雄蟲 1.合胸金屬綠, 側邊有黃線; 2.攫握器污白色呈夾子狀。
雌蟲 1.合胸金屬綠,側邊有黃線; 2.腹末端粗鈍具產卵管。
稚蟲 1.觸角第二、三節長度類似。
透翅型雄蟲 1.中胸側縫有黃線; 2.翅痣黑色; 3.腹末端有藍粉, 攫握器黑色。
斑翅型雄蟲 1.翅中央三分之二區域為黑色; 2.翅尖端白色。
雌蟲 1.中胸側縫有黃線; 2.翅痣黃色; 3.腹末端粗, 側邊有大黃斑。
稚蟲 1.觸角第二節比第三節長甚多。
Male Conspicuous Malachite
Female Conspicuous Malachite
ale Elegant Malachite, camouflaged in deep shade
Male Elegant Malachite
Female Marbled Malachite
Male Marbled Malachite
Male Queen Malachite
Male Queen Malachite
emale Forest Malachite
Male Forest Malachite from EC with strongly banded wings
Male Drakensberg Malachite
Male Drakensberg Malachite
Female Basking Malachite
Male Basking Malachite with banded wings
Young male Mountain Malachite with green body and clear wings
Old male Mountain Malachite with copper body and banded wings