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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Myxosporean Parasites
Cellular Organisms
Myxosporean Parasites
Ceratomyxa honckenii Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Ceratomyxa honckenii Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Register of Marine Species
Ceratomyxa honckenii
Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Ceratomyxa honckenii Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
World Register of Marine Species
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Ceratomyxa honckenii Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Myxozoa (Grassé 1970)
Myxosporea Bütschli 1881
Bivalvulida Shulman 1959
Variisporina Lom & Noble 1984
Ceratomyxidae Doflein 1899
Ceratomyxa Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa honckenii Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
(this page)
Ceratomyxa abbreviata Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa acanthopagri (Zhao & Song 2003)
Ceratomyxa acanthuri Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa adeli (Bakay & Grudnev 1998)
Ceratomyxa aggregata Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa agilis Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa allantoidea Gaevskaya & Kovaljova 1984
Ceratomyxa amatea (Aseeva 2001)
Ceratomyxa ammodytis Zhao & Song 2003
Ceratomyxa ampla (Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudnev 2002)
Ceratomyxa anguillae Tuzet & Ormieres 1957
Ceratomyxa angusta Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa annulata (Meglitsch 1960)
Ceratomyxa antarctica Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudnev 2002
Ceratomyxa apogoni (Narasimhamurti, Kalavati, Anuradha & Padma Dorothy 1990)
Ceratomyxa appendiculata Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa arcuata Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa artedielli Polyanskii 1955
Ceratomyxa aspera Aseeva 2003
Ceratomyxa attenuata Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa auerbachi Kabata 1962
Ceratomyxa azonusi Aseeva 2003
Ceratomyxa beloneae Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix 1989
Ceratomyxa beveridgei (Moser, Kent & Dennis 1989)
Ceratomyxa bryanti Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa burgerae Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa californica Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa capricornensis Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa castigata Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa castigatoides Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa centriscopsi Gunter & Adlard 2010
Ceratomyxa chromis Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix 1989
Ceratomyxa coelorhyncha (Yoshino & Noble 1973)
Ceratomyxa constricta (Fujita 1923)
Ceratomyxa coris Georgévitch 1916
Ceratomyxa cottoidii Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
Ceratomyxa crassa Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa cribbi Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa declivis Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa dehoopi Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
Ceratomyxa dennisi Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa diplodae Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix 1989
Ceratomyxa dissimilaris Narasimhamurti, Kalavati, Anuradha & Padma Dorothy 1990
Ceratomyxa drepanopsettae Averintzev 1908
Ceratomyxa dubia Dunkerley 1921
Ceratomyxa durusa Aseeva 2003
Ceratomyxa elegans Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa ellipsoidea Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudney 2002
Ceratomyxa elongata (Thélohan 1895)
Ceratomyxa etrumuci (Dogiel 1948)
Ceratomyxa faba Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa falcatus Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa fisheri Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa fistulariae Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa flexa Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa fujitai Gunter & Adlard 2010
Ceratomyxa galeata Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa gemmaphora Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa gibba Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa globulifera Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa hama Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa herouardi Georgévitch 1916
Ceratomyxa hokarari Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa hopkinsi Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa inaequalis Doflein 1898
Ceratomyxa inconstans Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa insolita Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa intexua Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa inversa Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa labracis Sitjá-Bobadilla & Alvarez-Pellitero 1993
Ceratomyxa lata Dunkerley 1921
Ceratomyxa laxa Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa linospora Doflein 1898
Ceratomyxa longispina Petruschewsky 1932
Ceratomyxa macrospora (Auerbach 1909)
Ceratomyxa maenae Georgévitch 1929
Ceratomyxa markewitchi Iskov & Karataev 1984
Ceratomyxa maxima Gaevskaya & Kovaljova 1980
Ceratomyxa merlangi Zaika 1966
Ceratomyxa minuta Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa moenei Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa nitida Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa orientalis (Dogiel 1948)
Ceratomyxa pallida Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa parva (Thélohan 1895)
Ceratomyxa peculiaria Yurakhno 1991
Ceratomyxa polymorpha (Labbé 1899)
Ceratomyxa ramosa Averintzev 1908
