Delphinium peregrinum ye una yerba fanerógama de la familia de les Ranunculaceae. Los sos nomes comunes: דרבנית סגולה (hebréu), Violet Larkspur (inglés)
Tien tarmos erectos (15-) 30 a 80 cm, pruinosos, tou pubescentes o solo na base, con escames ascendentes. Fueyes 1 (-2) palmatisectas, con lineaduras llanceolaes; les cimeres enteres. Flores violeta intensa o violeta azulino. El periantu (4 pétalos) mínimamente pubescentes per fora, unu llateral de 7 a 10 mm, más curtiu que l'espolón. Los sépalos los más llargos qu'el periantu; ye 3 a 6 vegaes más llargu qu'anchu. Los frutos tienenmuchas granes pubescentes.
== Venenu Toles partes de la planta contién l'alcaloide delfinidina que ye bien tóxicu: vultures al inxerilo, si ye en grandes cantidaes provoca la muerte. En minúscules cantidaes, los estractos usar en medicina herbal peregrinum.
Albania, Arxel, Andorra, Bulgaria, Creta, Croacia, Islles East Aegean, Macedonia, Grecia, Israel, Palestina, Sierra Nevada.
Ye parasitada pola planta Cuscuta la Delphinium peregrinumDÍI=4254
Delphinium peregrinum ye una yerba fanerógama de la familia de les Ranunculaceae. Los sos nomes comunes: דרבנית סגולה (hebréu), Violet Larkspur (inglés)
Tien tarmos erectos (15-) 30 a 80 cm, pruinosos, tou pubescentes o solo na base, con escames ascendentes. Fueyes 1 (-2) palmatisectas, con lineaduras llanceolaes; les cimeres enteres. Flores violeta intensa o violeta azulino. El periantu (4 pétalos) mínimamente pubescentes per fora, unu llateral de 7 a 10 mm, más curtiu que l'espolón. Los sépalos los más llargos qu'el periantu; ye 3 a 6 vegaes más llargu qu'anchu. Los frutos tienenmuchas granes pubescentes.
== Venenu Toles partes de la planta contién l'alcaloide delfinidina que ye bien tóxicu: vultures al inxerilo, si ye en grandes cantidaes provoca la muerte. En minúscules cantidaes, los estractos usar en medicina herbal peregrinum.
L'esperó de cavaller (Delphinium peregrinum) és una espècie de planta herbàcia dins la família ranunculàcia.
Té tiges erectes de (15-) 30 a 80 cm, pruïnoses, completament pubescents o només en la base. Fulles 1 (-2) palmatisectes, les superiors enteres. Flors viola intens o viola blavenc. Els fruits tenen moltes llavors pubescents.
Totes les parts de la planta contenen l'alcaloide delfinidina que és molt tòxic: provoca vòmits i en grans quantitats provoquen la mort. En minúscules quantitats, els extractes s'usen en la medicina herbal peregrinum.
Albània, Algèria, Andorra, Bulgària, Creta, Croàcia, Illes East Aegean, Macedònia, Grècia, Israel, Palestina, Serra Nevada.
L'esperó de cavaller (Delphinium peregrinum) és una espècie de planta herbàcia dins la família ranunculàcia.
Té tiges erectes de (15-) 30 a 80 cm, pruïnoses, completament pubescents o només en la base. Fulles 1 (-2) palmatisectes, les superiors enteres. Flors viola intens o viola blavenc. Els fruits tenen moltes llavors pubescents.
Delphinium peregrinum, also commonly known as violet larkspur, is a Eurasian flowering plant, belonging to the genus Delphinium, endemic to Turkey, the Eastern Mediterranean and Western Irano-Turanian region, bearing an erect, annual stem with glabrous compound leaves and reaching a height of 27–35 cm. The plant, which blossoms between April and August, bears five colorful sepals (calyx), petaloid, the posterior sepal spurred, the two lateral sepals and the two lower sepals without spurs; while the anterior sepals can either be fused or separated.[1] The inflorescence (corollas) are sparsely arranged, irregular, and are borne on long pedicels subtended by bracts.
The plant is readily recognized by its deep purple to lavender-coloured flowers which resemble scorpion tails (scorpioid). Flowers are pollinated by bumblebees.
