-2017a
Streptococcus phage VD-2017b
Streptococcus phage VD-2017c
Streptococcus phi-m46.1-like phage MB56Spyo045
Streptococcus pyogenes MGAS10270 phage
Streptococcus pyogenes MGAS10750 phage
Streptococcus pyogenes MGAS9429 phage
Streptococcus pyogenes phage
Streptococcus pyogenes phage 5005.1
Streptococcus pyogenes phage 5005.2
Streptococcus pyogenes phage 5005.3
Streptococcus pyogenes phage 6180.2
Streptococcus pyogenes phage 6180.3
Streptococcus pyogenes phage 6180.4
Streptococcus pyogenes phage H10403
Streptococcus pyogenes phage H4489A
Streptococcus pyogenes phage phiRamid
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan103
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan106
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan109
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan111
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan114
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan12
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan120
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan121
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan125
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan127
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan13
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan130
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan134
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan136
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan138
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan142
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan145
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan147
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan148
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan15
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan152
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan153
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan154
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan156
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan16
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan160
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan162
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan165
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan167
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan168
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan171
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan175
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan176
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan19
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan193
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan194
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan195
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan198
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan2
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan200
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan201
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan203
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan204
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan205
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan208
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan209
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan21
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan211
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan212
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan216
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan217
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan218
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan219
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan22
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan222
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan223
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan225
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan228
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan229
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan230
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan232
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan234
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan236
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan24
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan243
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan245
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan248
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan250
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan251
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan256
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan257
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan259
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan260
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan265
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan267
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan27
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan276
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan277
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan279
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan280
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan281
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan282
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan283
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan285
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan286
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan287
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan289
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan292
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan293
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan294
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan295
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan296
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan297
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan298
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan299
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan30
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan300
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan301
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan302
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan303
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan304
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan305
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan307
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan309
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan312
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan313
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan314
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan315
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan317
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan319
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan321
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan322
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan323
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan324
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan325
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan327
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan328
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan329
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan332
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan333
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan334
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan335
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan337
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan338
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan339
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan341
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan342
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan343
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan344
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan352
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan353
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan354
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan356
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan357
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan358
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan359
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan360
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan361
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan364
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan365
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan368
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan373
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan375
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan376
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan378
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan379
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan382
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan387
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan388
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan390
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan391
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan395
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan396
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan397
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan398
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan4
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan401
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan402
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan403
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan404
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan408
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan409
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan41
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan410
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan412
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan413
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan415
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan416
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan417
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan418
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan419
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan421
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan428
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan429
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan43
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan430
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan431
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan432
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan434
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan435
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan437
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan438
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan441
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan442
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan449
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan45
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan453
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan455
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan461
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan462
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan463
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan466
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan468
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan469
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan473
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan475
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan479
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan480
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan482
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan490
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan495
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan50
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan500
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan504
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan518
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan519
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan529
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan537
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan538
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan54
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan540
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan541
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan542