Ceratomyxa recta Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa renalis Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa scorpaenarum Labbé 1899
Ceratomyxa sparusaurati Sitjá-Bobadilla Palenzuela & Alvarez-Pellitero 1995
Ceratomyxa sphaerulosa Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa subtilis Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa tenuispora Kabata 1960
Ceratomyxa torquata Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa trichiuri Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa truncata Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa uncinata Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa vepallida Meglitsch 1960
66 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Myxosporea Bütschli 1881
Bivalvulida Shulman 1959
Variisporina Lom & Noble 1984
Ceratomyxidae Doflein 1899
Ceratomyxa Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa honckenii Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
(this page)
Ceratomyxa abbreviata Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa acanthopagri (Zhao & Song 2003)
Ceratomyxa adeli (Bakay & Grudnev 1998)
Ceratomyxa aggregata Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa amatea (Aseeva 2001)
Ceratomyxa ampla (Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudnev 2002)
Ceratomyxa anguillae Tuzet & Ormieres 1957
Ceratomyxa angusta Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa annulata (Meglitsch 1960)
Ceratomyxa antarctica Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudnev 2002
Ceratomyxa apogoni (Narasimhamurti, Kalavati, Anuradha & Padma Dorothy 1990)
Ceratomyxa aspera Aseeva 2003
Ceratomyxa attenuata Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa auerbachi Kabata 1962
Ceratomyxa azonusi Aseeva 2003
Ceratomyxa beveridgei (Moser, Kent & Dennis 1989)
Ceratomyxa bryanti Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa burgerae Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa californica Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa capricornensis Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa castigata Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa castigatoides Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa centriscopsi Gunter & Adlard 2010
Ceratomyxa coelorhyncha (Yoshino & Noble 1973)
Ceratomyxa constricta (Fujita 1923)
Ceratomyxa cottoidii Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
Ceratomyxa crassa Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa cribbi Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa declivis Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa dehoopi Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
Ceratomyxa dennisi Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa dissimilaris Narasimhamurti, Kalavati, Anuradha & Padma Dorothy 1990
Ceratomyxa durusa Aseeva 2003
Ceratomyxa ellipsoidea Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudney 2002
Ceratomyxa elongata (Thélohan 1895)
Ceratomyxa faba Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa falcatus Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa fisheri Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa fistulariae Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa flexa Evdokimova 1977
Ceratomyxa flexa Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa fujitai Gunter & Adlard 2010
Ceratomyxa galeata Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa gemmaphora Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa ghaffari Ali, Abdel-Baki & Sakran 2006
Ceratomyxa gibba Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa gracilis Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa hama Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa hepseti (Thélohan 1895)
Ceratomyxa hokarari Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa hungarica Molnar 1992
Ceratomyxa inconstans Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa informis (Auerbach 1910)
Ceratomyxa insolita Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa intexua Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa inversa Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa jamesoni Kudo 1933
Ceratomyxa kenti Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa kovaljovae (Bakay & Grudnev 1998)
Ceratomyxa lagocephali Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa latesi (Chakravarty 1943)
Ceratomyxa laxa Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa lepidopusi Gunter & Adlard 2010
Ceratomyxa lianoides Aseeva 2003
Ceratomyxa limandae Fujita 1923
Ceratomyxa linospora Doflein 1898
Ceratomyxa longipes (Auerbach 1910)
Ceratomyxa lophii Afonso-Dias, Kalavati, MacKenzie & MacKenzie 2007
Ceratomyxa lovei Gunter & Adlard 2010
Ceratomyxa lubati Gunter & Adlard 2010
Ceratomyxa lunata Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa lunula Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa macroformis (Gaevskaya & Kovaljova 1984)
Ceratomyxa macronesi (Chakravarty 1943)
Ceratomyxa macrouridonum Gunter & Adlard 2010
Ceratomyxa mesospora Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa minima (Meglitsch 1960)
Ceratomyxa minuta Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa moenei Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa moseri Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa mylionis (Ishizaki 1960)
Ceratomyxa nebulifera (Zhao & Song 2003)
Ceratomyxa nitida Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa noblei Gunter & Adlard 2010
Ceratomyxa obesa Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa orthospora Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudney 2002
Ceratomyxa physiculusi Gunter & Adlard 2010
Ceratomyxa pinguis (Meglitsch 1960)
Ceratomyxa platichthytis (Fujita 1923)
Ceratomyxa priacanthi Kalavati, Dorothy & Pandian 2002