The taxonomic name of the genus Delphinium is derived from the Greek word delphis meaning, dolphin, as the flower's shape was thought by the ancients to resemble a dolphin.[2] The Modern Hebrew name given for this genus (dorbanit) takes its name from the flower's pointed-tail which resembles a long spur.[3]
The plant grows in heavy soils, in fields where there is ample sunlight and where there is plenty of rainfall.[3] In Israel / Palestine, it also grows on chalkstone terraces, as well as on loess soil.[3] It is found growing in, both, cultivated and uncultivated fields, in garrigue, and in almost every place of the country.[1]
The stems, bulbous root, seeds (contained within 1–5 separate follicles) and leaves of the plant all contain toxins, namely, saponins and alkaloids that act on the nervous system and suppress it. The toxins are harmful to livestock when consumed by them, and have been known to pass through drinking milk, or by eating the flesh of animals that have eaten from the plant.
Medieval physician, Al-Tamimi, mentions a plant of its description growing in Palestine, and where he states that in Greater Syria (the Levant) the plant was given as an antidote to those bitten by venomous snakes and to persons stung by scorpions, the plant being ingested by them in the form of an elixir or potion, and the neurological reaction being such that it automatically cured all patients bitten or stung by these venomous creatures.[4] Science today has yet to test the effects of the plant's toxins on treating snake-bites.
A similar species of Delphinium grows in the Levant, viz., Delphinium ithaburense (Boiss.), which is distinct from its sister the violet larkspur by its fleshy-pink colour and hairy flowers.[1]
Delphinium peregrinum, also commonly known as violet larkspur, is a Eurasian flowering plant, belonging to the genus Delphinium, endemic to Turkey, the Eastern Mediterranean and Western Irano-Turanian region, bearing an erect, annual stem with glabrous compound leaves and reaching a height of 27–35 cm. The plant, which blossoms between April and August, bears five colorful sepals (calyx), petaloid, the posterior sepal spurred, the two lateral sepals and the two lower sepals without spurs; while the anterior sepals can either be fused or separated. The inflorescence (corollas) are sparsely arranged, irregular, and are borne on long pedicels subtended by bracts.
The plant is readily recognized by its deep purple to lavender-coloured flowers which resemble scorpion tails (scorpioid). Flowers are pollinated by bumblebees.
Delphinium peregrinum es una hierba fanerógama de la familia Ranunculaceae. Sus nombres comunes: דרבנית סגולה (hebreo), "violet larkspur" (inglés)
Tiene tallos erectos (15-) 30 a 80 cm, pruinosos, todo pubescentes o solo en la base, con escamas ascendentes. Hojas 1 (-2) palmatisectas, con lineaduras lanceoladas; las superiores enteras. Flores violeta intensa o violeta azulino. El perianto (4 pétalos) mínimamente pubescentes por fuera, uno lateral de 7 a 10 mm, más corto que el espolón. Los sépalos más largos que el perianto; es 3 a 6 veces más largo que ancho. Los frutos tienenmuchas semillas pubescentes.
Todas las partes de la planta contiene el alcaloide delfinidina que es muy tóxico: vómitos al ingerirlo, si es en grandes cantidades provoca la muerte. En minúsculas cantidades, los extractos se usan en medicina herbal peregrinum.
Albania, Argel, Andorra, Bulgaria, Creta, Croacia, Islas East Aegean, Macedonia, Grecia, Israel, Palestina, Sierra Nevada.
Es parasitada por la planta Cuscuta.ID=4254
Delphinium peregrinum es una hierba fanerógama de la familia Ranunculaceae. Sus nombres comunes: דרבנית סגולה (hebreo), "violet larkspur" (inglés)
Tiene tallos erectos (15-) 30 a 80 cm, pruinosos, todo pubescentes o solo en la base, con escamas ascendentes. Hojas 1 (-2) palmatisectas, con lineaduras lanceoladas; las superiores enteras. Flores violeta intensa o violeta azulino. El perianto (4 pétalos) mínimamente pubescentes por fuera, uno lateral de 7 a 10 mm, más corto que el espolón. Los sépalos más largos que el perianto; es 3 a 6 veces más largo que ancho. Los frutos tienenmuchas semillas pubescentes.
Delphinium peregrinum là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Mao lương. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753.[1]
Delphinium peregrinum là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Mao lương. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753.