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan543
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan544
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan545
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan546
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan547
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan550
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan552
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan555
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan556
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan557
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan559
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan56
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan560
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan561
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan564
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan568
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan571
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan572
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan574
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan58
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan581
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan582
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan586
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan588
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan591
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan592
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan593
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan594
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan595
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan596
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan598
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan60
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan600
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan601
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan602
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan603
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan604
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan605
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan606
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan607
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan608
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan609
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan61
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan610
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan611
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan612
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan613
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan614
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan615
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan619
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan62
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan620
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan621
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan622
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan624
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan625
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan627
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan63
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan631
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan632
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan634
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan635
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan641
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan643
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan644
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan646
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan647
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan649
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan650
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan651
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan652
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan653
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan66
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan67
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan70
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan71
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan72
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan720
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan721
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan722
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan723
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan724
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan725
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan726
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan727
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan728
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan729
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan730
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan731
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan732
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan733
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan734
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan735
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan736
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan737
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan738
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan739
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan740
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan741
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan742
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan743
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan744
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan745
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan746
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan747
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan748
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan749
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan75
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan750
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan751
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan752
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan753
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan754
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan755
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan756
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan757
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan758
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan759
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan76
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan760
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan761
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan762
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan763
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan77
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan79
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan80
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan81
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan82
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan86
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan89
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan9
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan96
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan97
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan98
Streptococcus satellite phage Javan99
Streptomyces phage phiK38-1
Synechococcus cyanophage
Synechococcus phage JF-2018a
Synechococcus phage S
Synechococcus phage S-EIVl
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-02
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-03
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-04
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-07
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-08
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-10
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-11
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-12
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-14
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-15
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-16
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-19
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-20
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-21
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-24
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-27
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-28
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-29
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-30
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-31
Synechococcus phage SPGM99-39
Thermus phage 2119
Thermus phage 2631
Thermus phage G18
Thermus phage phiKo
Trialeurodes vaporariorum secondary endosymbiont phage
Vibrio alginolyticus VEN phage
Vibrio cholerae V86 phage
Vibrio phage 1032
Vibrio phage 4e
Vibrio phage 512
Vibrio phage 5312
Vibrio phage 5486
Vibrio phage 5e
Vibrio phage 6e
Vibrio phage CL40
Vibrio phage f237
Vibrio phage HybRS-Knphi
Vibrio phage KA-2007
Vibrio phage phiMOD2.33-NB
Vibrio phage phiMOD4.00-MOD2
Vibrio phage phiMOD4.00-OM
Vibrio phage phiMOD5.14-OM
Vibrio phage phiMOD5.18-NB
Vibrio phage phiNB9-OM
Vibrio phage phiST4-ST
Vibrio phage PLE1
Vibrio phage SB-2014a
Vibrio phage TLC-Kn1
Vibrio phage V039C
Vibrio phage ValB1 MD
Vibrio phage VCPH
Vibrio phage VH-P22
Vibrio phage VH1_2019
Virus-like particle CAK1
Wolbachia phage RCS-2010
Wolbachia phage WOcauB1
Wolbachia phage WOCauB2
Wolbachia phage WOCauB3
Wolbachia phage WOVitA1
Xanthomonas phage Bosa
Xanthomonas phage KF1
Xanthomonas phage Sopo
Xanthomonas phage Suba
Xanthomonas phage Tabio
Xanthomonas phage Tenjo
Xanthomonas phage XaF18
Xylella phage Bacata
Xylella phage Usme
Yersinia phage JL-2018a
20S RNA replicon
Alternaria tenuissima virus
Ancient caribou feces associated virus
Anopheline-associated C virus
Aphis glycines virus 1
Aquilegia virus
Arhar cryptic virus-I
Arhar cryptic virus-II
Aspergillus foetidus slow virus 2
Aspergillus foetidus slow virus 3
Avian virus YT-2014
Bat virus LHY-2013
BC white sturgeon virus
Betegovirus SF
Black grass cryptic virus 1
Black grass cryptic virus 2
Black grass varicosavirus-like virus
Brandmavirus UC1
Bufivirus UC1
Carascovirus SF1
Cassava frogskin associated virus
Chaetoceros virus YT-2008
Chara australis virus
Chimeric virus 14
Chorella virus
Citrus yellow vein-associated virus
Cladosporium cladosporioides virus 1
Culicine-associated Z virus
Cytospora sacchari RNA virus
Daphnia mendotae-associated RNA-DNA hybrid virus
Daphnia mendotae-associated satellite virus
Deer tick mononegavirales-like virus
Faustovirus D3
Faustovirus D5a
Faustovirus D5b
Faustovirus D6
Faustovirus E23
Faustovirus E24
Faustovirus Liban
Flame chlorosis virus-like agent
Fontaine Saint-Charles virus
Frog erythrocytic virus
Giant Blood Marseillevirus
Halovirus VNH-1
Insectomime virus V478
Ixodes scapularis associated virus 1
Ixodes scapularis associated virus 2
JDV virus
Killer virus of S.cerevisiae
Laverivirus UC1
Magnaporthe oryzae RNA virus
Micalovirus SF1
Mosquito VEM virus SDRBAJ
Naples virus
Nicotiana velutina mosaic virus
Non-A, non-B hepatitis virus
Papaya leaf curl Faisalabad virus
Parvo-like hybrid virus PHV-1
Parvo-like hybrid virus PHV-2
Parvo-like hybrid virus PHV-3
Penaeid rod-shaped DNA virus
Persimmon circular DNA virus
Phytophthora parasitica virus
Pigeon pea latent virus
Pigeonpea cryptic virus
Piper DNA virus 1
Piper DNA virus 2
Planaria asexual strain-specific virus-like element type 1
Planaria asexual strain-specific virus-like element type 2
Rhizoctonia fumigata mycovirus
Rhizoctonia virus RS002
Rodent stool-associated circular genome virus
Saint Floris virus
Salvia virus
Sewage-associated circular DNA virus-1
Sewage-associated circular DNA virus-10
Sewage-associated circular DNA virus-11
Sewage-associated circular DNA virus-12
Sewage-associated circular DNA virus-13
Sewage-associated circular DNA virus-14
Sewage-associated circular DNA virus-2
Sewage-associated circular DNA virus-3
Sewage-associated circular DNA virus-4
Sewage-associated circular DNA virus-5
Sewage-associated circular DNA virus-6
Sewage-associated circular DNA virus-7
Sewage-associated circular DNA virus-8
Switchgrass mosaic-associated virus 2
Tanay virus
Thalassionema nitzschioides DNA virus
Thika virus
Tick borne tetravirus-like virus
Tomato matilda virus
Tombunodavirus UC1
Twyford virus
unidentified virus
Ustilago maydis virus P1
Valsa cypri RNA virus
White button mushroom virus 1
428 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.