Ceratomyxa rara Kovaljova, Gaevskaya & Krasin 1986
Ceratomyxa recta Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa recurvata Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa renalis Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa reticularis Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa sagarsampadae Narasimhamurti, Kalavati, Anuradha & Padma Dorothy 1990
Ceratomyxa scissura (Davis 1917)
Ceratomyxa sewelli Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa sphairophora Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa tenuispora Kabata 1960
59 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Ceratomyxa honckenii Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
(this page)
Ceratomyxa abbreviata Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa acanthopagri (Zhao & Song 2003)
Ceratomyxa acanthuri Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa adeli (Bakay & Grudnev 1998)
Ceratomyxa aggregata Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa agilis Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa allantoidea Gaevskaya & Kovaljova 1984
Ceratomyxa amatea (Aseeva 2001)
Ceratomyxa ammodytis Zhao & Song 2003
Ceratomyxa ampla (Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudnev 2002)
Ceratomyxa anguillae Tuzet & Ormieres 1957
Ceratomyxa angusta Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa annulata (Meglitsch 1960)
Ceratomyxa antarctica Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudnev 2002
Ceratomyxa apogoni (Narasimhamurti, Kalavati, Anuradha & Padma Dorothy 1990)
Ceratomyxa appendiculata Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa arcuata Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa artedielli Polyanskii 1955
Ceratomyxa aspera Aseeva 2003
Ceratomyxa attenuata Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa auerbachi Kabata 1962
Ceratomyxa azonusi Aseeva 2003
Ceratomyxa beloneae Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix 1989
Ceratomyxa beveridgei (Moser, Kent & Dennis 1989)
Ceratomyxa bryanti Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa burgerae Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa californica Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa capricornensis Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa castigata Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa castigatoides Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa centriscopsi Gunter & Adlard 2010
Ceratomyxa chromis Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix 1989
Ceratomyxa coelorhyncha (Yoshino & Noble 1973)
Ceratomyxa constricta (Fujita 1923)
Ceratomyxa coris Georgévitch 1916
Ceratomyxa cottoidii Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
Ceratomyxa crassa Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa cribbi Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa declivis Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa dehoopi Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
Ceratomyxa dennisi Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa diplodae Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix 1989
Ceratomyxa dissimilaris Narasimhamurti, Kalavati, Anuradha & Padma Dorothy 1990
Ceratomyxa drepanopsettae Averintzev 1908
Ceratomyxa dubia Dunkerley 1921
Ceratomyxa durusa Aseeva 2003
Ceratomyxa elegans Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa ellipsoidea Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudney 2002
Ceratomyxa elongata (Thélohan 1895)
Ceratomyxa etrumuci (Dogiel 1948)
Ceratomyxa faba Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa falcatus Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa fisheri Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa fistulariae Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa flexa Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa fujitai Gunter & Adlard 2010
Ceratomyxa galeata Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa gemmaphora Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa gibba Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa globulifera Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa hama Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa herouardi Georgévitch 1916
Ceratomyxa hokarari Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa hopkinsi Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa inaequalis Doflein 1898
Ceratomyxa inconstans Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa insolita Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa intexua Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa inversa Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa labracis Sitjá-Bobadilla & Alvarez-Pellitero 1993
Ceratomyxa lata Dunkerley 1921
Ceratomyxa laxa Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa linospora Doflein 1898
Ceratomyxa longispina Petruschewsky 1932
Ceratomyxa macrospora (Auerbach 1909)
Ceratomyxa maenae Georgévitch 1929
Ceratomyxa markewitchi Iskov & Karataev 1984
Ceratomyxa maxima Gaevskaya & Kovaljova 1980
Ceratomyxa merlangi Zaika 1966
Ceratomyxa minuta Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa moenei Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa nitida Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa orientalis (Dogiel 1948)
Ceratomyxa pallida Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa parva (Thélohan 1895)
Ceratomyxa peculiaria Yurakhno 1991
Ceratomyxa polymorpha (Labbé 1899)
Ceratomyxa ramosa Averintzev 1908
Ceratomyxa recta Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa renalis Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa scorpaenarum Labbé 1899
Ceratomyxa sparusaurati Sitjá-Bobadilla Palenzuela & Alvarez-Pellitero 1995
Ceratomyxa sphaerulosa Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa subtilis Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa tenuispora Kabata 1960
Ceratomyxa torquata Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa trichiuri Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa truncata Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa uncinata Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa vepallida Meglitsch 1960
66 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Ceratomyxa honckenii Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
(this page)
Ceratomyxa abbreviata Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa acanthopagri (Zhao & Song 2003)
Ceratomyxa acanthuri Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa adeli (Bakay & Grudnev 1998)
Ceratomyxa aggregata Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa agilis Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa allantoidea Gaevskaya & Kovaljova 1984
Ceratomyxa amatea (Aseeva 2001)
Ceratomyxa ammodytis Zhao & Song 2003
Ceratomyxa ampla (Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudnev 2002)
Ceratomyxa anguillae Tuzet & Ormieres 1957
Ceratomyxa angusta Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa annulata (Meglitsch 1960)
Ceratomyxa antarctica Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudnev 2002
Ceratomyxa apogoni (Narasimhamurti, Kalavati, Anuradha & Padma Dorothy 1990)
Ceratomyxa appendiculata Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa arcuata Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa artedielli Polyanskii 1955
Ceratomyxa aspera Aseeva 2003
Ceratomyxa attenuata Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa auerbachi Kabata 1962
Ceratomyxa azonusi Aseeva 2003
Ceratomyxa beloneae Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix 1989
Ceratomyxa beveridgei (Moser, Kent & Dennis 1989)
Ceratomyxa bryanti Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa burgerae Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa californica Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa capricornensis Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa castigata Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa castigatoides Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa centriscopsi Gunter & Adlard 2010
Ceratomyxa chromis Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix 1989
Ceratomyxa coelorhyncha (Yoshino & Noble 1973)
Ceratomyxa constricta (Fujita 1923)
Ceratomyxa coris Georgévitch 1916
Ceratomyxa cottoidii Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
Ceratomyxa crassa Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa cribbi Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa declivis Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa dehoopi Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
Ceratomyxa dennisi Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa diplodae Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix 1989
Ceratomyxa dissimilaris Narasimhamurti, Kalavati, Anuradha & Padma Dorothy 1990
Ceratomyxa drepanopsettae Averintzev 1908
Ceratomyxa dubia Dunkerley 1921
Ceratomyxa durusa Aseeva 2003
Ceratomyxa elegans Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa ellipsoidea Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudney 2002
Ceratomyxa elongata (Thélohan 1895)
Ceratomyxa etrumuci (Dogiel 1948)
Ceratomyxa faba Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa falcatus Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa fisheri Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa fistulariae Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa flexa Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa fujitai Gunter & Adlard 2010
Ceratomyxa galeata Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa gemmaphora Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa gibba Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa globulifera Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa hama Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa herouardi Georgévitch 1916
Ceratomyxa hokarari Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa hopkinsi Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa inaequalis Doflein 1898
Ceratomyxa inconstans Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa insolita Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa intexua Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa inversa Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa labracis Sitjá-Bobadilla & Alvarez-Pellitero 1993
Ceratomyxa lata Dunkerley 1921
Ceratomyxa laxa Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa linospora Doflein 1898
Ceratomyxa longispina Petruschewsky 1932
Ceratomyxa macrospora (Auerbach 1909)
Ceratomyxa maenae Georgévitch 1929
Ceratomyxa markewitchi Iskov & Karataev 1984
Ceratomyxa maxima Gaevskaya & Kovaljova 1980
Ceratomyxa merlangi Zaika 1966
Ceratomyxa minuta Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa moenei Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa nitida Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa orientalis (Dogiel 1948)
Ceratomyxa pallida Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa parva (Thélohan 1895)
Ceratomyxa peculiaria Yurakhno 1991
Ceratomyxa polymorpha (Labbé 1899)
Ceratomyxa ramosa Averintzev 1908
Ceratomyxa recta Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa renalis Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa scorpaenarum Labbé 1899
Ceratomyxa sparusaurati Sitjá-Bobadilla Palenzuela & Alvarez-Pellitero 1995
Ceratomyxa sphaerulosa Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa subtilis Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa tenuispora Kabata 1960
Ceratomyxa torquata Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa trichiuri Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa truncata Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa uncinata Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa vepallida Meglitsch 1960
66 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Ceratomyxa Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa honckenii Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
(this page)
Ceratomyxa acanthuri Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa adeli (Bakay & Grudnev 1998)
Ceratomyxa aggregata Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa agilis Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa allantoidea Gaevskaya & Kovaljova 1984
Ceratomyxa amatea (Aseeva 2001)
Ceratomyxa ammodytis Zhao & Song 2003
Ceratomyxa ampla (Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudnev 2002)
Ceratomyxa anguillae Tuzet & Ormieres 1957
Ceratomyxa angusta Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa annulata (Meglitsch 1960)
Ceratomyxa antarctica Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudnev 2002
Ceratomyxa apogoni (Narasimhamurti, Kalavati, Anuradha & Padma Dorothy 1990)
Ceratomyxa appendiculata Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa arcuata Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa artedielli Polyanskii 1955
Ceratomyxa auerbachi Kabata 1962
Ceratomyxa beloneae Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix 1989
Ceratomyxa castigata Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa castigatoides Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa chromis Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix 1989
Ceratomyxa constricta Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa coris Georgévitch 1916
Ceratomyxa declivis Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa diplodae Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix 1989
Ceratomyxa drepanopsettae Averintzev 1908
Ceratomyxa dubia Dunkerley 1921
Ceratomyxa elegans Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa ellipsoidea Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudney 2002
Ceratomyxa elongata Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa etrumuci (Dogiel 1948)
Ceratomyxa faba Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa flexa Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa galeata Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa gemmaphora Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa ghaffari Ali, Abdel-Baki & Sakran 2006
Ceratomyxa gibba Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa globulifera Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa hama Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa hepseti (Thélohan 1895)
Ceratomyxa herouardi Georgévitch 1916
Ceratomyxa hokarari Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa hopkinsi Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa huanghaiensis Zhao & Song 2003
Ceratomyxa inaequalis Doflein 1898
Ceratomyxa inconstans Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa informis (Auerbach 1910)
Ceratomyxa insolita Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa intexua Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa inversa Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa kovaljovae (Bakay & Grudnev 1998)
Ceratomyxa labracis Sitjá-Bobadilla & Alvarez-Pellitero 1993
Ceratomyxa lata Dunkerley 1921
Ceratomyxa lateolabracis Zhao & Song 2003
Ceratomyxa latesi (Chakravarty 1943)
Ceratomyxa laxa Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa lepidopusi Gunter & Adlard 2010
Ceratomyxa limandae Fujita 1923
Ceratomyxa linospora Doflein 1898
Ceratomyxa longispina Petruschewsky 1932
Ceratomyxa maenae Georgévitch 1929
Ceratomyxa markewitchi Iskov & Karataev 1984
Ceratomyxa maxima Gaevskaya & Kovaljova 1980
Ceratomyxa merlangi Zaika 1966
Ceratomyxa minuta Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa moenei Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa myxocephala Aseeva 2002
Ceratomyxa nebulifera (Zhao & Song 2003)
Ceratomyxa nitida Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa noblei Gunter & Adlard 2010
Ceratomyxa nototheniae Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudney 2002
Ceratomyxa opisthocornata (Evdokimova 1977)
Ceratomyxa orientalis (Dogiel 1948)
Ceratomyxa orthospora Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudney 2002
Ceratomyxa ovalis (Kovaljova & Gaevskaya 1983)
Ceratomyxa pallida Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa parva (Thélohan 1895)
Ceratomyxa peculiaria Yurakhno 1991
Ceratomyxa pegusae (Kpatcha, Diebakate & Toguebaye 1996)
Ceratomyxa platichthys (Fujita 1923)
Ceratomyxa polymorpha Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa priacanthi Kalavati, Dorothy & Pandian 2002
Ceratomyxa quingdaoensis Zhao & Song 2003
Ceratomyxa ramosa Averintzev 1908
Ceratomyxa recta Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa renalis Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa reticulata Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa scorpaenarum Labbé 1899
Ceratomyxa sparusaurati Sitjá-Bobadilla Palenzuela & Alvarez-Pellitero 1995
Ceratomyxa sphaerulosa Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa sphairophora Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa subtilis Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa tenuispora Kabata 1960
Ceratomyxa thunni Mladineo & Bocina 2006
Ceratomyxa torquata Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa trichiuri Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa truncata Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa uncinata Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa vepallida Meglitsch 1960
Ceratomyxa vikrami (Tripathi 1948)
54 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
World Register of Marine Species
Ceratomyxa honckenii Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
(this page)
Ceratomyxa acadiensis Mavor 1915
Ceratomyxa acanthuri Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa agilis Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa allantoidea Gaevskaya & Kovaljova 1984
Ceratomyxa anguillae Tuzet & Ormieres 1957
Ceratomyxa appendiculata Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa arcuata Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa artedielli Polyanskii 1955
Ceratomyxa aspera Aseeva 2003
Ceratomyxa attenuata Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa auerbachi Kabata 1962
Ceratomyxa azonusi Aseeva 2003
Ceratomyxa bassoni Abdel-Ghaffar, Ali, Al Quraishy, Al Rasheid, Al Farraj, Abdel-Baki & Bashtar 2008
Ceratomyxa batam Qiao, Shao, Pengsakul, Chen, Zheng, Wu & Hardjo 2019
Ceratomyxa beloneae Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix 1989
Ceratomyxa bryanti Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa burgerae Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa californica Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa cantopona Sarkar 2010
Ceratomyxa capricornensis Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa chromis Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix 1989
Ceratomyxa coris Georgévitch 1916
Ceratomyxa costata Aseeva 2001
Ceratomyxa cottoidii Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
Ceratomyxa crassa Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa cribbi Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa dehoopi Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova 2007
Ceratomyxa dennisi Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa diplodae Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix 1989
Ceratomyxa dissimilaris Narasimhamurti, Kalavati, Anuradha & Padma Dorothy 1990
Ceratomyxa drepanopsettae Averintzev 1908
Ceratomyxa dubia Dunkerley 1921
Ceratomyxa durusa Aseeva 2003
Ceratomyxa elegans Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa entzerothi Abdel-Ghaffar, Ali, Al Quraishy, Al Rasheid, Al Farraj, Abdel-Baki & Bashtar 2008
Ceratomyxa falcatus Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa fistulariae Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa flexa Evdokimova 1977
Ceratomyxa globulifera Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa gracilis Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa herouardi Georgévitch 1916
Ceratomyxa hopkinsi Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa huanghaiensis Yuanjun & Weibo 2003
Ceratomyxa hurghadensis Abdel-Ghaffar, Ali, Al Quraishy, Al Rasheid, Al Farraj, Abdel-Baki & Bashtar 2008
Ceratomyxa inaequalis Doflein 1898
Ceratomyxa informis (Auerbach 1910)
Ceratomyxa jamesoni Kudo 1933
Ceratomyxa kenti Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa labracis Sitjá-Bobadilla & Alvarez-Pellitero 1993
Ceratomyxa lagocephali Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa lata Dunkerley 1921
Ceratomyxa lianoides Aseeva 2003
Ceratomyxa linospora Doflein 1898
Ceratomyxa lobata Evdokimova 1977
Ceratomyxa longispina Petruschewsky 1932
Ceratomyxa lophii Afonso-Dias, Kalavati, MacKenzie & MacKenzie 2007
Ceratomyxa lunata Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa lunula Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa macrospora (Auerbach 1909)
Ceratomyxa maenae Georgévitch 1929
Ceratomyxa mai Yang, Huang, Atkinson, Bartholomew, Ma & Zhao 2023
Ceratomyxa markewitchi Iskov & Karataev 1984
Ceratomyxa maxima Gaevskaya & Kovaljova 1980
Ceratomyxa merlangi Zaika 1966
Ceratomyxa mesospora Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa moseri Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa obesa Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa orientalis (Dogiel 1948)
Ceratomyxa pallida Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa parva (Thélohan 1895)
Ceratomyxa peculiaria Yurakhno 1991
Ceratomyxa platichthytis (Fujita 1923)
Ceratomyxa ramosa Averintzev 1908
Ceratomyxa rara Kovaljova, Gaevskaya & Krasin 1986
Ceratomyxa recurvata Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa reticularis Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa rohdei Moser, Kent & Dennis 1989
Ceratomyxa sagarsampadae Narasimhamurti, Kalavati, Anuradha & Padma Dorothy 1990
Ceratomyxa saurida Zhao, Al-Farraj, Al-Rasheid & Song 2015
Ceratomyxa scophthalmi Özer, Gürkanlı, Okkay, Çiftçi & Yurakhno 2022
Ceratomyxa scorpaenarum Labbé 1899
Ceratomyxa sebasta Moser, Love & Jensen 1976
Ceratomyxa sewelli Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa spari Awerinzew 1913
Ceratomyxa sparusaurati Sitjá-Bobadilla Palenzuela & Alvarez-Pellitero 1995
Ceratomyxa sphaerulosa Thélohan 1892
Ceratomyxa sphairophora Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa sprenti Moser, Kent & Dennis 1989
Ceratomyxa starksi Jameson 1929
Ceratomyxa swaisi Abdel-Ghaffar, Ali, Al Quraishy, Al Rasheid, Al Farraj, Abdel-Baki & Bashtar 2008
Ceratomyxa syacii Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa taenia Davis 1917
Ceratomyxa talboti Gunter & Adlard 2008
Ceratomyxa tenuispora Kabata 1960
Ceratomyxa thrissoclesi Padma Dorothy, Kalavati & Vaidchi 1998
Ceratomyxa trachinocephali Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa trichiuri Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye 1996
Ceratomyxa truncata Thélohan 1895
Ceratomyxa tylosuri Awerinzew 1913
Ceratomyxa venusa Jameson 1931
103 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.